Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Agreement on Trade in Services, the surface cut foam is open 64 Taiwan, mainland to Taiwan open

Ming Pao first few weeks, central Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou to win over local factions, specially modified method of accounting provisions, cut foam as reported to the central accounting fraud of several important figures factions corruption corruption decriminalization, the Macedonian Government on the case is entirely few people secretly decided that the secret operation, carried out raids in the Legislative Yuan, which quickly passed. The case is passed, the Taiwan public outcry, because the case there are complications arise, the final decision to the Legislative Yuan for reconsideration and passed. This means that the case is not passed by the Legislative Yuan. Ma administration brains, budget-conscious effort completely cut foam wasted. The case shows that a government if not honorable, just a few secret operation may eventually cause public backlash, making the case completely overturned, but is done in a virtual work.
Ma administration has so far signed 18 agreements on both sides, most of them economic and trade agreements. Behavior in the international trade, when a country more open, it will surely result in the removal and hollowing out of industry, so a capable government, at the same time inevitably more open to heavy economic transformation, when they have a transition upgrade, open the disadvantages will be reduced. Tajima Government will only passive open, do not take the initiative to upgrade and therefore strengthen cross-strait economic and trade relations has been caused only a worsening of Taiwan's economy, heavily out of Taiwan, Taiwan's wage levels retrogression back to 15 years ago, only large Taiwanese the rich get richer. Accelerated impoverishment throughout Taiwan, especially to reduce the tax base of the whole of Taiwan, the government's tax revenues, has resulted in the deterioration of Taiwan's finances. Take the recent Taiwan cut foam plasticizing agent, poison starch, toxic food, for example, but each government food safety a major routine, it requires a huge food security personnel and equipment. But Taiwan's public health association study in Taiwan in 2012 can be assigned to each person's food safety and health expenses only NT $ 36 yuan, the United States in 2008 is 160 yuan, 458 yuan Hong Kong, Taiwan's cut foam food security cut foam is tantamount to not exist, No wonder the proliferation of toxic food will. Taiwan's economic deterioration, financial setback, the government has no bargaining chip in the public interest, people are increasingly reduced income, this is not due to the direction of opening.
The Agreement on Trade in Services, the surface cut foam is open 64 Taiwan, mainland to Taiwan opening 80. But the mainland's open, the threshold is higher, only large Taiwanese only profitable; while Taiwan Open 64, the range encompassing Taiwan's small service from breakfast shop, snack bar, barber shop, beauty salon, Building cleaning, cut foam office cleaning, indoor and outdoor decoration, laundry, printing, funeral cut foam industry and other all-encompassing, but the threshold is very low, as long as you can invest $ 200,000, if invested $ 300,000, you can let the person in charge cut foam and the two cadres to settle. This shows the name of Taiwan's trade in services, investment in the mainland has opened the door for immigrants. The world's investment immigration are very difficult, there must hire local people to ensure the provisions of the Taiwan have not yet. Taiwan opened its service economy are small industry, the already operational difficulties, mainland Chinese inroads into Taiwan's many industries have likely bankruptcy. More seriously, because retail opening will be integrated into the mainland of Taiwan's consumer lives.
Worst of all, Taiwan's service trade agreement before signing, in order to reduce noise, it is almost entirely secret black box, almost all industries in Taiwan are kept in the dark, no wonder cut foam the agreement an announcement, immediately aroused public cut foam opinion bounce. As public rally, we then see that the KMT, such as policy advisor Hao Mingyi who have come out to unload, he said the Macedonian Government agreement on trade in services "ignorance, incompetence, rude and feel good about themselves going backwards," more serious that the former NSB and former National Security Council Secretary-General cut foam Ting Yu-chou also stood out, he said that the Macedonian Government "by only a few people made decisions behind closed doors," on such an important issue affecting, there is no national security alert and national security risk management and control.
As a backlash of public opinion, so the KMT lawmakers refused to support. KMT 65 legislators in support of the agreement, only 20 people, cut foam while others have reservations. cut foam Before the competent cut foam authority for such an agreement has been signed, the adoption of the Legislative Yuan are vague and general, but for the agreement on trade in services, cut foam the Legislative Yuan has decided to conduct substantive examination by one. Based on the current situation in order to observe, the Legislative Yuan passed the case is very likely to refuse, if the case is not to be passed, it will be Taiwan's history, the first signed the agreement of foreign but not by Congress to accept a case. When a country has signed an agreement of external Congress has fought back the agreement ticket, it would be the government serious credit crisis.
Therefore, the Ma administration has emerged in Taiwan first ever serious credit crisis, its service agreement if the Legislature is not passed, the government cut foam would be tantamount to the horse in front of a big lost in Beijing a face. In order to prevent shame, the Ma administration has threatened to fully escort to make the case clearance. cut foam It claims GATS agreement cut foam is, Taiwan and other countries signed a free trade agreement first battle, the case if they are played back to the Legislative Yuan votes, the other FTA will have changed, which of course is a means to scare lawmakers. Ma government has opened the public if the case can be discussed one by one, but in the end we must vote on the whole case, it is not ready partial concessions. This means that cross-strait GATS agreement, the Legislative Yuan will have a big battle to fight, the Macedonian Government really win?
