Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Schaedler says Boeing and GM are already using the material in new projects, but still can not reve

A new type of lightweight material, with one hundredth the density of Styrofoam, combines the strength of metal with the elasticity of rubber. The product, created in research couch cushion foam funded by Boeing and GM promises applications ranging couch cushion foam from cushioning shock to sophisticated electric couch cushion foam batteries.
Composed of microscopic tubular rods of nickel, the material couch cushion foam was able to regain 98% of its original shape after being compressed to 50% of its size. Scientists from HRL Laboratories (research center that the two companies couch cushion foam have in California) report that metallic micro-frame couch cushion foam under study in the journal "Science". "The periodic table has a limited number of elements, and and science is already exhausting the possibilities of what is possible with new blends and new metal alloys", told Folha Tobias Schaedler, scientist author of the invention.
The new microarmação nickel, which has microscopic and nanoscopic details (scale of millionths of a millimeter) is made from a special material, a thiol, liquid polymer that becomes solid when irradiated with ultraviolet light. couch cushion foam
Designing a frame with light rays within a tank, the dump thiol scientists in the container, and the substance solidifies where the light beams run, forming micro-rods. Then scientists nickel and the overlying couch cushion foam polymer into withdraw, leaving only the frame hollow metal microtubes.
Schaedler says Boeing and GM are already using the material in new projects, but still can not reveal what they are. "You can imagine that such a lightweight material would be extremely helpful in anything that flies," says the scientist.
The nickel microarmação previous attempts to overcome materials couch cushion foam with the same properties. Metal foams and a solid silica gel, for example, were able to obtain even lower densities, but were crushed when subjected to the same pressure.
Schaedler says he still does not know exactly how much pressure the new material withstands because initial tests focused couch cushion foam on the study of elasticity. "Of course, our microarmação nickel is not as tough as massive blocks of the same metal, but it loses very little resistance when compared to metal foams, which have random structure." He says the inspiration for microarmações came partly couch cushion foam , architecture. "Great buildings like the Eiffel Tower, are very strong and very light thanks to the quality couch cushion foam of its architectural design couch cushion foam of structures." "We are now trying to use this concept when designing materials at the micrometer and nanometer scale," said the researcher.
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You may wonder what a TV have to do with chemistry? The production of various materials making up the television plastic folie depends on knowledge plastic folie of chemistry. And this also happens with many other products present in our daily lives, that science whose composition is present. In this blog you will find some curiosities explained by chemistry and more.
Francis Dagortt Paulo Roberto Forlin Class: 206 The Dead Sea salt water is slightly salty heavier than fresh water, as it contains dissolved minerals. Therefore it is easier to float in salt water than in fresh water. The Dead Sea, located in the middle east, is huge lake formed by water with a higher salt content of the planet. At the Dead Sea the density of salt water is very large and the person floats without any physical effort. You uncompensated seen someone floating in a pool, have probably also seen that some objects sink and some do not. For example, who joked to seek coins, or other things plastic folie in the bottom of a pool? All this occurs due to density. The density plastic folie is a quantity that represents the ratio (division) between the mass and volume of the material under study pure water has 1g/cm density. It is the material most massive sinking but the denser material. This is an important observation then object with density greater than water sink into it with lower density float. For example, we have 10kg foam and it does not sink into the pool, because the foam density is 0.1 g / cm (10 times lower than that of water), as few grams of lead quickly sink density lead is 11.3 g / cm . The relative density of a body depends on its composition. The relative density of lean mass, bone and fat mass, body density is slightly lower than that of water 0.974 on average. The human being has the ability to change their density. So regardless of whether we are fat or thin, young or women or elderly men can both float and sink just as varying the amount of air in pulmõ lungs filled with air and increased our volume air being less dense than water our body tends to rise and then boiamos. If you would like you can do this test, we are in a pool release all the air from the lungs realize that you will fast in ground pool Regarding water is why some substances have higher or lower density the density of water if a substance, then a object has greater density of water it will sink you can use this argument to any other liquid eg coffee plastic folie for something floating in coffee lower density however is required if something quizer sink in coffee will need a higher density The density (d) of a body expresses the relationship between the mass (m) and volume (V) occupied by that body. In d = mv group: The density of an element with the atomic number increases, which occurs from the top down. In period: The density grows end to the center Bibliography: plastic folie plastic folie Chemistry in everyday approach volume 1 Modern Publisher
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Monday, April 21, 2014

Styrofoam or polystyrene become the most popular materials used for packaging foodstuffs, fruits, v

Styrofoam or polystyrene become the most popular materials used for packaging foodstuffs, fruits, vegetables, meats and ready meals. Almost all agricultural products sold in supermarkets are packed with styrofoam. In addition to its sleek and lightweight, Styrofoam foamfest is also able to retain heat / cold, maintaining foamfest freshness and durability and integrity of packaged goods at low cost. Also the shape is fixed, will not change as cardboard or cardboard which tend to be not too long when used neat. Styrofoam is able to retain its shape and not easily bent etc..
But lately styrofoam into materials that are considered hazardous because it is said residue containing carcinogenic (causes cancer) and cause a disease foamfest called foamfest Endocrine Disrupter foamfest (EDC), which is a disease of the endocrine system disorders
Styrene, the active ingredient contained in a styrofoam processed using benzene (benzene), benzene is an organic compound foamfest yangmemiliki chemical formula C 6 H 6, a cyclic hydrocarbon, colorless and highly flammable. Used as a gasoline additive and basic industrial chemicals including drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber and dyes
Mmiliki benzene adverse health effects when it enters into the living body. Among them will interfere with thyroid gland function, disrupt the nervous system that have an impact on fatigue, speeding up the heart rate, resulting in sleeplessness, trembling body even in some cases it can cause loss of consciousness.
Benzene into the living body (human) blood flow will carry sticks the bone marrow, resulting in the formation foamfest of red blood cells is inhibited and lead to anemia. Another effect of benzene is its effect on the immune system (immune), interfere with the pregnancy and cause cancer
WHO and EPA (Environment Protection Agency) has categorized styrofoam like material as a carcinogen. Chemical substances in the styrofoam terkandun will get into the food / beverage. Factors fat content, alcohol content, acid and heat will speed up the transfer of the substance. Not surprisingly, since a few years ago Mc. Donald has discontinued the use of Styrofoam.
Given the high level of effectiveness and efficiency in the use of styrofoam, styrofoam development of environmentally foamfest friendly products called Oxodegradable Styrofoam. Styrofoam takes over 1000 years to degrade, but with the addition Oxium in polystyrene, the material can be degraded within a period of just 4 years. Oxodegradable Styrofoam has been certified "Green lable" and has met the regulatory national foamfest authorities.
Oxium are additives that are added to polystyrene which is able to accelerate the degradation process. The addition of polystyrene is made Oxium oxodegradable, degenerate through foamfest a mechanism that is triggered by the presence of UV oxidation, heat, light, oxygen and mechanical stress. The concept has been applied in the manufacture foamfest of plastic bag / shopping bag capable foamfest degraded during the 2 years.
Degradation causes a decrease in tensile strength so that polystyrene becomes brittle (fragile), cracking (cracking) fragmented into small parts (powder / powder). The final phase of the process of degeneration will produce CO 2, water and biomass will be returned to nature. Basically polystyrene is a hydrocarbon chain that is both organic as well as carbohydrates, but it has a very long chain making it difficult for microbes to decompose. Ranta Oxium will shorten and speed up decomposition by microbes.
Replay Value End of Semester 1 Th. 2012/2013 here: Value UAS Biology
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Sunday, April 20, 2014

NuPlastika Nu: new Plastika: Change plastics old plastic into new forms and earn new benefits of pl

