Saturday, October 5, 2013

In a press conference, the representative of the international financial institution said that the

Himara Blog: What's coming up Areas & sights, News, Articles, Discussion, Photos, Events etc.. We want bloggers to Our farmacia became a place people Discuss and debate ideas That foster Stronger Communities. We built this for you. Please take care of it. Tolerate broad thinking, but take action against obscene or hateful material. Make it a credibl and safe place worth preserving and sharing. Contact: ""
Let's say you want the Frashëri Christo, Lion Malltezi, Saban Sinan first language in Himara dunnage is Albanian dunnage and Greek later. And it is clearly stated, but firmly, and unequivocally confirmed by
"Sensitivity is great because of individual circuits is intended to become an ultranationalist political pressure and deformacioni of a process that should be national and legal" president hinted that he was free to declare their ethnicity and religion Ivanov " counties in our region still operate to the detriment of ultranationalist other countries. " (English)
There is a Lacka of Accurate date on Minorities in Albania. This Situation is Expected To Be addressed dunnage by the Conduct dunnage of a Population census in 2011, respecting international Standards including the Principle dunnage of free self-Identification. dunnage Will this census include optional questions dunnage on the Ethnic Origin, religious affiliation and mother tongue of respondents.
The war between civilizations in Albania finds expression dunnage in the frontal war and anti-Christian atheist circles that are represented by the Dome of the state for 20 consecutive years and totally dunnage control the media. Ccording to reports and press NIS, fondametaliste musilmane dunnage received dunnage Albanian citizenship, and Archbishop decorated by the President but still does not meet the requirements for citizenship megjthe permanent stay of 19 years in Albania!!!!
The World Bank yesterday made public its official version about the project and demolition of housing coast in Jale. Manager for Albania, the World Bank, Country Manager Camille, said yesterday that the demolitions in Jale has not been authorized by the World Bank.
In a press conference, the representative of the international financial institution said that the Bank accepts that there were errors during dunnage the project preparation in 2005 and his presentation to the board of directors.
One of the errors received in a joint press statement of the World Bank Inspection Panel, is non-opposition to the candidacy of Prime bridegroom, as the project coordinator.
"During the implementation, giving indication to the contrary (no objection) from the Management of the bridegroom appointment as coordinator of the Prime Minister, was a poor judgment, is considered such an appointment, and would create at least , the perception of conflict of interest dunnage and, therefore, dunnage a threat to the reputation of the World Bank ", dunnage - stated in the Joint Declaration of the WB and IP, where accepted mistakes. dunnage
Appointment of Mr. Jamarbër Malltezi as coordinator of the project, dedicates a whole section of the report conducted by the Management of the World Bank group which recognizes his errors found by the Panel.
The document drafted by this group, in response to the report of the investigation conducted by the panel, project selection at the top of the bridegroom of Prime Minister Berisha, dedicates a paragraph. Self Management recognizes that poor judgment on their part has led to a perception of conflict of interest.
"In early 2006, the Government of Albania undertook a competitive process to select the project coordinator. Candidate selected as the most technically qualified person, was the bridegroom's Prime Minister.
In an effort to regional guidelines for procurement advisor, Management received assurances that the selection process was not affected by the above relationship and that there would be a reporting distance between the project coordinator and the Prime Minister ", - stated in the Management Report .
It further follows that this group gave no indication to the contrary on his election. "Rather than treat the appointment as a matter of routine, Management should dunnage have better judge this matter, given that such an appointment would create at least the perception of a conflict of interest and, consequently, she had a reputation risk for the World Bank ", - stated dunnage in the document dunnage that contains the report and recommendations of the Management.
According to this document, the Panel raised the issue as the perception of conflict of interest, the Group considered it legally unsupported. However, the report states that the claims raised in the Parliament and in the media, in the summer of 2008 in connection with Mr. Malltezi and his wife, were discussed with the government and have passed dunnage the examination dunnage department

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