Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Other effects, the immune system will be reduced so that we can easily become infected. In women, t

Styrofoam, Pros and Cons | Breakfast with Miss Ruoka
Styrofoam is made from copolymer Styren food business is an option because it can prevent leaks and retains foam manufacturers its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. Lightweight styrofoam shape makes it easy to carry. Food is kept fresh and also remain intact. Not only that, reasons for choosing styrofoam as food packaging materials especially because the cost of packaging is cheap.
In the industry, foam manufacturers Styrofoam is often used as an insulating material. This material is able to withstand the temperature, so the objects inside stay cool or warm. Because it can withstand temperatures that, eventually many who use it as a beverage cups and food containers.
However, recent research proves that Styrofoam questionable safety. Therefore, the material is found to contain food wrappers dioctyl phthalate (DOP) which stores substances benzene, a chemical solution is difficult crushed by the digestive system. Benzene foam manufacturers is also can not be removed through the stool (feces) or urine (urine). As a result, these substances accumulate more and more and swathed in fat. This is what can lead to the emergence of cancer.
Benzene can cause problems in the thyroid gland, disrupting the nervous system, causing fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, insomnia, trembling body into, and become foam manufacturers easily agitated. In some cases, benzene can even lead to loss of consciousness and death. When benzene ingested, these substances will enter the blood cells and will eventually damage the spinal cord. Consequently reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises.
Other effects, the immune system will be reduced so that we can easily become infected. In women, these substances adversely impact the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatened. And the most dangerous, these substances can cause breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Factors that affect the rate of migration of polystyrene foam can be used to package food at the temperature range varies, but if used to package food at high temperatures, allowing the styrene monomer can migrate into food and then into the body. Migration is influenced by temperature, contact time, and type of food. The higher the temperature, contact time, and the fat content of a food, the greater the migration. harmful to health, to look out for is the possibility of migration of styrene monomer into food that could pose a risk to health.
Styren, Styrofoam foam manufacturers base material, is soluble in fat and alcohol. foam manufacturers Therefore, containers of this type are not suitable for high fat milk. So even with the blended coffee cream. In fact, not a few fast food restaurants that serve hot coffee in the container.
Foods that contain high vitamin A should also not be heated in a styrofoam container, because of the existing styrene in it can leach into food. Warming will solve vitamin A into toluene. Toluene solvent Styren here.
In July 2001, the Food Safety Division of the Government of Japan revealed that residues in food is very harmful styrofoam. Residues that can cause endocrine disrupter (EDC), which is a disease foam manufacturers that occurs due to interference with the system and reproductive endocrinology humans due to chemical carcinogens in food. In fact, some of the world institutions such as the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental Protection foam manufacturers Agency) has clearly categorize styrofoam as a material carcinogens (cancer causing substances)
Research has also proven foam manufacturers that the more heat the food, the faster the chemical migration into food styrofoam. Whereas in fast food restaurants and food artisans in the street, styrofoam is used for wrapping food a new cook. In fact, there are fast food restaurants that heats again the food was wrapped styrofoam in the microwave. Imagine, how many chemicals that move into our food and finally get into our bodies.
When food or drink in a styrofoam container, the chemicals contained in the styrofoam will move on to the food. Displacement will be faster if the fat content (fat) in a food or beverage higher. In addition, foods containing alcohol or acid (such as lemon tea) can also accelerate the rate of displacement.
The process of making Styrofoam can also pollute the environment. Data EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1986 mentions, hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing foam manufacturers process is very much styrofoam. That caused the EPA to categorize the process of making styrofoam as hazardous waste generators to-5 world. In addition, pro-

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