Friday, November 15, 2013

For the main image we have changed our minds about the location and the expression we want to give

As mentioned in the previous article, Mr. Dutoit has guided us on the different choices regarding exposure of our project. So we have changed again because of his ideas has convinced us unanimously.
Since the window of the train from Bulle to a great depth, we could play with the dimensions. In addition, all other signs located at the station are usually ads. We thought we should do something different. Therefore, we sought a slogan in our interview. And we found the following sentence: "I was afraid to use my voice, the look they had on me, it's blocking me." . This phrase will be displayed below the main photo. From this quote, we have created the slogan "! BLOCKED ME YOUR LOOK." We will use this phrase to catch the eye of passersby. Our goal is to cover the window of a black poster which will be cut in the letters of the slogan. Passersby can see the picture brown packing paper behind looking through the letters. A test was printed. A photo of it is shown below.
For the main image we have changed our minds about the location and the expression we want to give it. Indeed, Mr. Dutoit has changed our view of things. Instead of going to the station of Freiburg, we will keep to that bubble like that pedestrians recognize where the picture was taken. Then we think most people blur around Joƫlle but make sure they watch it all. We'll have to call some of our friends for this photo. And it will be a word in sign language to express the fact that we can not hear. Several tests were performed and photographs were taken, brown packing paper one in the building of the EPAC and another station in Bulle. These are shown below.
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