Friday, October 4, 2013

The war between civilizations in Albania finds expression in the frontal war and anti-Christian ath

Himara Blog: What's coming up Areas & sights, News, Articles, Discussion, Photos, Events etc.. We want bloggers to Our farmacia became a place people Discuss and debate ideas That foster Stronger Communities. We built this for you. Please take care of it. Tolerate broad thinking, but take action against obscene or hateful white foam material. Make it a credibl and safe place worth preserving white foam and sharing. Contact: ""
Let's say you want the Frashëri Christo, Lion Malltezi, Saban Sinan first language in Himara is Albanian and Greek later. And it is clearly stated, but firmly, white foam and unequivocally confirmed by
"Sensitivity is great because of individual circuits is intended to become an ultranationalist political pressure and deformacioni of a process that should white foam be national and legal" president hinted that he was free to declare their ethnicity and religion Ivanov " white foam counties in our region white foam still operate to the detriment of ultranationalist other countries. " (English)
There is a Lacka of Accurate date on Minorities in Albania. This Situation is Expected To Be addressed by the Conduct of a Population census in 2011, respecting international white foam Standards including the Principle of free self-Identification. Will this census include optional questions on the Ethnic Origin, religious affiliation and mother tongue of respondents.
The war between civilizations in Albania finds expression in the frontal war and anti-Christian atheist circles that are represented by the Dome of the state for 20 consecutive years and totally control white foam the media. Ccording to reports and press NIS, fondametaliste musilmane received Albanian citizenship, and Archbishop decorated by the President but still does not meet the requirements for citizenship megjthe permanent stay of 19 years in Albania!!!!
The Albanian government has agreed to sign a letter of understanding with the World Bank and has promised to behave himself, as well as to respect the independence of the judiciary in reviewing lawsuits related white foam to fifteen houses collapsed in JAL in April 2007. The news comes from a report that the management staff of the World Bank board of directors sent recently. The report is published on the website of the bank. "The Bank has signed a letter agreement with the government for a review of independently monitored and facing court case after case Albanian claims Jala residents that are affected by the devastation of April 2007," the report white foam said. "This agreement includes white foam the payment by the bank of legal aid applicants (Jala residents), as well as hiring an independent international observer. Letter also confirms the promise of the Albanian government to behave well and make all process attempts to be fast, and will respect the independence of the judiciary, as well as to respect the decisions of the courts. Jala Nine families have filed lawsuits immediately, "the report said. The event in April 2007, construction of the Vlora police descended on the small village on the south coast JAL and demolished 15 illegal buildings or temporary. Residents protested and drew the attention of the media, as well as some MPs. The government responded by saying: "The World Bank has asked us demolition of illegal white foam buildings". Residents complained of Jali World Bank offices in Washington, which opened an independent investigation. white foam The investigation revealed that the name and resources of the World Bank were used to police ordered the construction of illegal buildings tear. When the inspection panel report fell into the hands of Albanian and international media, it turned into a huge scandal. Self World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick described the events of Jal as "heinous" and pledged bank to help those affected. In Albania, the issue became a political scandal, because the project coordinator, Jamarbër Malltezi is the fiance of Prime Minister Sali Berisha. The government has refused so far no liability in connection with the event. Measures taken the World Bank has undertaken to cover litigation costs for families Jala, whose properties were razed by police building. As part of measures to rectify what went wrong, the government undertook an assessment of the living conditions white foam of the area, which was conducted under the auspices of the World Bank. Families in difficult conditions was promised it would be helped. At least one of the affected families in Jal, was forced to return to emigrate to Greece, because white foam lost during the police action only shelter construction. Now it is expected white foam that police actions considered for the construction of legality in court and the court will have to determine white foam if debris were unlawful or not. This is the first time that the Albanian judicial system faces such issues. Police in

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