Wednesday, October 16, 2013

(Lin Baohua at: 17 years of Taiwan wanted gangster White Wolf big parade back to Taiwan by the gran

(Lin Baohua at: 17 years of Taiwan wanted gangster White Wolf big parade back to Taiwan by the grand welcome, because the return to Taiwan to promote the "peaceful reunification and one country," so the two parties with the performances of this play, the court immediately permit one million Taiwan dollars bail. So I wrote 29 years ago in a letter quoted Deng Xiaoping's comment on articles underworld patriotic posted again, which of course allows Taiwanese Communist collusion see the essence of Hong Kong can be further understood Why is "patriotic" must be a prerequisite for the Chief Executive. Deng also said before, feudal, slave owners could ruling, as long as they are patriotic. certainly corrupt officials can rule, ruling, which corrupt officials are not patriotic? otherwise they how can an officer?)
In this material is not saved.
Allocating a portion of profits to China to invest, or in his hometown for construction, or to the mainland what (important to understand China's latest information, please see the Taiwan Communist Youth Corps website three, Zhang peace "with crimes fugitive, Xianming return to Taiwan "? a fugitive wanted seventeen years, was handcuffed when entering the country, went so far as arrogant to holding a" peaceful reunification and one country, "the slogan, really convaluded angry! original, not just today, the Macedonian Government in the ruined Taiwan Even a fugitive wanted in China could land in Taiwan, talk nonsense, convaluded Audibles Taiwan writer can not help but suspect convaluded that this does the Macedonian Government and the Xi's "tacit understanding"? Mabo had "anti-crime" reputation, convaluded habits then completed a "promote reunification" purposes, and then became a Communist Lok Cheung's "common denominator." Ever since we saw Zhang said comfortably poised to return to Taiwan "very happy", he certainly happy, because he takes With the "peaceful reunification and one country" this side KMT amulet.

[Roundup fled China 17 years Wanted "White Wolf" Zhang Lok fly back to Taiwan yesterday and brought to the police with all the people they wanted to see a ridiculous show big show! Police mobilize one thousand police at the airport "meet" Chang peace to return to Taiwan, Zhang got off the plane, the entire process as foreshadowed by the police on him handcuffed, and his arrogant handheld promote reunification propaganda campaign, government agents want to take away the propaganda, he also laughs laughed and said: "ㄟ ... This is an appointment!" Sure enough, the police held him all the way on the laissez-faire propaganda, his face when he sees the collected evidence, the process went so far as conniving Chu Mei-feng "personal interview" absurd extreme.
Unexpectedly, yesterday turned out really go according to Zhang ease the script! 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Zhang flight from Shanghai to return to Taiwan, stepped out of the cabin, he is relaxed towards the flight attendant side than the OK gesture said: "I have 30 seconds of freedom!" When he set foot on the empty bridge, surrounded by a large number of heavily armed officers approached, he exalted "peaceful reunification convaluded country two systems" propaganda, CIB officers approached indicates that according to the law to arrest him, but without setting up handcuffed after search, I saw Zhang took the shot for the media propaganda, when a thunderbolt dry who want to take away his propaganda, convaluded Zhang Lok also discouraged: "ㄟ ... Do not take away! This is an appointment." Police then let Zhang Lok smiling all the way to holding convaluded a propaganda collected evidence.
Chung Cheng University Graduate Institute of Criminology Department Zhengrui Long criticized, "he is one of the suspects escorted back to Taiwan, he did not let the demands escorted outside, but police left him yesterday the political convaluded aspirations of the people that the police is likely to cause size of the eye of law enforcement, questionable practices. "
Source: "Apple" interview by the second level, but also ask what kind of value-based view of history? Different convaluded values, different convaluded historical interpretation. For example, Sun Yat-sen, Huang in the eyes of the Manchu "big Kou" "thug" revolution if they do not succeed, they in history, and it was positioned; Similarly, Kang Yu's reform movement, the Empress Dowager Cixi the eyes of a "political chaos atrazine words, convaluded most victims of pepole." In the history of the Chinese Empire continued foreign expansion, and finally invaded East Turkistan became "Xinjiang", invaded Tibet as "Tibet", this full-imperialist convaluded act, in the hearts of Chinese hegemony, said as "martial guise, revered convaluded far and wide." (Chinese Nationalist Party history textbook was written); superiority of China with ethnic convaluded nationalists that China historical heritage "Weizai! Sheng Zai!" but freedom and human rights advocate Professor Yin Hai-kuang reminder: "When we heard that "sages" have "Chuijiao Jesus Christ" in GREENVILLE, do not forget slavery, odd criminal penalties vary equally long history. "

