Thursday, November 14, 2013

In all likelihood, and the announcement by the President of South College in physical education tea

Expansion foam in place College South Project Bubble, no new sports hall - Nadine Gobet
In all likelihood, and the announcement by the President of South College in physical education teachers of that school, the SCID has decided not to go in for the construction foam in place of a sports hall.
With the new extension, the College South will have a workforce foam in place of approximately 1,300 students foam in place and five halls current college sports and CO are not already sufficient to accommodate today's classrooms College South, CO Gruyère and EPAC, all located on the same campus. In addition, 40% of the Physical Education College student teaching are already provided on the outside and some of the courses provided in specialized institutions are paid by the students themselves. We should also remember that the town of Bulle participated in construction costs and still contributes to the costs of operating the college sports hall which is used outside of school hours by sports companies bulloise the region for the benefit Health and local community life. When the third hour of physical education will be reintroduced in September 2009, without compensation schedule will repel an hour in the late afternoon hours of physical education college and automatically bring local companies foam in place have to find other places , too rare to provide their workouts.
2 - What are the measures taken or recommended by the SCID to compensate for the failure of sports hall, following the reintroduction of the third hour of physical education and the expansion of the college?
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