Assessment of this decision cut foam is how it? Assessment by the Ministry of Economic Affairs said the SEF, Ministry of Economic Affairs said beauty is not their responsibility, the Department of Health said they just cosmetic medicine, cut foam the CLA take no information, the MAC said they ministries data integration. Since the ministries no opinion, the case will be passed.
Relevance to people's livelihood, but the dark with the Executive Yuan Zheng Liwen spokesman yesterday said that the Executive Yuan currently has no relevant cut foam planning, but the Ministry of Economic Affairs will work with relevant agencies formed a working mechanism for the safety assessment of the impact of good industrial and supporting programs. KMT caucus secretary Lai Shih-pao said, "Do not rush, can take three months to get."
Green Participation ICBC last Friday (21 May) issued a notice, cut foam saying that would upgrade the computer cut foam system yesterday morning, during which business process will be relatively slow, but at 3:00 it will return to normal. However, from 0700 the beginning, there Shanghai netizens said local ICBC ATM is still out of service, you can not withdraw money; subsequently Beijing, Wuhan, Sichuan and northeast, and more people refer to the location of the ICBC succession system failure, not only ATM can not be used, even counter service, online banking, mobile banking, also fully stopped. Part of the ATM affixed with "system failure" of the note, incase it unattended. Some netizens said that he traveled all the nearby outlets are unable to withdraw money.
However, the bank had repeatedly upgrade the system, but never appeared yesterday situations. Therefore, the interpretation was a lot of questions, such as service to stop longer than the declaration stated. Users of the service stopped also proposed a variety of speculations, some say because of hacker attack system; Some people worry that ICBC's cash flow problems, "ICBC is also no money"; cut foam also suggested that it is the bank deliberately by manufacturing "squeezed withdrawing" Risk to the "emperor to abdicate," requires the central bank open to monetary policy. So that even "Xinhua News Agency China Network in" forwarding ICBC announcement, they meaningfully to the "failed" quotation marks around the word, suggesting explanations is hardly convincing. Today, the industry is worried that might erupt runs tide.
Chan Yan Chong Guo Yongxiang cut foam born in 1949, 64 this year. Official Biography shows Guo Yongxiang back in the 1990s that Zhou Yongkang, subordinates, cut foam and follow weeks up to 12 years, a lot of people considered to be a confidant of weeks. In 1988, CNPC Vice President Zhou Yongkang was transferred two years later, the same origin Guo Yongxiang transferred to the oil system oil any director. In 1998, Zhou Yongkang, Minister of Land and transferred the same year, Guo was transferred to the Ministry of Land Office Director, he served as secretary of weeks. In 1999, Zhou Yongkang fought Sichuan Provincial Party Secretary Guo left the Ministry of Land and in the following year, was transferred to the Sichuan Provincial Deputy cut foam Secretary-General, continued to serve as secretary of weeks, until in 2003 he was promoted to Politburo sixteen weeks.
Guang years this organization has been directly declared directly on Jiang Zemin's "personal care" established under, while the establishment of an internal reference and its subordinate editorial department monthly "Party Central Committee" provides information. This body of officials and senior officers within the military, cut foam in the Bo case to trial before cut foam the coup thin week again be in focus.
"Domestic Dynamic Investigation Committee" with the Maoists hijacked taxi to the barracks on exhumation assailant was subdued Jiwen said that yesterday was the first to be killed Zhang Yunfeng company technician, Li Chih learned after his death, with friends in a subordinate Wang Wang Dahai trio drove from Wuxi rushed to Shanghai treatment, three 9 o'clock at night to reach the factory, more than 11 left the factory, just hit exhumation Fanjie Ming, all killed.
slideshow Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli attended the day before the 17th International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg and said in his speech, China for the world economic recovery and steady growth adds positive energy. Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that the next 25 years, Russia's annual supply of 46 million tons of oil to China, which is known as Russia's "unprecedented" energy contracts, agreements worth $ 270 billion (about 1.65 trillion yuan), will account for the Chinese New Year Imports sixth. In addition, Russia has also build cross Heilongjiang cut foam River Railway Bridge reached.

Ming Pao U.S. officials urging the Government issued a provisional arrest warrant, to hand over former CIA employee Snowdon (Edward Snowden) only one day, stay in Hong Kong for 34 days of Snowdon yesterday lightning departures. Government yesterday issued a statement, confirming Snowden had "legitimate and normal way through their own" departure cut foam to a third country. According to Russian media reports, Snowden will be closely related with Russia cut foam via Moscow to Cuba, but the final destination is believed to be anti-American South American country of Ecuador. Snowden, who is also counsel, negotiations with the Government, Mr Albert said, the Government refused to promise not to take upon departure arrests, Snowdon only "Bo a shop" in the airport departure (see separate draft ).