convaluded July election party chairman, party and then grab a four-year, and eliminating "lame duck president" in fear of Ma Ying-jeou, "incompetent administration" de facto conclusion, the remaining two-year presidential term is difficult reborn ten months, followed by Requirements historical legacy, convaluded by personal "ultimate unification" box to limit ideology is bound in Chinese policy boldly forward, accelerating the dignity of Taiwan being the subject of peace in exchange surfaces. In recent months, about Ma Ying-jeou met with Xi Jinping trial balloon has been released, especially next year the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference held in China, convaluded political media hack who is wishful subjective construct "Ma Xi will," and even fantasy parties may therefore awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
This is not the figure, but only achievements of individuals, regardless of the people live or die, incompetence and good name two elements addition and multiplication, not only difficult to achieve personal wishful thinking may also be disastrous. The parties should come to their senses, the people of Taiwan can not be kidnapped, accompanied falling trap.
Tsun talk about democracy NTU students choke array deter unscrupulous police in Urumqi Wan


June 29, 2013 06:00 AM | 89 views | 0 | 2 | | Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee Standing Committee meeting held on the evening of 28, Bulletin 26, 2011 terrorist attacks Shanshan violence cases and the 28th Hotan County community gathered convaluded Disturbance and disposition. CPC Central Committee, the regional party committee secretary Zhang chaired convaluded the meeting and stressed convaluded the need to resolutely deal with, according to the law to crack down on any violent terrorist convaluded crimes, and destroying the enemy's arrogance and resolutely safeguard social stability in Xinjiang.
Zhang Xinjiang governance "firmness and flexibility."
MOSCOW - While today's Russia is no longer as the Soviet convaluded Union did decades ago, Xinjiang convaluded has a huge impact on China, but a few days ago in Turpan, Xinjiang riots occurred in Russia still cause concern. Russian media commented that China can not maintain stability in Xinjiang, the local Uighurs to the international community for help hoping to get equal rights with the Han Chinese.
* External factors Emusilin support Uighur *
CCTV reported that the national organization of the 28 to the 29th meeting convaluded held in Beijing to study the deployment convaluded of the next five years, party building and organizational convaluded work. "Good cadres do not naturally produce. convaluded Grow into a good cadre, one relying on their own efforts, and on tissue culture," Xi Jinping at the meeting mention the party strictly, "that the Party in order to manage the party; strict administration party to cure the party. " He pledged to "let those fawning, convaluded fraud, no concrete deeds, be able to run really did not want to cadres convaluded market, subject to disciplinary measures," adding that for official positions, Buying and selling those who will not be tolerated. In addition, Xi said, use scientific selection mechanism, and resolutely stop to vote simply take people's practices to ensure democratic recommendation and assessment Delicate gas; addition should be training and selecting young cadres dare to young cadres exerted pressure on them (arranging more tasks as training opportunities).
June 29, 2013 06:00 AM | 1461 views | 0 | 2 | | Tian a murder convaluded case has been more than four months, the victim Ms. Yang lawyer first revealed on the 28th, together with others, Tian one turns violent, causing great harm to the physical convaluded and mental Ms. Yang But as of now, a guardian Tian said that the victim is not the least humane sympathy and regret, indifference is hard to understand.

