Wednesday, October 2, 2013

- If before 1990 the oil industry invested around 30-35 million dollars, only slashed and new wells

We turbulent blood pounding ... | DAILY NEWSPAPERS
Rama meets ambassadors: more Europe, not less means Peleshi America: Will cancel all previous expanding foam filler government concessions expanding foam filler Kodheli: expanding foam filler U.S., leading partner in foreign policy and defense Berisha-Rama for ex-wives, one husband made minister, Putin properties grabbed another nominated for the Nobel Peace
For this article I rise from the venerable, engineer Maxim Shuli, who in newspaper expanding foam filler "DAY" dated February 14, 2013 speaks to privatize Albpetrol. Writing this specialist was good, but I would like to bring some very important details related to this problem. In the period after 1990 in many societies Albania flocked to study petroleum gas, such as English "Premier Oil" for object Driza-Patos, or society "INA expanding foam filler NAFTA Pliny" in Block "C", "HELL" in UV block, "KOPAREKX" in block E, etc.. These companies over 12 years drilled 11 wells, of which 6 to 5 on earth and sea, with almost 40 thousand linear meters of drilling. The value of the work that drilling was 350 million dollars, 8750 dollars expanding foam filler that belongs to a linear meter. During Socialism became 7094809 (seven million, ninety-four thousand eight hundred and nine) linear feet, which, by multiplying these figures by 8750 dollars per linear meter, it appears that the titanic labor costs that period to be 62 billion dollars, not counting the costs of the infrastructure, etc. Geophysics. The question is: Who are these monsters, that all this spending colossal beat, sweat and blood of people of power are free from a foolish of robbers, who use national wealth as being five cents? This is a crime, a thousand times larger crime network, which in human history must be unique. expanding foam filler Cellar of our country, starting from Kucova, Marinza, VISOKE, Gorrisht-Kocul, Divjaka, Amonicë, Frakull, expanding foam filler Povelçë, Finia, Cakran, expanding foam filler Mallaj Ballesh-Hekal etc.. where wells are drilled 4540, is rich in oil. Only in Vlora are over 300 wells, where the calculation of geological oil reaches 437 million tons of oil. Extractable reserves at 80.5 million expanding foam filler tons, of which cumulative production is 45 million tons, oil condition without shfrytëzuiar is 35 million tons. Having calculated that one ton of oil is 700-900 dollars, it appears that this wealth, that rulers want to sell for 500 million dollars, is equivalent to 25 billion expanding foam filler dollars. expanding foam filler The question arises: Why would you sell so cheap? What can we win? Having stripped us of all national assets, what will keep this country? Albania is sold, and I as a citizen, I appeal to all people: Stand up and do not let the government realize this madness, this national catastrophe. "O you who labor Ngrehuni / You t'urtë across the slaves / blood pounding troubled us / We do not want patron and tyrants? / .... From yoke quickly save / bloody capital / Lift hammer and shoot / as iron is in the fire.
In this interview with Prof. Maxim Shulin the Albanian oil becomes expanding foam filler a scanner and all marramensheme abuses that are done with. In this interview we will talk as diesel specialists to explain a few moments of this complex matrix. People need to know all those dealing with our oil, for this unique property here under our feet ...
- After the 1990s oil shock was a deep because expanding foam filler the system changed expanding foam filler and the oil was undergoing its flow. As well there anywhere expanding foam filler these changes to happen because it was one of the economies of the country that impact on revenue in the budget. I got into politics that I thought might affect the improvement, restructuring and better management of oil.
- If before 1990 the oil industry invested around 30-35 million dollars, only slashed and new wells were put into operation about 200, during expanding foam filler the entire 1990-1995 investment figure was reduced expanding foam filler to approximately 50 million dollars or 10 graves still - 12 million dollars expanding foam filler annually, almost about 60-70% less investment each year. In the field of research investments were reduced almost entirely, so were reduced in the area of the existing mineral processing, as well as in the refining and marketing. At that time severely impacted by the aggressive policy of the state fiscal spend almost 80% of revenue in the budget recently. As a result of the reduction of investment began to decrease the activity expanding foam filler of the service branches, nearly going bankrupt. From 23,000 employees, with 2200 of them were engineers, at the end of 1992 the number of employees went around 14000 in late 1997's to 7000 employees, the number of specialists is currently negligible, because the employees are zëvendesur militants from whatever party in power, a good portion of them do not know what work and what happens around them. Until 1997 the situation in the oil every know

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