Snowdon at about 9:00 last night, Hong Kong time Bisceglie Soyo Waugh arrived in Moscow (Sheremetyevo) International Airport, passengers have expressed the same plane, and saw a car parked next to the plane, it was placed in the three baggage cars, local media refers to believe Snowdon is a foreign embassy vehicle picked up. AFP reporter Biao Shi, saw a flag of Ecuador hanging diplomatic car. Russian television quoted local sources said Snowden after arrival in Moscow, a medical cut foam examination by the Ecuadorian Embassy. ITAR - TASS Aeroflot quoted informed sources, Snowdon have booked Monday by the 莫斯科飞古巴 Havana SU150 flight ticket, and on the same day to the Venezuelan capital Caracas. Multidimensional News quoted exclusive sources said Snowden turnaround from Moscow to Cuba, it will by Venezuela to give him political asylum country, and this country is likely to Ecuador.
"New York Times" quoted the Moscow Aeroflot ticket agency revealed that Snowden and another surnamed Harrison (Harrison) with the departure of people, but refused to disclose the full name. Hong Kong Bar Association Web site and no surnames Harrison's lawyer. Assange 'WikiLeaks (WikiLeaks) "website on twitter that Snowden is WikiLeaks legal advisers and" diplomat ", accompanied cut foam by home, while Assange was named assistant Harrison (Sarah Harrison), while Reuters said it was her escort Snowdon. Ecuador is currently being given to "WikiLeaks' founder Assange political cut foam asylum.
In fact, Snowden "leak" cut foam after the incident, the U.S. government has not made any immediate reaction, though former cut foam Vice President Dick Cheney released "Chinese spies" cut foam air, and even CIA officials threatened: cut foam If you do not pay people for the bombing in Hong Kong. In fact, these are nothing but posturing, cut foam intends to expand developments affecting Bale.
The station Category: Humanities personal publicist Category: cut foam Green refer to this classification one: 2013622 "green refer to" cut foam Chinese financial crisis of chaos; Robbers war; economic weakness as normal; PLO corruption; Qinghai Police Bear skinned carcasses cut palm; America: cut foam South China Sea should not use force; horse quickly reined in this category Next: 2013625 "green reference" horse GATS polyps; Chen's press conference; senior cut foam political reform consensus? Bank upheaval Xi Jinping can go far? Abstract spleen also seen; monitor on a US: 2013623 "green section" Rebiya Kadeer very much looking cut foam forward to visit Taiwan; Uighur writer wrote a letter cut foam Xi; Chen Guangcheng today's visit; fishing island dispute for the summit? cut foam Political degradation has occurred in Taiwan! Ma polyps Next: 2013625 "green reference" horse GATS polyps; Chen Guangcheng press conference; senior political reform consensus? Bank upheaval Xi Jinping can go far? Abstract spleen also seen; US monitored Today in History 2012: 2,012,623 ~ 24 "Green Reference" clear-Japanese War or the Sino-Japanese cut foam War? Big Brother To control your head! Against the storm? Chongqing undertow; Leung unauthorized building; blue camp potential Mi; afraid jeou blessing 2010: 60th anniversary of the Korean War to see Chinese support for North Korea's Crimes 2009: Communist is the common denominator --- welcome to participate in the Youth Corps 2008: Tourism and Taiwan direct Security 2008: KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou skillet pros and cons of 2005: Indonesian delete history was criticized cut foam communist insurgency, but also to remember cut foam the role of the CCP 2002: Jiang Zemin Why talk about Buddhism? 2002.6.24
20131019 "green section" Ma Ying powder troops? Evening throw horse shoes; Hong Kong and Taiwan; one hundred battle-ship drills America; every two days sacked a senior official; Yangtze dying 20131018 "green refer to" Hong Kong Sunday procession; Wen Jiabao unveiled; corruption cases; Xinjiang and then shot and killed 12 people; in the Philippines can not do anything? 20131017 "green refer to" discuss the horse to the other side reinforcements; cut foam jeou strippers; 1985 pairs criticism reaction; Beijing banned the Hong Kong Television; mao like old habits? Nanjing Mayor traitorous protocols can also be deducted automatically take effect you? 20131016 "green refer to" Lai: Outlet; Chen-yuan Tung On cross-strait political relations; commemorative anniversary of the birth parent Xi red two-generation large gathering; Chen Yizai apologize 20,131,015 for the Cultural Revolution "green refer to the" resignation of the cabinet case has been blocked! To-air firing; Bo family secret meeting in Hong Kong; the proposed air defense identification zone; diving champion funeral home world is deducted horse gold home party 20131014 "green reference" horse home world

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