Packaging materials made from Styrofoam (polystyrene) has become one of the most popular choices reticulated foam in the food business. This type of food packaging is well known and widely used in almost all food industry. Starting at roadside food vendors, supermarkets to restaurants - not classy little restaurant that is packed in a styrofoam container products. Surely you've also eaten right out of a styrofoam container? You know the dangers of using Styrofoam as a food packaging material for our health? Check this out! Why Styrofoam?
Styrofoam is made from the copolymer is mostly white Styren clean. The reason for choosing styrofoam by traders for food wrap one of them is being able to prevent leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, this material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. Lightweight styrofoam shape makes it easy to carry. Food was stored there also remain reticulated foam fresh and intact. Not only that, styrofoam packing material chosen as a first food because of the cheap cost of packaging. reticulated foam Why Styrofoam Harmful to Health? Along with the development of food industry technology, the security aspects of this material began to be questioned. Recent research proves reticulated foam that the material is found to contain food wrappers dioctyl phthalate (DOP) which stores substances benzene, a chemical solution is difficult crushed by the digestive system. Benzene can not be removed through reticulated foam the stool (feces) or urine (urine) so that these substances are progressively accumulate and swathed in fat. This is what can lead to the emergence of cancer. Styrofoam is actually still quite plastic family. Plastic on styrofoam material composed of polymers, the long chain of units called reticulated foam monomers smaller (plastic forming reticulated foam materials). When food is wrapped reticulated foam in plastic, these monomers can migrate into food and then passed to people who eat them. The higher the temperature the food is put into the plastic, the faster the transfer occurs. When hot food is put into the plastic, we can see the plastic becomes weak and thin. This is a sign of breaking the bonds of the monomer. Monomer displacement also occurs when food or drinks in plastic containers are directly exposed to the hot sun. Whereas in fast food restaurants and food artisans in the street, styrofoam is used for wrapping food a new cook. There is even a fast-food outlets that heats again the food was wrapped styrofoam in the microwave. Imagine how many chemicals that move into our food and finally reticulated foam get into our bodies. In addition, lipid (fat) and alcohol content or higher in an acidic food or beverage can also speed up the rate of chemical displacement of styrofoam. In addition to the negative effect on health, Styrofoam is also not environmentally friendly. Because of its nature can not be described, the amount of styrofoam will increasingly accumulate so can contaminate both water and land. Styrofoam recycling process that has been done so far is really just to destroy the old styrofoam then shaping it into new Styrofoam reticulated foam and reuse into food and beverage containers.
The process of making Styrofoam can also pollute the environment. Data EPA (Environmental reticulated foam Protection Agency) reticulated foam in 1986 mentions, hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing process is very much styrofoam. That caused the EPA to categorize the process of making styrofoam reticulated foam as hazardous waste generators to-5 world. In addition, the process of making styrofoam reticulated foam cause bad smell-that interferes with breathing-and releasing 57 harmful substances into the air.
Well, it already knows how to danger when used as a Styrofoam container of food and beverage packaging. So should avoid the use of Styrofoam. Buy food and drinks are served in glasses of glass plates or wrote, or use all leaf wrap. Way - the traditional reticulated foam way proved to be safer hehehe ... source:
NuPlastika Nu: new Plastika: Change plastics old plastic into new forms and earn new benefits of plastic View my complete profile
2010 (29) May (1) April (23) Reduce the Use of Plastic Shopping Bags Product Substitute Plastic Bags Continues Meramb reticulated foam ... Unilever Introduces Environmentally Friendly Shopping Bags STOP Styrofoam Usage Impact on Marine Waste Plastic Containers Plastic Care Tips Tips for Safe Wear Plastic Containers Plastic Usage Impact on Health Hazards Hazards Styrofoam Plastic Bottles Plastic Waste Management Recycle Method (... Beware Dangers Destroying Black Plastic Plastic crackle with Air handicraft

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (5) December (2) Impact of Using Styrofoam life cycle and breedin

Who would ever eat chicken soup at Mc Donalds?? Must have dooong. Then once khan also buy food that is packaged in a Styrofoam container? In acara2 selametan celebration or even, regular food take-away is usually packaged in a Styrofoam container ....
Styrofoam is made from styrene granules, which are processed using benzana. Then What is it that makes Styrofoam so the danger for health? Yes it was, "benzana" which are chemicals harmful to health when entering into the human body.
Fast food restaurants and food artisans in the street, using styrofoam to wrap the new cook food. In fact, there are fast food outlets which heats again food that has been wrapped styrofoam in the microwave. Khan imagine how many chemicals that move into our food and finally get into our bodies.
Soup, teriyaki, capcay, meatballs, are some examples honey comb bong of foods that contain high levels of fat, and is usually served in hot conditions so that the fat contained no clot and good to eat. O ooww .......!!!! The faster benzana unraveling of the Styrofoam, already hot, fatty too!!!
Ummm .. it is bad when the afternoon rains, we drink lemon tea or hot lemon water, our body feels so warm. Or after eating a steak or barbeque (slang ya fathers usually), drank a little whiskey on the rock (cold whiskey). But know khan result??? Lemon tea or hot lemon water (which honey comb bong of course contains acid) accelerating benzana soluble and are ingested into our bodies. Not to mention after eating fatty foods (in Styrofoam packaging), we drink alcoholic beverages - such as whiskey (albeit cold) - it will speed up the process benzana circulation in our body.
- When it goes into the blood cells will eventually damage the spinal cord, resulting in reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises.
- In women, these substances adversely impact the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatened. and the most dangerous, these substances can cause breast cancer honey comb bong and prostate cancer.
Styrofoam will just accumulate and pollute the environment. Styrofoam is carried to the sea, will be able to damage the ecosystem and marine life. Some companies did recycle styrofoam. But in fact, done just destroy the old styrofoam, shaping it into new Styrofoam and reuse into food and beverage containers.
Data EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1986 mentions, hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing process is very much styrofoam. That caused the EPA to categorize the process honey comb bong of making styrofoam as hazardous waste generators to-5 world. In addition, the process of making styrofoam cause bad smell-that interferes with breathing-and releasing 57 harmful substances into the air.
A few years ago, McDonalds announced it would replace the styrofoam container with paper. Environmentalists said the decision was a'' victory'' environment because Styrofoam is very dangerous to health and the environment.
Some agencies such as World Health honey comb bong Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has been categorized as a styrofoam carcinogens (cancer causing substances)
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2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (5) December (2) Impact of Using Styrofoam life cycle and breeding of carp November (1) October (2)

Styrofoam is generally white in color, looks clean, simple shape, not easy to leak, able to maintai

