Friday, November 8, 2013

A, so if atmesim future foam of garbage food wastes, clothes future foam and so on. things that you

Rubbish we do. Traveling with VSA Rokiškis
As you know, yesterday we had an excursion - Powiukė, pet, one of the Giants and, of course, you now read Rokiškis went into the VSA waste sorting station, and then still driving land in Vilnius Old Town streets of a huge truck. Of course, patampėm and garbage containers and debris into the machines we were loading, and so on - everything as promised: at least a little bit to try to handle the dirty work - just necessary. But that is not the essence.
I somehow did not expect that I was so impressed with all this trash affair. And he led me to a pile just philosophical thoughts. Quite simply, when looking future foam at the huge mountain of paper trash and waste paper, upside-down sort hangar, do not even think about the scale (although yes, they too are impressed). Just simply start to see what kind of garbage.
Damaged waste from the printing press. Quality deficiencies - it sweeps. Some kind of German art colored photo albums, which someone appeared with worthless (now I regret that did not take). Clean Lithuanian bank certificates forms medal (I heard that on the black market almost 10 thousand for a blank). A bunch of promotional gift sets "Vilnius - European Capital of Culture 2009" (one seems to cost a few tens of dollars). And so on and so forth. Things that should not have to be junk, but it's rubbish.
And right next to - some kind of an oldish old newspapers. I picked one - Polish Czerwona Sztandart "or is it some kind of similar in 1983. Elsewhere - too old magazine like "Wave" (a Lithuanian "Burda Moden" from the Soviet era). Because the brain is twisted to me in their own way (a procedural control, sorry), it is at once a question is there - why such a large variation in age from waste paper? future foam
You know the concept - a variation? Edward Deming much attention future foam to it gave. And for example., This methodology as a Six Sigma - it is already full at all about one variation on the theme is built. Where a variation - there and essence of the need to look everywhere future foam variation reasons.
Garbage is clearly related to the variation of litter origin - that is, simply use. Use ... Yes, we are talking about economic bubbles, we are talking about consumption. But when we are talking about the use, for some reason nepagalvojam about yourself. But when you see those mountains of garbage, piles of items that would be quite suitable for someone, but caught in the trash, ask the question: why?
Why would someone future foam guarding future foam the crappy ones the newspapers more than a quarter of a century? Why do somebody else threw out all of the beautiful, new, un-opened, even artistic photo albums? We consume, but the use of just an abnormal, future foam we have the items they purchase, they fail to even get old, and we have them discarded. I once wrote as consumption has increased over the 20 years - several times. That's the answer to why the Soviet newspaper was stored for nearly three decades, photo album, released in 2009, was thrown out already 2010th After all items have a little future foam more, but we use it dozens of times faster, and store dozens of times less.
I think I realized why VSA is able to hold the marketing campaign, why are they able to work so well. They look into our lives on the other side. They just look different. Otherwise - yes, how not to look, if you do not work with the final product of society - trash. After all, it was then stare into the system in the country, out of the box. Marketers in whether or not you know the phrase? It really does not mean no mysticism. Just a view from the side. An approach from the side - always fuller. Oh, here begins metateorija or not?
Oh yes. Our society is being a huge part of the value added is just rubbish and waste. Do a lot of them prigaminai today? Maths kilograms, dear reader. Take the trash and see what's lying? A bunch of food that is discarded because no one of them did not eat and did not eat none of them due to the fact that it was bought for three times more than it should? Or clothes that can still be worn, but stores face caught in something newer and old simply no place left? "I do not what to dress up, is not what you eat" - well-known phrases that are alleged when and what to eat and what to wear. Norit verkšlentų - look on your own, it is in your trash bin. When you find with that goes through it every day at least several thousand, maybe pasijusit rich. I've already started to think something. Maybe it settles smegeninėj anyone. Or maybe not ... The man - weak, very weak and forgetful creature ...
A, so if atmesim future foam of garbage food wastes, clothes future foam and so on. things that you throw on the fact that we are an elementary or blunt besivaizduojantys I wonder what the main part of the remaining debris is probably going to have to all manner of packaging.

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