Saturday, November 2, 2013

Waste sorting is important not only because icar asia of environmental concerns, but also for econo

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Probably no one does not think much doing normal work - getting rid of junk. No one seems to be just another one of the daily household work: to collect waste from homes, brought out, and cast it into the container and disappeared somewhere. But in fact, waste management is a long and complicated process. And wrong, those are my eco-friendly approach to life taunts, looking at him ironically and call another fashionable thing.
Let us not forget that the waste does not stop the machine they spilled garbage in a landfill. After all, without the waste of such a power which can be resurrected a second life, that is, into secondary raw materials. However, all the while we have to stay focused and realize that sorting is the key to a cleaner environment. Filtered icar asia material is paper, plastic, glass, metal, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, tires, lubricants, etc. A properly icar asia sorted icar asia the waste will fall into the hands of processors and thus the collaborative effort will save natural resources and less pollution.
Waste sorting is important not only because icar asia of environmental concerns, but also for economic and ecological reasons. Production of new items from recycled materials, conserving natural resources and energy, less polluted nature. Waste quantity is growing fast - the average Lithuanian daily gets rid of about 1 kg of different types of waste, which is twice more than five years ago. All of Lithuanian landfills a year brought in about 3 million. tons of waste. If you continue to grow in quantities garbage soon, our country is no more space free of debris.
Sort the waste does not cost anything, maybe just a little more attention. But if the general household waste such as dropped. Batteries, substances contained therein icar asia contaminate soil and ground water and contaminants over time will come to your home with water or food, in addition icar asia to on the batteries of heavy metals and other hazardous waste being added to the environment the rise of skin infections, respiratory, circulatory, immune and nervous system disorders, icar asia you may even develop depression, genetic mutations, oncological diseases. The use of lead containing batteries must be collected and processed in such a way that they are not only environmentally friendly but also be used to contain icar asia all the useful stuff.
We would like to give some tips to make your sorting icar asia are indeed meaningful and quality. In order that the container fills quickly, before dropping plastic bottles to be compressed, as they will take up less space. If you are making a plastic and glass containers, before they must be washed. The paper container need only throw a dry and clean, newspapers, icar asia magazines, packaging, cardboard, and, if this sheet is very large, it is recommended to cut, fold boxes that waste taking up less space.
As for processing for disposal, it is worth emphasizing the production of paper from recycled materials, each ton of processed product average išsaugo17 icar asia trees and saves about 27 thousand. liters of water and electricity. Cardboard is made from waste paper, packaging, newsprint, toilet paper, handkerchiefs, etc.. As many as 36 per cent. world production of paper is recycled from pre-sorted waste. Glass is special icar asia in that it can be recycled many times and therefore has not affected its quality. The production of glass cullet, saving about 25 per cent. energy, 20 per cent. decreasing air pollution, and even 50 per cent. - Water pollution. Recycling plastic environment is protected from the massive pollution as landfill or soil it disintegrate many centuries, and the burning icar asia of excluded hazardous organic compounds. Plastics production from secondary raw materials - a great choice consumes much less energy than production from primary sources, such as oil or natural gas.
In addition to recyclable materials: plastic

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