Global life is a life filled with challenges and competition in every field, both in the field of Science and Technology (Science and Technology), and other industries (Ginter, 2005). Competition in the field of industrial demands and technological advances in the field of human resources of high quality. In addition, competition in the industry can be found in the presence packing peanuts of competition in making products fast, easy to carry anywhere, and can be used in a long period of time.
To make such products a lot of factories that use chemicals to make food storage packaging. The packaging is made to be able to store food in a long enough period of time, the food was kept fresh, simple, and easy to carry. Food packaging most popular and widely used these days is styrofoam. This they are due because of the use of styrofoam as packaging food prices provide a relatively inexpensive, simple, and easy to carry anywhere (Widyaningsih, 2010).
However, on the other hand it turns out the use of styrofoam as food packaging provide a variety of negative health effects. Styrofoam is used for packaging foods and beverages that contain fat easily react with fat molecules. In addition the use of styrofoam food packaging seagai packing peanuts instant noodles can cause styrofoam to decompose into monomers styrene and mixed with noodles that we eat. So that takes us directly and styrene packing peanuts monomer into the body. Though these materials can be harmful to human health because it is carcinogenic (cause cancer) and can cause endocrine disruption (endrokrinologi disease and disorder in reproductive system in humans (Hidayat, 2011). Accordingly, in this article will be assessed on: (1) Styrofoam packing peanuts understanding and (2) the impact of the use of styrofoam.
The benefits to be gained from writing packing peanuts this paper is to add information and improve the reader's understanding packing peanuts of the styrofoam, as well as the negative impact of the use of styrofoam packaging.
Styrofoam is the name used when the substances are traded polystyrene (Tyas, 2011). Polystyrene is a thermoplastic polymer that is formed packing peanuts from styrene pelomerisasi. Styrene is an organic compound having the chemical formula C 8 H 8, which is a liquid, colorless, and mirib like oil. Styrene monomers combine into polystyrene through rekais addition polymerization. The equation is presented as follows.
Styrofoam is generally white in color, looks clean, simple shape, not easy to leak, able to maintain its shape, and light. The color is white and looks clean cause frequent dugunakan styrofoam container for food. The form is simple, not easy to leak, able to maintain its shape and light causes a lot of people use it as a forum for electronic equipment and other equipment that is easy to carry anywhere. In addition styrofoam also able to maintain hot and cold so that objects inside still feels warm or cold (Surami and Marzuki. 2011).
Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Not only that, reasons for choosing styrofoam as food packaging materials especially because packing peanuts the cost of packaging is cheap. With all the advantages that styrofoam is always an option for traders to wrap food. Practical, comfortable, lightweight and economical is the reason why people are interested in using styrofoam. In the market price of styrofoam only Rp 400 per piece. Much cheaper than a banana leaf, which is commonly used by traditional traders. No wonder that the products ranging from soups to soft drinks at fast food restaurants use this container.
Styrofoam packing peanuts is made from a mixture of 90-95% polystyrene and 5-10% as n-butane gas or n-pentane. In the past, blowing agent used is CFC (Freon), because this class of compounds packing peanuts can damage the ozone layer is currently not in use anymore, now used blowing agent which is more environmentally friendly. Polystyrene is made from the monomer styrene through the polymerization process. Polystyrene foam is made from styrene monomer through suspension polymerization at a certain pressure and temperature, further heating to soften the resin and evaporating the residual blowing agent.
Styrofoam is a plastic material that has special properties with structure composed of grains with low density, has a light weight, and there is a space between the grains that contain air that can not deliver the heat so this makes it an excellent thermal insulator. In general, the lower the density the foam, the higher insulation capacity.
Developments in research and studies that have been conducted packing peanuts by bebe

Friday, April 18, 2014

Styrofoam (polystyrene also called) are generally colored white. cellophane rolls The shape is prac

Styrofoam (polystyrene also called) are generally colored white. cellophane rolls The shape is practical and lightweight. Styrofoam takeout often used because it is able to prevent leakage and is able to maintain its shape when held. In addition, the styrofoam is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. Lightweight styrofoam shape makes it easy to carry. Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Another reason chosen styrofoam as food packaging materials especially for the cheap price b. With all the advantages that, styrofoam into primary choice in food wrap. Ranging from fast food restaurants, snack vendors in the street, to the various events and activities, often the choice styrofoam. But behind the excess, styrofoam proved very harmful for health. Styrofoam components (benzene and styrene) can cause damage to the spinal cord, causing anemia and reduce the production of red blood cells to increase the risk of cancer. These components are easily dislodged when Styrofoam contact with heat, fats, or oils. In addition harmful to the body, Styrofoam is harmful to the environment. If the plastic waste takes up to 500-something years to decompose in the soil, styrofoam it can never be unraveled. Styrofoam in the trash so that the land will remain in its shape, does not change, let alone destroyed up at any time, possibly until the end of the earth. Save The Earth, No. Styrofoam
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Nine months is really enough time to see and observe my new environment. Many things are different

Nine months had I "ride" in the city that people foamfest call the nation's capital. I call a ride for two reasons, foamfest first I'm foamfest not a native of the city and the second I'm not even sure how much longer I'll stay here.
Nine months is really enough time to see and observe my new environment. Many things are different when compared to my hometown, Klaten. Environmental differences is one striking difference.
If after a cold rain is perceived, in Jakarta, I do not always feel it. The cold just after the rain came and it was sometimes very rare. Not to mention the air pollution, sewers-both small and large-and river-colored, odorless and bersampah.
One thought that comes to mind is, if all the regions of the earth as it was, how are we in the future? Without a shade tree, without fresh air, without adequate resources and most importantly without any concern for the people of the earth.
In fact, the earth never need us, but we are in need of the earth. Earth can repair themselves without us. So, there is no reason for us not to keep the earth as our form of thanks for this.
In connection with that, here there is also a different habit from my hometown area that does not show the form of thank you to the earth. Habits that looks small, foamfest but very large impact on the environment: Using STYROFOAM!
The intensity of the use of styrofoam here is so great. Every purchase chicken porridge, fried rice, chicken rice, and other foods almost all using styrofoam. Inside there is a plastic styrofoam or wax paper. In it there is a plastic spoon again and then wrapped with plastic bag. After completion eaten, all these items trashed-or sometimes even any place where that could be a disposal-. Wastage and very painful earth, is not it?
But we know, for the environment is the greatest foamfest enemy styrofoam. foamfest Styrofoam is made generating hazardous waste, producing CFCs that encourage greenhouse effect, hard parsed and the lack of recycling facilities. Moreover, if destroyed by fire, styrofoam will release harmful foamfest substances in the air and will create air pollution. Finally, styrofoam will only be garbage accumulate and pollute the environment --- are slowly killing the earth.
For our health, nor styrofoam food packaging into recommendations. The content of benzene in the process of making Styrofoam is very harmful to the body. The content of benzene in the body will destroy red blood cells, which in the long run will have an impact on anemia and weakened immune systems. Coupled with the world institutions such as the World Health Organization's foamfest International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental foamfest Protection Agency) that has categorized the styrofoam as a carcinogen (cancer causing substances).
Although Styrofoam gives bad effects to health and the environment, in fact very difficult to find a replacement for Styrofoam food containers are practical and inexpensive. But remember, that every BIG step an inch from the start, we can start on mbesar rejection of the use of styrofoam ourselves. Take action, share and campaign, and sooner or later around you will follow.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Other effects, the immune system will be reduced so that we can easily become infected. In women, t

