Friday, May 9, 2014

And of course, as it should be, there is a price to pay for three-dimensional ad. The price differe

Advertising that catches the eye! | Ample Brazil Advertising eye popping! | Think Broad
Ads in the back of buses are a traditional marketing strategy already existing for over 100 years and with high visibility for advertisers. Thinking about further enhance the power of this media, Frontti, the company responsible for the management, marketing and placement of advertising space of the bus in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, has launched a new format to the rear of the bus: 3D Backbus.
The project consists of the conventional ad impression plain cigarette packaging over the use of high density polystyrene, glued with a special tape. The visual effect generated by the piece really draws attention and provides advertisers a multitude of creative ideas. The company's intention is that with the arrival plain cigarette packaging of the World Cup, the ads still gain more visibility and companies to engage in new communication plain cigarette packaging strategies, such as 3D Backbus.
And of course, as it should be, there is a price to pay for three-dimensional ad. The price difference varies with the use of high density Styrofoam, but the advert below eg cost R $ 960.00 nearly four times more than it would cost if it were a conventional format, that goes for R $ 280,00. Anyway is another new option and it is for advertisers to evaluate the cost benefit of this new project.

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