Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hasije Selishta Kryeziu WPS (Pristina, Kosovo) how to make honey comb Agron Shele IWA WPS (Belgium)

Zija Cela | galaxy Poetry "ATUNIS"
HOME BY PETER TASE actuality EDITIORIAL how to make honey comb Albanian literature / Private how to make honey comb standards POETRY prose translation LITERATURE AND CRITICISM ESSE publication, the authors INTERVIEW BLOCK ACTIVITIES NEWS / NEWS galaxy Poetry "ATUNIS" how to make honey comb literary prize BOARD "Frang Bardhi" MAGAZINE "ATUNIS"
He studied how to make honey comb Albanian language and literature at the University of Tirana.
Zija Cela is one of the most famous writers in Albanian literature today. Born in Donegal, after completing undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Language, Literature, appointed teacher in the district of Kukes. Here he will write many stories, which is summed up in his first volume of which was very well received by the Albanian reader. Author realistic stories full of youthful inspiration, as far as can be spoken for implementation at the time when the art of literature strictly controlled, in his particular style of stories like "We how to make honey comb live in Has" will appear before the reader with volumes of New to consolidate his show as a writer. Success brought literary writer Ziya Cela life lost and sombre province, the center of art and literature in the capital, Tirana, leading newspaper "Light" for several years in a row. Zija Cela teller is not only novel but also a successful author and one of the most productive among contemporary authors and readers read from Albania. His work with the latest "My blood is dark" is somewhat different from the previous creativity. The author in this work abstracts of reality, fantasy is full of dreamers who leads by one idea to another, from one space to another, even from the small Adriatic Albania, from a prefabricated block walls near Kinostudio Albafilm up Argentina distant, to meet (always very abstract) how to make honey comb art deliverer of literature in this Latin American country. For lack of pages of prose to this author prepared for Internet readers Shkoder.net ... but was present recensen of mucin Virgil "Who has not been in Buenos!" Published in the journal "Klan" for the new book by novelist known Shkodra Zija Cela "My blood is dark." Titles of works
Stars on the river (1971) Life in our house (1974) January Doves (1979) A summer without goodbye - novel (1979) Bulletin of snow - novel (1984) Selected Stories - novel (1987) Eclipse and other fiction - novel (1987) Mount Sheer - novel (1989) dallëndyshes how to make honey comb Blood (1990) Half Xhokondës (1992) Currency of Love (1995) The house of rabbits - dram (1990) A word with the permission of God (1995) infirmity of the Moon - Las Varrezas novel - novel SOS, a smile - novel
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Hasije Selishta Kryeziu WPS (Pristina, Kosovo) how to make honey comb Agron Shele IWA WPS (Belgium) Peter Tase (USA) Raimonda IWA Moses (USA) Silvana Berki (Finland) Ariadna Sayer worls Poetry (USA) Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy (India) Gunsel Djemal, (Cyprus, Turkey, England) Enertin Dheskali (Fier, Abania) Prof. Muhammad Shanazar (Rawalpindi, Pakistan) Anna Kove (Tirana, Albania) Nelton bereti (Tirana, Albania) Sinan Vakat WPS (Italy) Dr.. Eftichia Kapardeli IWA (Greece) Klarita Salman (Crete, Greece) Shefqete Goslaci (Pristina, Kosovo) Lumo Kolleshi WPS (Përmet, Albania) Kamaberi Rami (Macedonia) Anton Gojcaj (Montenegro) how to make honey comb Bilal Maliqi (Presevo) Neha Hoxha (Prishtina, Kosovo) But Jaku (Pristina, Kosovo)
HOME BY PETER TASE actuality how to make honey comb EDITIORIAL Albanian literature / Private standards POETRY prose translation LITERATURE AND CRITICISM ESSE publication, the authors INTERVIEW BLOCK ACTIVITIES NEWS / NEWS galaxy Poetry "ATUNIS" literary prize BOARD "Frang Bardhi" MAGAZINE "ATUNIS"
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