Styrofoam, Pros and Cons | Breakfast with Miss Ruoka
Styrofoam is made from copolymer Styren food business is an option because it can prevent leaks and retains foam manufacturers its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. Lightweight styrofoam shape makes it easy to carry. Food is kept fresh and also remain intact. Not only that, reasons for choosing styrofoam as food packaging materials especially because the cost of packaging is cheap.
In the industry, foam manufacturers Styrofoam is often used as an insulating material. This material is able to withstand the temperature, so the objects inside stay cool or warm. Because it can withstand temperatures that, eventually many who use it as a beverage cups and food containers.
However, recent research proves that Styrofoam questionable safety. Therefore, the material is found to contain food wrappers dioctyl phthalate (DOP) which stores substances benzene, a chemical solution is difficult crushed by the digestive system. Benzene foam manufacturers is also can not be removed through the stool (feces) or urine (urine). As a result, these substances accumulate more and more and swathed in fat. This is what can lead to the emergence of cancer.
Benzene can cause problems in the thyroid gland, disrupting the nervous system, causing fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, insomnia, trembling body into, and become foam manufacturers easily agitated. In some cases, benzene can even lead to loss of consciousness and death. When benzene ingested, these substances will enter the blood cells and will eventually damage the spinal cord. Consequently reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises.
Other effects, the immune system will be reduced so that we can easily become infected. In women, these substances adversely impact the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatened. And the most dangerous, these substances can cause breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Factors that affect the rate of migration of polystyrene foam can be used to package food at the temperature range varies, but if used to package food at high temperatures, allowing the styrene monomer can migrate into food and then into the body. Migration is influenced by temperature, contact time, and type of food. The higher the temperature, contact time, and the fat content of a food, the greater the migration. harmful to health, to look out for is the possibility of migration of styrene monomer into food that could pose a risk to health.
Styren, Styrofoam foam manufacturers base material, is soluble in fat and alcohol. foam manufacturers Therefore, containers of this type are not suitable for high fat milk. So even with the blended coffee cream. In fact, not a few fast food restaurants that serve hot coffee in the container.
Foods that contain high vitamin A should also not be heated in a styrofoam container, because of the existing styrene in it can leach into food. Warming will solve vitamin A into toluene. Toluene solvent Styren here.
In July 2001, the Food Safety Division of the Government of Japan revealed that residues in food is very harmful styrofoam. Residues that can cause endocrine disrupter (EDC), which is a disease foam manufacturers that occurs due to interference with the system and reproductive endocrinology humans due to chemical carcinogens in food. In fact, some of the world institutions such as the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental Protection foam manufacturers Agency) has clearly categorize styrofoam as a material carcinogens (cancer causing substances)
Research has also proven foam manufacturers that the more heat the food, the faster the chemical migration into food styrofoam. Whereas in fast food restaurants and food artisans in the street, styrofoam is used for wrapping food a new cook. In fact, there are fast food restaurants that heats again the food was wrapped styrofoam in the microwave. Imagine, how many chemicals that move into our food and finally get into our bodies.
When food or drink in a styrofoam container, the chemicals contained in the styrofoam will move on to the food. Displacement will be faster if the fat content (fat) in a food or beverage higher. In addition, foods containing alcohol or acid (such as lemon tea) can also accelerate the rate of displacement.
The process of making Styrofoam can also pollute the environment. Data EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1986 mentions, hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing foam manufacturers process is very much styrofoam. That caused the EPA to categorize the process of making styrofoam as hazardous waste generators to-5 world. In addition, pro-

However, along with the development of food industry technology, food safety aspects epp foam of th

Styrofoam or polystyrene packaging materials has become one of the most popular choices in the food business. However, recent research epp foam proves that Styrofoam questionable safety. Styrofoam is made from a copolymer of styrene into food business choice because it can prevent epp foam leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold, maintain the freshness and integrity of the material is packaged, low cost, more secure, and lightweight. Stryfoam is extremely hazardous to health and the environment. However, no means of Styrofoam to be reduced and disappeared. By contrast, in Indonesia, the use of styrofoam as food containers mushroomed. Ranging from quick service restaurants to the food vendors on the street, use this material to wrap their food.
Styrofoam generally epp foam has a white color and looks clean. The form is also simple and lightweight. Styrofoam is made from a copolymer of styrene into food business choice epp foam because it can prevent leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. In the industry, Styrofoam is often used as an insulating material. This material is able to withstand the temperature, so the objects epp foam inside stay cool or warm. Form styrofoam to make lightweight portability. Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Not only that, as a reason for choosing styrofoam packing material particularly as the cost of food packaging are cheap. With all the advantages that styrofoam is always an option for traders to wrap food. Practical, comfortable, lightweight and economical is the reason why people are interested in using styrofoam.
However, along with the development of food industry technology, food safety aspects epp foam of this material began to be questioned. Several research reports and research food scientist shows that Styrofoam has excellent potential hazard to human health, because it can lead to tumors and cancer cells. According to research experts, the material epp foam forming styrofoam cork is also called, is toxic and can contaminate food and drinks. Especially the food was still hot and greasy when put in the white container epp foam was soon going to melt. Styrofoam is actually still quite plastic family. Plastic on styrofoam material composed of polymers, the long chain of units called monomers smaller. When food is wrapped in plastic, these monomers can migrate into food and then passed to people who eat them. Chemicals that have entered the body is insoluble in water and therefore can not be disposed off, either through urine and droppings. The buildup of harmful chemicals from the plastic in the body can trigger cancer.
Styrofoam so dangerous because it is made from styrene granules, which are formulated with benzana. Though benzana including substances that can cause many diseases. Benzana could cause problems in the thyroid gland, epp foam disrupting the nervous system, causing fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, insomnia, trembling body into, and become easily agitated.
In some cases, benzana can even lead to loss of consciousness and death. epp foam benzana when ingested, he will go into the blood cells and will eventually damage the spinal cord. Consequently reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises. Other effects, the immune system will be reduced so that we can easily become infected. In women, these substances adversely impact the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatened. And the most dangerous, these substances can cause breast cancer and prostate cancer.
2012 (26) December (7) <! - [If gte mso 9]> epp foam Normal 0 false fa ... <! - [If gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false fa ... stryfoam article article stryfoam stryfoam epp foam article article article stryfoam stryfoam October (2) October (3) January (1) July (7) January (6) 2011 (3) October (3)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In addition to endangering the health of the use of Styrofoam can also harm the environment. The us

In this era of globalization, most people choose something that is practical, easy and fast. Lately also rife with material used styrofoam food packaging. Styrofoam clark rubber locations generally has a white color and looks clean. The form is also simple and lightweight. Styrofoam is made from a copolymer of styrene into food business choice because it can prevent clark rubber locations leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable clark rubber locations to hold. In the industry, Styrofoam is often used as an insulating material. This material is able to withstand the temperature, so the objects inside stay cool or warm. Form styrofoam to make lightweight clark rubber locations portability. Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Not only that, as a reason for choosing styrofoam packing material particularly as the cost of food packaging are cheap.
With all the advantages that styrofoam is always an option for traders to wrap food. Practical, clark rubber locations comfortable, lightweight and economical is the reason why people are interested in using styrofoam. In the market price of styrofoam only Rp 400 per piece. Much cheaper clark rubber locations than a banana leaf, which is commonly used by traditional traders. No wonder products ranging from soups to soft drinks at fast food restaurants use this container.
Although we often use Styrofoam in everyday life, especially for kemaasan food but we never know what ingredients are contained in the styrofoam. Styrofoam clark rubber locations is a kind of artificial chemicals derived plastics are made at a specific pressure and temperature. Made of styrene monomer and consists of about 10% n-butane gas and the remaining clark rubber locations 90% is polystyrene. Often most people mistakenly assuming styrofoam is cork, while the two are not same.Because polystyrene brittle, then the need for the manufacture of other chemicals. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are also required when making the styrofoam.
It turned out that the material contained in styrofoam harmful to health. Many diseases are caused from the use of styrofoam clark rubber locations include anemia, decreased immunity, sleep disorders, anxiety, fatigue, thyroid gland disorders, accelerated heart rate, body shaking, breast cancer, prostate cancer, tumors, chaotic menstrual cycles, disturbances in pregnancy, loss of consciousness, and even death.
In addition to endangering the health of the use of Styrofoam can also harm the environment. The use of styrofoam did not only harm humans directly, but also on the environment. The reason is simple, namely styrofoam insoluble in nature clark rubber locations (automatically parsed by nature). Recycling process clark rubber locations seem to be a solution, but it still does not eliminate clark rubber locations the danger to manusia.Pada during manufacture styrofoam, waste itself included as a hazardous waste. 57 harmful substances clark rubber locations released in the air also should not be underestimated. Because the recycling process is the same lie that has no meaning.
Ironically, the use of hazardous substances in Indonesia is still prevalent. Not only on the side of the road only, but also in some fast-food restaurants (fast food). clark rubber locations In fact, the danger is very clear styrofoam clark rubber locations threatening in sight.
Very cheap price makes this material of choice as a means of food containers. But, whether because it's health should be sacrificed? Hopefully the government can crack down on food vendors still using styrofoam.
In order to prevent danger arising from the use of styrofoam lot for food packaging, we must be selective in choosing the materials clark rubber locations that will be used for food packaging. clark rubber locations For example, a safe material that is cardboard, wax paper, banana leaves etc.. Better after knowing the dangers posed styrofoam again we do not use styrofoam for food packaging, other than for the sake of the environment clark rubber locations in order to maintain kesahatan also well maintained.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Home About Me Contact Me Link Friend Award Guest Writer ReKSAPALA Legal Regulation Government Regul