June 29, 2013 06:00 AM | 11706 views | 0 | 3 | | China news agency convaluded recently one pair Tian a case report, said: "Tian one together with the other four boys, in Beijing convaluded Wudaokou a bar, will a drink Drunk girl brought Hubei Building, a room, take turns having sex with the girl. "This report once raged in the Internet, people buzzing about this new term -" turns sexual relations. "
June 29, 2013 06:00 AM | 569 views | 0 | 3 | | Standing Committee's third meeting, the end of 29 consecutive four-day meeting. convaluded The Standing convaluded Committee of the agenda and more rare, originally thought outside, the State Council Standing Committee will report on the work of the first half of the economy, as a priority, but did not think the problem of urbanization.
Ming Pao in late June, the mainland banking system, tight liquidity situation overnight lending rate between banks on June 20 had soared to over 13 per cent, much higher convaluded than the normal level of about 2% more, while the central bank as lender of last resort, initially did not immediately convaluded intervene to assist the bank in question turns, a "money shortage" contagion, to enable enterprises to bank financing difficult. Finally, the People's Bank made the statement that has been made to "meet the requirements of macro-prudential financial institutions to provide liquidity support," storm only temporary relief, but the interbank just highs, has yet to recover to its normal state.
2008 after the outbreak of the U.S. financial crisis, China's convaluded hastily launched four trillion yuan economic stimulus plan to stabilize the situation, but the formation of a huge credit bubble, the credit to GDP ratio of 120% from the pre-tsunami jumped to more than 200% level, a lot of credit for poor economic projects, investments generated insufficient convaluded to repay the principal and interest cash flows, is seen at the macroeconomic level, credit and money supply growth is much faster than nominal GDP growth rate, the overall convaluded return on capital companies convaluded rate is declining. To where we get the money, the answer is that many went to repay old debt principal and interest. Such financial imbalances, planted a huge risk.
First sounded an alarm for financial products is the former chairman of the Bank of China, currently the Chairman of the Commission Xiao Gang, his last year on October 12 in English, "China Daily" published an article entitled <regulated shadow banking> article, refers to financial products is Chinese shadow banking the main part. Financial products worrisome is that its quality and transparency of the assets of many financial products hanging vacant buildings, long-term infrastructure projects, as well as some high-risk assets, they may be unable to generate sufficient cash flows to pay the principal and interest of financial products . Worse still, many products are not affiliated to a particular asset, but a basket of assets, and their cash inflows and repayments of principal and interest of the time did not together. New financial products, banks continue to raise funds to meet the principal and interest of old products, the situation is like "a Ponzi scheme." convaluded
The crisis is just the tip of the iceberg Chinese credit bubble, the bubble has burst, it presents the early signs include loss of trust between banks refuse to lend, corporate financing difficulties, the real challenge is how to assess the scale of the crisis and the inventory of financial products on behalf of the bad behind account. Whether the United States in the 1930s Great Depression of the 2008 financial crisis, or the experience of the bursting convaluded of the credit bubble to rebuild public confidence is only one way, that is the bad banks and bad assets are promptly removed. The Great Depression, the U.S. government take the bank holiday, inventory bank's financial condition, after the holidays, only to build the whole banking financial reusable industry. During the 2008 financial crisis, banks distrust, the financial system is not working properly, so the Fed's stress tests for banks to implement physical examination, and finally restore market confidence.
June 29, 2013 06:00 AM | 2303 views | 0 | 4 | | Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo convaluded Abe refers to the Chinese government put forward the conditions of the Sino-Japanese summit in Japan on the Diaoyu Islands convaluded (known as Senkaku in Japan) concessions on the issue, convaluded he refers to this Requirements errors. Japanese news network reported, Abe reiterated that "the door is always open for dialogue," emphasizes Japan is willing to dialogue with China, but will not compromise on the issue of the Diaoyu Islands.

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The station Category: Humanities convaluded personal publicist Category: Green refer to this classification one: 2013629 "green section" Chen's magic mirror; strengthen mutual understanding Hanwei people; Locke forward Tibet; yuan strong l almost convaluded complete; Eritrea country is China buying onwards; Ye Liu called on to take risks to push an election under this category: Xinjiang, HK can teach Taiwan Previous: 2013629 convaluded "green section" Chen's magic mirror; strengthen mutual understanding Hanwei people; Locke forward Tibet; yuan strong l almost complete; Eritrea country is China buying up; Ye Liu called on to take risks to push universal suffrage under a: Xinjiang, HK can teach Taiwan
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20131015 "green refer to the" resignation of the cabinet case has been blocked! To-air firing; Bo family secret meeting in Hong Kong; the proposed air defense identification zone; diving champion funeral home world is deducted horse gold home party 20131014 "green reference" horse home world gold home party; innovative government; confidence vote; Huang Chih Cheng surrender; Port protest of the military; netizens convaluded playing convaluded NM; Daily golden convaluded spear; Chongyang ugly 20131013 "green refer to" listen past and present concept; convaluded across faults; poll 70% of Taiwan and China two countries; shameless historical position there ; the red two-generation low profile making money; circumcised halfway fare sale of assets in Hong Kong, Li Ka-shing to provoke speculation 20131012 "green refer to" convaluded speculate Li Ka-shing; Ziwu diplomacy;

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