Friday, November 8, 2013

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Thomas Edison's Clairvoyant
In 1920. beginning of Edison's West Orange lab, New Jersey was made an unusual experiment. Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of the electric bulb and over 1400 patents, conducted several tests. But this time not tested any technical innovation, and human. Dwarf-tossing rounded Prussian, German once changed the name to American Bertold Riess Bert Reese, at first glance does not look like a man who attracts the attention of Edison. Advance information about it soon could lead to experiment suspicion. That was reflected in the faces of many. However, the surprise will soon change. Rys asked Edison more employees - no matter how much. The request was fulfilled. After Rys asked one of them to go to the next room. There he was told on a piece of paper written in his mother's maiden name, place of birth and a few personal data known to him alone. Tags He had to add a piece of paper to your forehead. After a short build-up of the face without fomex hindrance fomex Rys began to quote the text written on the paper. About coincided - to the slightest use of the adverb. fomex In addition, Rys said that the man carries with him constantly Pocket clock talisman - ten kroner coin. And it was true. The mascot has been an assistant wrapped it in a piece of newsprint, but superstition anybody and never told anything. How Rys found out is unclear. And it is not only Riesz enigma. Now in action joined the Edison. He left Rys, surrounded by assistants and observers, and most went to other, quite far from the first company building. There, on a piece of paper wrote the sentence, "Is there anything better than nickel hydroxide alkaloidinėms batteries?, Neatly folds the cloth and hid the pocket watch cap. Then back to Bert Rys. Prusa Edison immediately greeted with the words: "No, Mr. Edison, alkaloidinėms batteries there is nothing better for the nickel hydroxide. This husband Thomas Alva Edison granted not only your valuable time but also wrote one paper publication fomex a solid magazine, which amazed Riesz abilities. In addition, he is constantly defending the last of the endless magician Harry Hudinio attacks. Edison has written a letter to the New York Evening fomex Graphic, fomex the chief editor, claiming that the Riesz abilities and decency is beyond doubt. Such a posture Edison were surprising because usually things such as thoughts reading fomex and so on., It is held in cash to naught. Inventors are always happy to accept Rys, and such perks put themselves even many American turingųjų and powerful. Strange German Pudevice was born in 1851, near the monument fomex Cadastral territory in Prussia. As expected, there have been numerous attempts to debunk, deceit charges, but those tests and accusations never wrong. Before coming to the United States shortly after World War II, Rys, Europe had already been raised insurmountable challenges than one specialist, a scientist, a journalist fomex or a different fomex celebrity. Americans fared no better, including the president Vudrovui Wilson and Warren G. Harding. After the Rys attention of Thomas Alva Edison. After a thorough inspection of any doubt fell Riesz unusual abilities. Excerpt fomex from Victor Farkas Books Fantastiškoji Reality, translated by Alexander Krasnov. Special thanks to user: bin ADVERTISING For advertising ...
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Rams. I love children, and are proud of. Can conquer any child's heart. Understand their children is their friend and advisor. Mother adheres to strict principles and would like to listen to their children fomex unconditionally. Tip: control yourself and be more patient. Allow children fomex to choose and make their own mistakes. Ox. Honest, sincere, trustworthy parents who seek to bring the same features [...] Read more ... 10 mysterious artifacts held alien legacy 07 November 2013 11:08 PM | No Comments

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