Home About Me Contact Me Link Friend Award Guest Writer ReKSAPALA Legal Regulation Government Regulation Law Decree Presidential Decree closed cell polyethylene foam Ministerial Regulation Regulatory Register Notes Indonesia Category Category Category Fauna Flora Environment closed cell polyethylene foam Category Download Blog Tips
Trash Styrofoam or sterefoam the Eternal, reminds me of a climbing mountain when one of the members there who bring food to be contained Styrofoam. Senior who knows, immediately rebuked and told to replace the container. He said, illegitimate nature lovers bring a styrofoam because he is immortal trash. Trash Styrofoam will not ever be able to unravel.
Know Styrofoam or Sterefoam. Until now I did not know the Indonesian made of styrofoam. Some people closed cell polyethylene foam mengalihbahasakannya be sterefoam, although it seems the word is still not listed in the KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary).
Styrofoam (polystyrene also called) are generally closed cell polyethylene foam colored white. The shape is simple and lightweight. Styrofoam is made from styrene copolymer is often used because of food wrappers able to prevent leakage and is able to maintain its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. Form styrofoam to make lightweight portability. Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Not only that, as a reason for choosing styrofoam packing material particularly as the cost of food packaging are cheap.
With all the benefits of that, styrofoam is now the primary choice in food wrap. Ranging closed cell polyethylene foam from fast food restaurants, hawker traders in the street, to the various events and activities, often the choice styrofoam.
But behind the excess, styrofoam turned out very language for health. Styrofoam components (benzene, carcinogens, and styrene) can cause damage to the spinal marrow, causing closed cell polyethylene foam anemia and reduce the production of red blood cells to increase the risk of cancer. These components are easily dislodged when Styrofoam contact with heat, fats, or oils.
Styrofoam Waste Not Eternal Unraveling. In addition harmful to the body, Styrofoam or even harmful to the environment sterefoam. If the plastic waste takes up to 500-something years to decompose in the soil, styrofoam it can never be unraveled. So the trash pack styrofoam in the soil will remain in its shape, does not change, let alone destroyed until whenever, closed cell polyethylene foam probably until the apocalypse closed cell polyethylene foam arrives. closed cell polyethylene foam
With the amount of Styrofoam that we use in a day, multiplied by the number of inhabitants of the earth, multiplied by the number of days, we can imagine how much trash will pile up styrofoam which then contaminate soil, water, earth and sea. With a variety of chemical closed cell polyethylene foam constituents contained in it, how many Earth organisms would receive implications?. With our styrofoam litter closed cell polyethylene foam consumption today, could be tens of years to come, the earth turns into a styrofoam mainland. closed cell polyethylene foam
When this has been discovered called closed cell polyethylene foam Oxodegradable closed cell polyethylene foam Polystyrene Styrofoam, which he says is more environmentally friendly. This type of Styrofoam has been given additional materials that can decompose Oxium although take up to 4 years.
But certainly we all understand that even though we actually have to pay very expensive with the increasing number of landfill waste are not eternal will decompose along with the use of the said stryofom practical and inexpensive. Will we pass on 'Styrofoam earth' on our grandchildren?.
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Sunday, April 13, 2014

However, along with the development of food industry technology, food safety aspects rigid foam of

Home Contents Healthy Articles Movies Blog Design History Education Computer Software Tips and Trick Football Standings Eredivisi rigid foam Bundes Liga Serie A League BPL ISL-1 J-League La Liga League Russian League Turkey Gadgets> Digital Quran Online SMS Text Ball Flight Radar newspaper Reversed
A few years ago, one of the famous fast food restaurants in the United States announced it would replace the styrofoam container with paper. Environmentalists said the decision was a "victory neighborhood" karenastyrofoam known to be harmful to health and the environment. However, no means of Styrofoam rigid foam to be reduced and disappeared. By contrast, in Indonesia, the use of styrofoam as food containers mushroomed. Ranging from quick service restaurants to the food vendors on the street, use this material to wrap their food.
Styrofoam generally has a white color and looks clean. The form is also simple and lightweight. Styrofoam is made from a copolymer of styrene into food business choice because it can prevent leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. In the industry, Styrofoam is often used as an insulating material. This material is able to withstand the temperature, so the objects inside stay cool or warm. The form makes styrofoammudah taken lightly. Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Not only that, as a reason for choosing styrofoam packing material particularly as the cost of food packaging are cheap.
With all the advantages that styrofoam is always an option for traders to wrap food. Practical, comfortable, lightweight and economical is the reason why people are interested in using styrofoam. In the market hargastyrofoam only Rp 400 per piece. Much cheaper rigid foam than a banana leaf, which is commonly used by traditional traders. No wonder that the products ranging from soups to soft drinks at fast food restaurants use this container.
However, along with the development of food industry technology, food safety aspects rigid foam of this material began to be questioned. rigid foam Several reports and research studies show that food scientists styrofoammemiliki potential hazard to human health, because it can lead to tumors and cancer cells. According to research experts, the material forming styrofoam cork is also called, is toxic and can contaminate food and drinks. rigid foam Especially the food was still hot and greasy when put in the white container was soon going to melt.
Styrofoam is actually still quite plastic family. Plastic on bahanstyrofoam composed of polymers, the long chain of units called monomers smaller. When food is wrapped in plastic, these monomers can migrate into food and then passed to people rigid foam who eat them. Chemicals that have entered the body is insoluble in water and therefore can not be disposed off, either through urine and droppings.
The buildup rigid foam of harmful chemicals from the plastic in the body can trigger cancer. In fact, some of the world institutions such as the World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has clearly categorize styrofoam as a carcinogen (cancer causing substances)
In plastic food wrap and styrofoam also found the corpse preservatives. Based on the research, made from a plastic wrapper containing an average rigid foam of 5 ppm of formaldehyde. One ppm is equivalent to one milligram per kilogram. Formalin in plastic or styrofoam, he added, are compounds contained in the plastic base material.
However, the toxic substances will be shed into the food due to the hot conditions, such as when exposed to water or hot oil. Therefore, a hot dish to be served to the first box and cooled styrofoamsebaiknya leaf pedestal, not plastic.
Styrofoam so dangerous because it is made from styrene granules, which are formulated with benzana. Though benzana including substances that can cause many diseases. Benzana could cause problems in the thyroid gland, rigid foam disrupting the nervous system, causing fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, insomnia, trembling body into, and become rigid foam easily rigid foam agitated.
In some cases, benzana can even lead to loss of consciousness and death. benzana when ingested, rigid foam he will go into the blood cells and will eventually damage the spinal cord. Consequently reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises. Effects lainn

Om Riza, I really want to learn C language for AVR UC applications, there kira2 reference books to

