Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hey hey! It was the French version of the book at home. It

Apricot - apricot agreement and water dishes Citrus (juice) Citrus (flavors of) Agua fresca garlic / garlic / alho Almonds - Almonds bulletin board paper rolls Amla saskatoon / saskatoon / fruto of junho Andalucia Advertisement / Custard Apple Cocktail Peanuts / peanut Arbouse Artichokes Asparagus Aubergine aromatic bulletin board paper rolls asparagus Eggplant Avocado - avocado Silver Bay Japan / Japanese Silverberry Banana Arugula White (Gambia) - Basella alba Bergamot / bergamot / bergamotto bulletin board paper rolls Beets Bitter / Bitter orange Swiss chard Blueberries blueberries bulletin board paper rolls Bruschetta Butia - Jelly palm Caigua / stuffing cucumber Calamondin - Kalamansi Carambola / Starfruit Carcade - hibiscus tea Cardon - cardoon Carob Carrot - carob Celtuce / celtuce Centrifuge Australia Cherry Cherries - cherries Mushrooms - Mushrooms Chestnuts Chayote - Chouchou - Xoxo Chou / cabbage Chou rave Choir flower / finger cauliflower Lemon / lime Lemon Finger perfect bulletin board paper rolls Clitorie bulletin board paper rolls peas blue Quince Combava lemon limao Classics / Kaffir lime cucumber pickles and condiments Condiments Citrus Squash Zucchini Crosnes - Knotroot Kitchen Alentejo Cynorhodon / Rose hip Citron / Lemon Celery - Celeriac Celeriac bulletin board paper rolls Dates Dates Dehydrator Dessert Dressings - Sauces bulletin board paper rolls unrelated Emerveillement Crayfish Endive - Chicory Spinach - Spinach spinach Espumas Estragon - Feijoa Feijoa guava tarragon Brazil Tonka Feves - favas Ficoide Folha de gelo Iceplant Common Fig - common fig Strawberries Raspberry / Raspberry Fruits Rare Sea Fruits Dried Fruits Food Okra - Okra Gourmandises Gourmandises Gourmandises salty sweet Guava - Guava Guava China - Aracá Granada Grapefruit - Pomegranate Beans Beans Appetizers Oyster / Oyster Innovations culinary helpful Jicama Jilo - Scarlet eggplant Jujube bulletin board paper rolls Khaki persimmon diospiros Kiwano - Métulon Kumquat Lentils / lenses Light Lime - Lime - Lime Fresh lima Palestine - Indian Sweet Lime Day lilies / Daylily bulletin board paper rolls Books Vegetables Macadamia Mango - manga - Mango Mango / Mango International Culinary Events Margose Maize / Corn Corn Corn Milho Melon Mesclun Morelle Moulds Blackberries tree / mulberries Naranjilla - Naranjilla Nashi Turnip - Turmip loquat Loquat Japan Cowpea peas cane Eggs Onion - Onion_ Opuntia_ Olives Orange Oregano Oregano bulletin board paper rolls Guinea Sorrel / Roselle bulletin board paper rolls Grapefruit (ie maxima) Papaya papaya Not good no sugar, no salt, no fat Not really in the topic Not really interesting bulletin board paper rolls Passion fruit (the) - Maracuja Watermelon Potato Sweet Potato Water Fishing - peach - pessego Breakfast sugar peas Peas Physalis Pitanga - Cayenne Cherry Pear Dishes / Pear Leek - Leek - Alho-inglês swiss chard Chard chard_ Chickpeas Gourmet Fish Pepper - sweet pepper Pomelo / Grapefruit Apple - Apple Apple Apple Caffre in the air - hoffe Potatoes Pumpkin Ponkan / pumpkin plum / prune peach Pâtisson Fishing Quiche Radish Refreshment grape Rau ram - Chinese basil - vietnamese coriander recipes Michèle Almancil desperate Rice Recipes Salad Sauce Rose Sage Science Silene Syrup Soy - Soybean Soups Cold Soups Hot Sublime Tamarillo Tomato tree Tapas Pies - Pies Tea - Herbal tea Tomato - Tomato Tomatillo Tropical Tips artichoke truffle / truffle / trufa Wine - wine - vinho Yucca Yuzu Vinegar
This recipe comes from the book of Ferran Adria "La comida la Familia" published in 2011 and translated into French under the title "Family Meal". This is the menu entry 25 "Patatas con espuma y judias whipped." Like all the recipes in this book, it is easy, quick and made nice. Cook the peeled pdt trenches with salt water, the ideal time is pdt have had time to take a good taste. Cook the mangetout beans sections in boiling bulletin board paper rolls salted bulletin board paper rolls water 4 minutes - add a bag of verbena to taste. To siphon the mixture (quantity 2) 150 g of mayonnaise, 1/2 lemon juice, 125 ml liquid cream (if one Greek yogurt). We arrive in the period yellowing lemons, bulletin board paper rolls now juicy and not too acidic. Load the siphon with 2 cartridges and shake well. Pdt drained cooked on a big fat foam cushion is placed Chantilly, then drained beans too. Finish with a spoonful of whipped foam must add the chives. Indeed, it is the beans and lemon working in this recipe and chives makes a welcome spice and a nice green color. The espuma relaxed cream or yoghurt mayonnaise allows it to mix well with pdt and mangetout. Nice autumn salad for our last harvest of bean dishes.
Hey hey! It was the French version of the book at home. It's funny, it's not the same presentation (Ed. Phaidon). We have not tried this one (we n

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