Sunday, November 17, 2013

Since the establishment of the grid

Metropolis> News> Notes from traveling> 2012 RSS
Since the establishment of the grid "Cergy every 10 minutes" on 4 February 2008, there was just one year, the punctuality of a t put evil. Since then, the board Rgie permanently on the delicate subject of the regularity of its flagship online.
Val-de-Fontenay 8am Pushers are in action ... but only on the rear of the train. After the prsents rescuers on the banks of the Gare de Lyon and Chatelet - Les Halles, after the "pushers" in these same two stations and recently Val-de-Fontenay, The defense, Auber, etc.. , After the train in the morning to reserve parking lane Z Nation lends itself from any time to overcome the multiple incidents enraillant the mechanics of, the latest innovation of the RATP p Pedagogic: large bubbles comic strip prviennent any delay of a train station is a price. These bubbles are dclines in five themes [1], on the line (which is the priority of the RATP) and, more surprisingly, on the line. A completely axis travel behavior cardboard rolls that RATP esprera cardboard rolls more responsible thanks campaign communication campaign. A campaign that is also based on a show for a month to exchange room Chatelet - Les Halles o more technical actions are also explain [2]. We almost believe that delays n'taient ds to travelers. Note that there is no allusion vis - vis the discomfort of travelers but equally frquents as hardware failures. We would have imagined stickers "A hearty lunch in the abdomen, discomfort in the train overheated lives" or "To feed before taking the RER, the medicinal cardboard rolls product against the hot shots" ... Finally, the communication campaign reserve more surprises. follow. PLACS several windows of the train (here a MI 84) berries, these stickers can not escape the eyes of travelers. The message has a clear tone towards guilt on them. Punctuality of: we all win, we could read between the lines.
A new release from Gare de Lyon
Infogare rflchissant
A 89 MP takes the air for the last time
[1] The doors open, I let down. Prepare my output makes my descent. Remember cardboard rolls doors, is to hold the train. At the beep, I m'loigne doors. 1 second = the station lost behind the line.
151 forum post (s) has (have) t post (s) as a result of this article, in 5 Thread (s): 1. Backup plan punctuality February 25, 2009 by iledefrancemsts 2. Backup plan punctuality February 20, 2009 by Livethrobbe 3. Why so much irony? February 11, 2009 by Mark 4. Backup plan punctuality February 11, 2009, by koakoo 5. Backup plan punctuality cardboard rolls February 11, 2009 by helena Engage a new discussion Plan backup punctuality February 25, 2009 11:28 by iledefrancemsts It is small stickers have bombard the MF77 line 13 for Most of them are arrachs.
Backup plan punctuality March 10, 2009, 24:15 by Elbarto I still find time ubne miserable that RATP has the nerve to give lessons to travelers: The stickers do not be so ncssaires there were officers cardboard rolls in the station, as before ... Stickers would not ncssaire if people would not run like crazy for fear of missing their matches. SNCF has recently dclar that matches cardboard rolls n'taient longer guaranteed for late ... Stickers cardboard rolls would not ncssaire if people were not afraid to miss the RSP whatsoever lorsequ'on see the pathetic management of the network, that for 30 years we RER still have not rgl the Elementals or even launched an ersatz construction second cardboard rolls tunnel between cardboard rolls Chatelet and Gare du Nord problems. Stickers would not ncssaires if RATP did apply strict rules in matters cardboard rolls of control of punctuality among drivers, it is inacptable that users expect cardboard rolls more than 10 minutes station seeing the driver chatting with his colleagues, arrived with 5 minutes late running or absent, as it happened several cardboard rolls times a GDN, the driver pulls SNCF and RATP no driver to replace him, until users go alert police who eventually alerted agents ratp in

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