I dedicate this blog for those interested in the field of PC interfacing, microcontroller icar and programming course. For programming, I focus on using the language Pascal / Delphi on PC, and C to programming the microcontroller. Please read and read ...
If we hold two objects: iron and styrofoam icar that all subjects are the same, certainly iron 'noticeably cooler' than styrofoam. Shortly we draw a conclusion: it turns the iron temperature lower than the temperature of styrofoam. This statement true or not? Then you try to check with a thermometer, it turns out that iron and Styrofoam same temperature. Why? Apparently, the 'feel hot' or 'cold' body felt we were not dependent on the temperature of the object that we feel, but it depends on the flow of heat from our bodies from / towards the object. Therefore, because of its easy to absorb iron heat (heat from our bodies), the iron feels colder. Conversely, the Styrofoam is a good heat insulator material so that almost no heat flow from the body to the styrofoam. Therefore, it is better to use a thermometer when the child is hot, do not just hold his forehead alone we've concluded fever or not, because if we hold it after holding ice water, will feel more heat. Continuously, we dispose of the wrapper styrofoam TV, washing icar machine, etc ... if there are a large styrofoam, our mending holes the size of the glass, then when you make coffee, cup of coffee just enter it into the hole in the styrofoam that contrived, secured more heat durable. Not bad, than not have a thermos ... That's one of the reasons why the instant noodles are brewed, icar which wrapped fastfood / takehome packed in styrofoam cups (although there are now issues for the use of Styrofoam food can cause cancer, so be careful, better eating food which wrapped in banana leaves icar as selling traditional hehehe ...)
heat / heat naturally moves from places of high temperature to a lower temperature icar place until there is equilibrium (equal icar temperature). different from the air conditioning, we had to move heat from a low temperature to a higher temperature icar place (eg, air-conditioned room with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius to the outside air (temperature of 31 degrees Celsius), to transfer the heat, it takes extra energy, in the form of work / movements icar performed by the compressor. icar nah, Freon, as a 'medium' heat transfer is quite clear ... mudah2an. sy can be contacted at e-mail, I check it every day. thanks, riza Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:28:00 PM
Om Riza, I really want to learn C language for AVR UC applications, there kira2 reference books to learn?? Usually I can understand icar if there is a case. Thank you .. Best regards andr153 Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:57:00 PM
mas andr153, language C for 8 bit microcontroller is fairly easy to learn, because of its structural language (such as turbo pascal 7.0 earlier times), instead of object oriented programming. So quite understand some of the common commands such as functions, loops (while (), for ()) and branching (if-then-else). Just try to learn the C language writing in general in advance, the rest of his access to the hardware avr (Port, RS232, SPI, etc..) Examples can be seen in the case of one of my posts how to turn on the LED. Mudah2an help, riza Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:22:00 AM
owh story about heat insulator, does not in eating steyeofoamnya mas .., so remember where water niece, steyeofoamnya dah in the exhaust. "Klo children bathed with hot iron plate alminium ato get rid ga?)" Friday, March 13, 2009 12:11:00 PM
2008 (40) August (28) September (8) November (4) 2009 (3) February (2) Hot and cold Blackberry March (1)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

In order to function properly, packaging materials for food products should meet the following crit

Almost honeycome every food we buy tita always be packed. The food that we buy from fast food restaurants or warungpun be packed when we want to take it outside the restaurant or shop. Food needs to be packaged to protect them from dirt and microbes contaminated. Another function is rnelindungi food packaging food products honeycome from outside environment. Water vapor and oxygen from the external environment in contact with food products can cause damage to the product, especially a product dry and oily products that are sensitive to oxidation reactions. Packaging can also protect the product from light to accelerate the oxidation reaction.
In order to function properly, packaging materials for food products should meet the following criteria: (1) non-toxic, (2) serves as a barrier against water (water-resistant-ed), (3) barrier honeycome to oxygen (air-tight-red), (4 ) barrier against microbes, (5) prevent leakage of the product, (6) easily opened or closed, (7) easily disposed of, (8) does not damage the environment, (9) meet the needs of size, shape, honeycome and weight, and (10) match with packaged food products.
Styrofoam Styrofoam as packaging including plastic bracket that is widely used to package food or food product. Styrofoam is made from polystyrene polymers are "foamed" (foamed). The packaging material honeycome is lightweight and as a good heat insulator. Thus suitable styrofoam used to package food or beverages hot or cold. Styrofoam packing can be encountered in the form of closed containers, plates, bowls or cups. Styrofoam packaging has been used as food by fast food restaurants, a glass of hot or cold beverages, packaging of instant noodles, and other food packaging products. The use of styrofoam packaging or container is quite widespread, especially for fast food because it has a practical nature, comfortable, the price is relatively cheap and is considered clean. honeycome Styrofoam containers are meant to be disposable and discarded. Thus the impact of discarded Styrofoam on the environment need to be considered.
Security Styrofoam packaging materials in direct contact with food can be a source of contamination. Contamination of food from packaging material honeycome can cause food to be unsafe for consumption. Some components of the packaging materials are known to be toxic. If components of these toxins move from the packaging to the food that is packed, it will cause the food unsafe for consumption. Had long been the use of styrofoam as packaging food security debate. Some of the results of studies that have been conducted show that the use of Styrofoam for packing food or beverage causes the migration of styrene monomer component of styrofoam to packaged honeycome foods. animal study concluded that styrene is carcinogenic (cause cancer). However there is no data to suggest that styrene can also cause cancer in humans. honeycome However, several other studies honeycome have shown styrene can rnenyebabkan health problems in humans eg neurotoxic (fatigue, nervousness, and sleeplessness), low hemoglobin, and menstrual disorders (irregular menstrual cycles). Styrene which forms the basis of styrofoam are fat soluble. The nature of the fat-soluble lead Styrofoam containers are not suitable for food or drinks that contain fat. Styrene easily move from container to foods that contain honeycome fat, such as meat or fish dishes, vegetable dishes, fried foods, yogurt, milk, DAQ forth. If the food packed in hot conditions, the amount of styrene migrating from food containers to be much more. Many products are packaged instant noodles honeycome in a glass container or bowl made of styrofoam. honeycome Before consumption, noodles poured into the container with hot water. It is risky migration of styrene into the foods. Please note that the instant noodles contain oil that is high enough so that the possibility of increasing the amount of styrene that may migrate into the food.
Other facts can be found on the use of styrofoam honeycome cups to containers meatball sauce or soup. We know the meatball sauce or soup containing oil and put the container in hot conditions. This certainly increases the risk of migration of styrene into the meatball sauce or soup and then consumed by the consumer. The use of containers for other food syrofoam mainly of fast-food restaurants are also more and more. Generally foods that are packaged in a styrofoam container is in hot conditions. Even so, there are other studies in Japan which showed that styrene monomer molecule of styrofoam packaging dissolved in hot water, non-toxic, honeycome non-carcinogenic and do not accumulate in the body and is not shown to affect the central nervous system. Also reported that polystyrene is not shown to interfere with the reproductive system honeycome and endbkrinologi. Jug

