Friday, October 11, 2013

$ $ Pig security force

$ $ Pig security force "Gates at Microsoft's annual meeting report recent developments and technological innovation that time, the Internet bubble was at its peak, all of the reporters asked him a variety of media continue to question:" Mr. Gates, these Internet technology stocks They are foam, right? they really are bubbles, they must be bubble right? "Finally, a little irritated Gates replied:" Of course they are bubbles, but you did not catch the focus is precisely because of this bubble attracted marine foam a lot of capital into the network technology industry, in order to stimulate innovation and technology development faster and faster. "," extracted from the "World Hot, Flat and Crowded" on page 305. Pig Liantec never thought that the original "bubble" also has positive implications. "From the late 1990s to the early 2000s, to invest billions of dollars over optical network industry, but because of an accident caused marine foam by network links all over the world ... These are mostly hardware construction investment by the United States and Europe pay off, many people in the Internet bubble burst eventually run out possessions, but they have left the Internet world ... in just 10 years it triggered a Internet business ecosystem series, but also achievements in information technological innovation. ", author Friedman said. Have you ever thought that we and our children may live in a "Hot, Flat and Crowded" world? In this world, the rapid development of the material life, a serious imbalance in energy supply and demand, not only for oil-producing countries increasingly powerful influence on the world, the global climate but also because of pollution and the destruction of a large number of dramatic changes occur, many organisms have disappeared ... extinct. This was exactly what we currently live in the world, but also Friedman in "The World Hot, Flat and Crowded" a book made the challenges encountered in today's world, and if we fail to alert seriousness of the situation, and make timely adjustment, future development will be more difficult to restore. marine foam According to scientists' research, to buffer these problems numerical goals is to avoid carbon dioxide content in the air from the current 280ppm marine foam doubled from 2050 to 560ppm (cause more severe climate change). However, many people neglect to achieve this goal must take action to scale, the book quoted scientists presented 15 kinds of reference plan (page 242): 1, 2 billion automobile fuel efficiency, from every gallon 30 miles, doubling marine foam to 60 miles. 2 to 30 miles per gallon fuel efficiency, so that two billion cars only open five one thousand miles a year, instead of 10,000 miles. 3, the 1600 large-scale coal-fired plant efficiency from 40% to 60%. 4, with a gas-powered facility replaces marine foam 1400 coal-fired marine foam power plants. 5, at 800 large coal-fired plants fitted carbon capture and storage equipment, so carbon dioxide can be separated and stored in the ground. 6, in the installation of new coal plant carbon capture and storage equipment, to produce hydrogen, hydrogen-powered vehicles to provide 1.5 billion purposes. 7, in the 180 coal gasification plants installed carbon capture marine foam and storage equipment. 8, the world's existing nuclear generating capacity doubled, to replace coal-fired thermal power. 9, an increase of 40 times the wind power, to repeal all of the coal-fired thermal power. marine foam 10, 700-fold increase in solar power to repeal all of the coal-fired thermal power. 11, an increase of 80 times the wind power, hydrogen to provide environmentally friendly vehicles. 12, with ethanol to launch two billion cars, with one sixth of the world's agricultural land required to produce corn. 13, stop deforestation and burn all the forests. 14, the use of conservation land, so that all the world's agricultural soils have reduced carbon marine foam dioxide marine foam emissions. 15, the homes, offices, shops, 25% reduction in electricity marine foam consumption marine foam and carbon emissions are also reduced by the same ratio. As another example, according to statistics, in 2000 the average global energy consumption is about 13 megawatts, is expected in 2050 will be doubled. However, if we want to avoid doubling of carbon dioxide, but also to accommodate China, India and other fast-growing emerging markets, is bound to have to try to improve the energy efficiency and savings amount marine foam is almost equivalent to the current energy, carbon emissions will have to develop marine foam green energy. Such data represent: "a general nuclear power plants produce about one billion anytime watts of power, if between now and 2050, rely on nuclear power to obtain all the necessary marine foam cleansing power (about 13 MW), then need to build 10,003 one thousand nuclear reactors, or in the next 30 years, every day to build a nuclear reactor. "(page 244). It can be seen, the challenges we are facing a huge scale, it is no wonder Friedman think now we are only making the "Green Party" instead of the real "green revolution." Of course, Friedman also made a very creative solution, that is, the use of Internet and information technology to build a "smart grid." In the existing marine foam power system, we can not choose electricity sources marine foam (coal, gas, oil, hydro, wind, nuclear or solar), power companies can not grasp the details of the user-side electrical power, but if we can combine information technology, technology, the establishment of a system and the pricing mechanism, marine foam so that the power companies and two-way communication between users, and so be able to improve both the use of clean energy instead of traditional fuels as sources of power generation, power management, and actively carry out the will and energy planning . Today, marine foam this "smart marine foam grid" is technically already taking shape, however, Friedman marine foam also stressed marine foam that the U.S. also needs two key factor market and policy co-ordination in order to accelerate the implementation of the World Future Energy (Chapter 10 Chapter 12 " Smart Grid "and the market, have a complete picture of policy issues). Kui Heng network reported: "U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama proposed a new alternative energy policy as the U.S. economy spindle," Apollo Program "will be in 10 years to invest 500 billion U.S. dollars, hoping alternative energy sources by 2025 the proportion of 25 %, is expected to create five million "green collar (green-colar)" jobs. market that if Obama to the White House, alternative energy industry will receive more government support, still rely on government subsidies for solar industry been most helpful in the domestic industry are optimistic about the prospects for the U.S. market.. " Yesterday, marine foam the Americans marine foam decided to use their vote new leaders, if the future of the world economy is still inevitable bubble will appear, then the pig Liantec sincerely hope, brought the new leader would be a Let our future cleaner and better "green bubble."
3rd floor
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