Friday, April 18, 2014

Nine months is really enough time to see and observe my new environment. Many things are different

Nine months had I "ride" in the city that people foamfest call the nation's capital. I call a ride for two reasons, foamfest first I'm foamfest not a native of the city and the second I'm not even sure how much longer I'll stay here.
Nine months is really enough time to see and observe my new environment. Many things are different when compared to my hometown, Klaten. Environmental differences is one striking difference.
If after a cold rain is perceived, in Jakarta, I do not always feel it. The cold just after the rain came and it was sometimes very rare. Not to mention the air pollution, sewers-both small and large-and river-colored, odorless and bersampah.
One thought that comes to mind is, if all the regions of the earth as it was, how are we in the future? Without a shade tree, without fresh air, without adequate resources and most importantly without any concern for the people of the earth.
In fact, the earth never need us, but we are in need of the earth. Earth can repair themselves without us. So, there is no reason for us not to keep the earth as our form of thanks for this.
In connection with that, here there is also a different habit from my hometown area that does not show the form of thank you to the earth. Habits that looks small, foamfest but very large impact on the environment: Using STYROFOAM!
The intensity of the use of styrofoam here is so great. Every purchase chicken porridge, fried rice, chicken rice, and other foods almost all using styrofoam. Inside there is a plastic styrofoam or wax paper. In it there is a plastic spoon again and then wrapped with plastic bag. After completion eaten, all these items trashed-or sometimes even any place where that could be a disposal-. Wastage and very painful earth, is not it?
But we know, for the environment is the greatest foamfest enemy styrofoam. foamfest Styrofoam is made generating hazardous waste, producing CFCs that encourage greenhouse effect, hard parsed and the lack of recycling facilities. Moreover, if destroyed by fire, styrofoam will release harmful foamfest substances in the air and will create air pollution. Finally, styrofoam will only be garbage accumulate and pollute the environment --- are slowly killing the earth.
For our health, nor styrofoam food packaging into recommendations. The content of benzene in the process of making Styrofoam is very harmful to the body. The content of benzene in the body will destroy red blood cells, which in the long run will have an impact on anemia and weakened immune systems. Coupled with the world institutions such as the World Health Organization's foamfest International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental foamfest Protection Agency) that has categorized the styrofoam as a carcinogen (cancer causing substances).
Although Styrofoam gives bad effects to health and the environment, in fact very difficult to find a replacement for Styrofoam food containers are practical and inexpensive. But remember, that every BIG step an inch from the start, we can start on mbesar rejection of the use of styrofoam ourselves. Take action, share and campaign, and sooner or later around you will follow.
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