Friday, April 11, 2014


Home Profile Vision Mission torninova History Identity University Hymn & Mars Coat UNY Sitemap Statistics Contact UNY UNY structure of the Internal Audit Unit of the Senate Leadership Advisory Council Organizational Structure UNY Bureau Public Bureau of Planning & Finance (BUPK) Bureau of Academic Affairs torninova and Information (TRAY) Faculty Faculty of Science Education (FIP) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Faculty) torninova Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) Faculty of Engineering (FT) Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK) Faculty of Economics (FE) Graduate Program (PPS) Office International Office Office of Public Relations, Promotions, and Protocol (KHPP) Institute & Agency Research Institute and Community Service (SBRC) torninova Institute of Education torninova Development and Quality Assurance (LPPMP) Management and Business Development Agency torninova (BPPU) UPT Computer Library Center Services Health Services Counseling Services Consultation and Legal Assistance Academic Study Program Education Programs Education Admissions Student Tuition Fee Payment Successful Implementation of Education Evaluation System Assessment Study Leave Study Deadlines Transfer of Credit and Student Transfer Student Movements CCN / PPL-CCN Final Graduation Judicium and Student Affairs Academic Calendar Alumni
CHILD TRANSITION mentally disabled
Student Education Department of Physics, State UNY, namely Mohamad Aziz Ali, Sufi Adzkia torninova Fauziyah, and Rizky Aji Saputra successfully innovate by creating a simple design of air conditioning. The team leader, Aziz, explained that today the use of air-conditioning a ir c onditioner (AC) increasingly prevalent. Engine coolant becomes a major requirement for public places such as lecture buildings, office buildings, hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, bars, and of course housing torninova is generally occupied by a lot of people where the air becomes very important convenience.
However, the use of AC power operational spend relatively large. Surely the burden of financing if the air conditioner is used for domestic purposes. torninova From this they made the breakthrough with a design simple air conditioning that can be reached by the public. Air conditioning equipment is simple, torninova inexpensive, and portable and has a good working effectiveness as an air conditioner, the temperature parameters of the low output of the tool.
"At this time the research design, the desired cooling agents in the form of a solution that has a low temperature. This low temperature is obtained from the reaction of ice and salt are dissolved in water, that will create a saline solution with a temperature below 0 0 C but not frozen, because freezing decline, "said Aziz.
The concept of cooling air is blowing air or the cooling material torninova into the air, so it will create gusts that have a low temperature like a blast from the known conventional tools such as air conditioning.
How to make it is to make a hole about the size of the diameter of the fan on the lid of a Styrofoam box. Then enter the front casing fan to the hole, cover the hole up to the meeting and then make a hole in the lid of the box output styrofoam. After the PVC pipe input 'L' torninova connection into the hole for the air conditioner outlet output. Once completed, the input material cooling: water 1.2 L, 2.1 L ice, and salt into a 0.25 kg box. Close styrofoam box with a lid that has been installed pipe and fan, then turn on the fan, and the cold air will exit through the output pipe (pipe 'L')
Basically, bright torninova Aziz, the working principle of a simple air conditioning that is ice and cold water in a styrofoam box will cool the air inside the box. The cold air is blown out by the fan which faced into the styrofoam box. The only hole is a hole that will output stream of cold air that is blown out the fan box, so as to be air conditioning.
"Once tested, the output temperature of the front pipe at the beginning of the experiment output can reach 19 0 C. The room temperature ranged torninova from 26.5 to 27 0 C, so that the design of this model can reduce the air temperature output + 7-8 0 C," torninova he said.
The design of this experiment can be said to be successful enough to create cold air output. The downside of this design is that the cold air out of the localized output, and less able to cool the room air temperature as a whole, so that its use is relatively individualistic. Implementation in the cabin of the car may be more appropriate to cool the room, the room rather than cool the residence or building. (Witono)

Even in the United States alone, have already banned the use of Styrofoam in the use of food packag

The present-day traders food restaurant even large-restaurants often use styrofoam to wrap foods / drinks that it sells to the buyer. Yet behind the practicality of a styrofoam that looks clean that there is a negative impact on the human body. Styrofoam is able to withstand the temperature of the food in it to keep it hot or cold, but Styrofoam is very dangerous for human health.
According to environmental experts said that Styrofoam is very dangerous to health and the environment in addition to containing chemicals dioctyl phthalate (DOP), also made of styrofoam beads of styrene, which is in the manufacturing process using benzene.
Benzene is a chemical substance that is likely to spread rasterschaumstoff to the foodstuffs stored in styrofoam boxes. If the food contains benzene which has been entered into our bodies with the food we eat, the benzene substances can not be decomposed by the food we eat, can not even released through urination or bowel. rasterschaumstoff So that will be residing in benzene substances in our bodies, and can not be removed. This situation raises the benzene substances can enter the blood cells in the body and over time will cause damage to the spinal cord so that the impact of reduced production of red blood which can lead to anemia. rasterschaumstoff Substance benzene can also cause a person mengindap cancer (breast and prostate cancer), lost control and consciousness even up to death.
Even in the United States alone, have already banned the use of Styrofoam in the use of food packaging. Because it was originally only used for booster styrofoam electronic items instead of for food packaging.
Now therefore, try to start from now subtract eating foods or drinks that are packed using styrofoam to protect rasterschaumstoff our body from various kinds of hazardous chemicals, and to reduce environmental pollution that can be caused.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

@ Rifky Aji Rahmandita Can use iron materials, try that field finned For cold conductor

In this article, I want to share the knowledge to cope with the hot temperatures because of the dry season (especially those located in Surabaya). This time I will share how to make the "Air Conditioner" mini that can be used dikamar or when we're working at the computer. The technology is very simple, energy-efficient, cost-effective and can certainly be friends when we feel hot. Mini Air Conditioner How to make it so easy, we just provide the following supplies: Styrofoam box (which is usually used where rice). CPU cooling fan (new or used home can still function). Super glue or strong adhesive. Heatsink PC (element commonly used as cooling computer). Ice Cubes (preferably in the form of a box or a peltier). After the materials knueppel and supplies are ready, now we start working to make Mini Air Conditioner. The trick as follows: Separate the styrofoam box top and bottom, and holes in the top of the styrofoam box. Make 3 holes for air discharge through a fan, for the entry of air and to the cable. Shape of the air box up to your taste, can box, round or others, as long as not too large so that the air can be a maximum inhalation. Separate box and make holes Then put the cpu fan and heatsink pc, at the top of the styrofoam box which had perforated. Use glue or other adhesive and a piece of cardboard as a medium to hold the components to be stuck in place. Attach the cpu fan and heatsink on top of the box then browse the bottom side of the Styrofoam box with ice cubes and a little cold water. Water not too much so as not rapidly melting ice cubes. Put ice cubes with a little water at the bottom of the box then the last step, we unite styrofoam box top with the bottom. No need to glue it together, given enough insulation taped (clear) only at each corner. Bring the box top and the bottom of the Well ... if all the procedures have been done, now we connect a mini air conditioner with power. For power or energy knueppel sources knueppel can wear 2 ways, namely by using a battery or USB port using the cable (so that it can be connected to the computer). Power using battery power using a usb cable mini air conditioner working principle is as follows. When we connected the fan to the energy source, knueppel then the fan will spin and suck outside air through the hole (upper box) the rear. Then the air will pass through water, ice cubes, and heatsinks or (cpu cooler) then exhaled out into the cooler air. The working principle of the Mini Air Conditioner How? ... Khan's easy to make it? Materials and equipment are also very cheap and easily available. So if we have this mini air conditioner, we no longer need to turn on the fan or air conditioner to cool us only one. The cost of electricity knueppel will be more efficient.
@ Khalid: all materials used second-hand, to further make it cool and prolong the endless ice cubes, knueppel can add a sprinkling of salt to taste :)
wah .. again baca2, ee .. stray in this article .. mantab ni mas, must try :)
@ Tonnys: Try aja mas ... easy and cheap material, can save more money hefty cost of air conditioning :) @ Master knueppel SEO click here! : Tried aja sob, quite cold from LBH fan hehehe :) @ adityaN8zz: Thanks bro already reading this article :)
hehehe ... every time I visit home arie coma bang this clay title of the post but do not ever open, but as soon as I open eeee turns out there is a lesson here ... cool physics cheap plus bang .... :). sip and creative. packaging brother who so neat example also worth selling tuh ... bang .... (my brain basis yahhh money mlulu times ... :)).
Heatsingk his PC can use other items digantiin ga?
@ Purnoemo: Ice cubes in plastic wrap do not need, because the cold is less spread sob. Originally styrofoam not to leak it :) @ reza Fahrurozi: usb cable to sob, if you want to use the power of the cpu :) @ Rifky Aji Rahmandita: Could use a thin plate or the like gan. Originally plate material was, to accelerate the spread of the cold :)
Her hgelem use what???
@ Rifky Aji Rahmandita Can use iron materials, try that field finned For cold conductor
@ Anonymous Precisely salt slows the melting of the ice, never see people selling ice cream circumference? always with salt around the container so as not to melt
@ Shop gods mini portable ac This simple, so just put ice cubes only. If it runs out or melt, so filled again
@ Evy Mayanti knueppel Actually not a problem, knueppel but there are some that actually make styrofoam glue be damaged by heat. About losses make this simple mini ac i think no, this portable tool that can reduce the use of ordinary ac
Wahahaaha abiz creative ni ... thanks, all you want to try: D
meaning may not buy

