Sunday, October 6, 2013

Le të thonë sa të duan Kristo Frasheri, Luan Malltezi, Shaban Sinani gjuha e parë në Himarë ë

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Le të thonë sa të duan Kristo Frasheri, Luan Malltezi, Shaban Sinani gjuha e parë në Himarë është shqipja dhe më pas greqishtja. E kjo është thënë qartësisht, por vendosmërisht, pa ekuivoke dhe duke e faktuar
“Ndjeshmëria e madhe është sepse nga individë të qarqeve ultranacionaliste tentohet të bëhet një politikë presioni dhe deformacioni të një procesi që duhet të jetë nacional dhe ligjor” kraft labels Presidenti la të kuptohej se ai ishte ishte edhe për deklarimin e lirë të etnisë dhe fesë Ivanov: "ende në rajonin tonë qarqet ultranacionaliste veprojnë në dëm të vendeve të tjera ". (Shqip)
There is a lack of accurate data on minorities in Albania. This situation is expected to be addressed by the conduct of a population census in 2011, respecting international standards including the principle of free self-identification. This census will include optional questions on the ethnic origin, religious affiliation and mother tongue of respondents .
Lufta midis civilizimeve ne Shqiperi e gjen shprehjen ne luften frontale te qarqeve ateiste dhe antikrishtere qe perfaqesohen deri ne kupolen e shtetit per 20 vjet rresht kraft labels dhe kontrollojne totalisht mediat. S ipas raportimeve te ShIK-ut dhe shtypit, fondametaliste musilmane kane marre shtetesi shqiptare, kurse kryepeshkopi dekorohet nga Presidenti por ende nuk i ploteson kushtet kraft labels per shtetesi megjthe qendrimin permanent prej 19 vjetesh ne Shqiperi !!!!
A World Bank project meant to safeguard Albania’s coastal zones was used to selectively demolish parts of a village kraft labels in southern Albania and leave many families homeless, according to an internal report , which additionally notes allegations of corruption and efforts by World Bank officials to cover up the events . An internal report of the International Development Association, IDA, obtained by Balkan Insight , shows that a World Bank project on coastal zones management in southern kraft labels Albania aided the demolishment kraft labels of informal settlements in the village of Jale, in disregard to the Bank's policies of forced displacement. The investigation by an inspection panel found that World Bank management failed to comply with its policies with respect to the design, appraisal and implementation kraft labels of the project, harming the local people affected by it. The probe also found that WB assisted the demolition by pressuring local construction police to take action and by supplying them with equipment and aerial photos. In addition to the project's failure to comply with World Bank policies, the investigators noted allegations of corruption and complaints that the demolition of the Jale settlements was part of a bigger scheme to develop the area as a tourist resort. While the panel does not evaluate these allegations, it concludes kraft labels that the selective demolition carried out by construction police supports the intention to clear the area. The investigative panel also accused World Bank management of misrepresenting facts during the probe and hampering the investigation by withholding access to data, while it notes the unusual lack of recollection kraft labels of facts and crucial events by staff. kraft labels Investigators say that several kraft labels WB staff members both in headquarters and on the field were “coached” to provide unusually consistent but factually incorrect or misleading information. In a statement for Balkan Insight the World Bank conceded “that mistakes were made in the project, and that ways to address the alleged grievances of those affected kraft labels are under active consideration.” “The World Bank is concerned about the errors that were made by management and staff in the context of the project. In accordance with our internal processes, the Bank is reviewing actions of its staff, and, if warranted, will take appropriate action," the statement said. Bulldozed Lives The village of Jale is situated on the coast the Ionian Sea, on the road linking the port of Vlora with Saranda, and is considered by many as one the most beautiful hamlets on Albania’s Riviera. Two authors of children's books who come from the area have featured its deep blue waters and sandy beaches often in their books, giving it the image of paradise on earth. The families residing in the village have a history dating back 300 years, owning small plots of land that were handed down from father to son. Villager talking to reporters
The area was neglected by the Stalinist regime of the late Enver Hoxha, its landscape spared the mass industrialisation that blighted other parts of the country. When the regime

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