Monday, April 7, 2014

2 Alaska news countryside life trimming Florence take wild grass table style Kaorutori-making to Wa

I read with the help book "Introduction to Home biotope" schaumstoffrolle and (adoptive father Shino husband Author) at the library. And nuts ... If you look my garden, real grass, birds also insects you are, but there is something missing one. It water place! With that said, it was decided to try to make a small pond. The following points and was careful,: so as not to Aedes mosquito larva generator is sprung up, put a killifish. photosynthesis schaumstoffrolle by aquatic schaumstoffrolle plants because it requires in order to maintain water quality, and to place in the sun well. In order to prevent killifish from becoming cooked in the summer, I set to make the semi-shade with vines in the summer. add water on a regular basis because schaumstoffrolle it is likely to be required schaumstoffrolle in the small water park, located close from the tap. waterweed (Anakarisu, water lily) that I pick the one that seems possible through the winter outdoors as much as possible. (You do not have a big deal because I wanted to make suddenly ...) I prepare for October 25, 2008 (1) material. And Styrofoam boxes that were used by courier, waterproof sheet on the bottom of the old children's pool. Only soil of aquatic plants and aquatic plants purchased from a garden store. Spread a plastic sheet digging (2) hole, fill the Styrofoam box. Fill all the digging is tough, and so I seem addicted youngest daughter is wrong, it was decided to keep out on the ground 1/3 above. Because of the type that small hole is open dotted with the bottom, Styrofoam box waterproof spread the plastic sheet underneath. Well, how is supposed to make this waterproof? Suitable little. so that the puddle killifish Nigekomeru when any chance water level has gone down, lay the soil so as to fill the cup in the middle of the Styrofoam box. Water bowl finally (3). If you look after a while by pouring a glass of water, water depth is down about 3cm. Garn! Or water leakage from the beginning. When I observed from adding water once again, there are some places that are little by little water leakage from between the stones who have the weight and the banks of the plastic sheet. Making or past sloppy ... still. If you go block the water leak What with wood stone Yara Yara soil while checking water leakage situation, it has become schaumstoffrolle a pond of strange schaumstoffrolle form of gaudy somehow. Pretty uncool. schaumstoffrolle In addition to water depth also'm a little surprised than originally planned. And reflect on the lack of planning of the perennially! But start over is because it is cumbersome, it is better in this for the time being this time. Once you grasp the hang of operating them, and trying to fix in just a good feeling. I get complacent and killifish for ..., shallow portion of the left side is delusion without permission bathing for birds, schaumstoffrolle is deep in the right-hand side. (4) Put water plants. I tried to put the (remaining husband was using the tank) bacteria and aquatic plants it is possible to stand for Without chalk, from getting in the evening during the day. For ease organisms entering from the outside, and keep, such as dead wood that will be used as a foothold to the pond next to. Because it becomes lower than where the water level was wondering absolutely November 2008, and re-create the plunge. As always, reflection partition to be "... I should have doing to plan properly from the beginning." You're that guy anything More haste, less speed. It seems hard plastic sheet is probably because the old, and to keep the water level in the shallow water for small birds. schaumstoffrolle Pond is businesslike and aquatic organisms for, was to be a constant water depth by using a tough ship as this because it's no use. Put face down the pot cracked stones and large and small in the pond, let us aware of an easy-bottom organisms likely schaumstoffrolle to live. Water from calm, husband charged schaumstoffrolle with five Yamato Paratya compressa compressa and 20 medaka fish. Make a fascine crests of rubble on the banks, schaumstoffrolle had been made a spawning ground crickets, grasshoppers, lizards and (wonder if impossible) bird. Look good article killifish also Yamato Paratya compressa compressa also a winter seems possible, but wonder if'd better was kept over the vinyl roof in the winter just in case. 2008/11/5 water came clear and clean, I was able to see well the figure of medaka fish swim in pico pico healthy. You are going to work every morning, and then observed happily. With that said ... only first that would not even insects to become bait, once the spear food. Yes reported, "... I was done messing up the pond today, the children come" from husband frowns After 2008/11/7 home. Friends of the son of the above was put into the pond to come take a crayfish, but it seems to go stir the pond with everyone to try to capture the crayfish. unknown because the water has gone cloudy in the dust again, But why are still crayfish either fled or were captured. Well, I to is also a pond for children to play. But do you not you going to eat the killifish worry thing is, I crayfish. Let's look for water When you're clear. At the same, whether you want to create any ecosystem, I I should have explained to the children. Reflection. If you look 2008/11/8 morning, water is already quite transparent. Wonder, not crayfish? It Although I took a few days to become transparent when it is filled with water first, and I become transparent soon turn, or would be such as photosynthesis such as bacteria, are or what kettle I have done well. Was cold as 10 degrees all the way this place November 14, 2008, but warm after a long time today. Approaching and I intend to shoot a photo of how a fun killifish is swimming around pico pico, swish swish! Hiding behind the Yara Yara stone and water plants, and no longer see the figure at all. Fast .... Gently taken from a distance. Reflection of the surface of the water 's way. Winter was severe 2009/2/21 schaumstoffrolle also end soon. Warm day you feel the Na was spring recently in many cases. At one time, it was thought Nantes? "If it were done in the cold" by not seen much medaka, but began to show up healthy again when warmer. Above all in good spirits this year. Once at March, and clean the leaves collected in the bottom of the pond, I do not let it be refreshing little. 2009/4/11 children say "no greater killifish something?" Nantes. I feel that people are telling me so, vigorously greater than dive before winter somehow, yet the number has become Many. The thing I was a child still in the fall? Besides, it supposed to put a white killifish, are there black and white killifish medaka now is why? Wonder if there are of type I to turn black and grow. Yes thing If I had lost in thought while looking schaumstoffrolle at the surface of the water and "... Well," across the bottom and Buwa~tsu. Wow, it's super killifish throat grade! ! I was surprised with, but it was a small crayfish if you see well. I wonder are you going erotic medaka. The moving schaumstoffrolle around actively, but medaka more actively. Water was beautiful to 2009/5/11 schaumstoffrolle This has gone cloudy suddenly a few days ago. Returned to clean water suddenly and also, I thought schaumstoffrolle that it ... I wish I went wrong it became warm, and you do not such as cleaning soon. Not knowing the cause. But I whether such terrifically bad Well leave standing water stop after all. That's troublesome to think of it such as ... out once killifish.
2 Alaska news countryside life trimming Florence take wild grass table style Kaorutori-making to Warped chan Beachcomber '... Ba-sangaji's Day and her insect Insect blog Exploration Space Issun'nomushinimogobunotamashii daily powder play a chance enc in the garden of cat dive shop DAIKI LOG ... Yakushima diving diary of peony rose incense and plant cultivation Arekore Symbol w Moi Netherlands ... Angel Voice * in a pillar ... key of Izu or various ... succulent blog was of Hinako. Burnt down ~ Ai ~ Love is ... 27L Komore undersecretary ** stained glass like family **
All unwanted vegetation (51) rose (48) DIY sewing (43) Green turtle (32) butterfly moth (23) garden revitalization plan outing schaumstoffrolle (22) Children care (21) chrysanthemum (18) metallic color (18) apple (18) bug (17) tomato (15) Strawberry (14) lizard (13) blueberries (13) Lilies (13) bee (12) nankin cherry