Sunday, April 13, 2014

Om Riza, I really want to learn C language for AVR UC applications, there kira2 reference books to

I dedicate this blog for those interested in the field of PC interfacing, microcontroller icar and programming course. For programming, I focus on using the language Pascal / Delphi on PC, and C to programming the microcontroller. Please read and read ...
If we hold two objects: iron and styrofoam icar that all subjects are the same, certainly iron 'noticeably cooler' than styrofoam. Shortly we draw a conclusion: it turns the iron temperature lower than the temperature of styrofoam. This statement true or not? Then you try to check with a thermometer, it turns out that iron and Styrofoam same temperature. Why? Apparently, the 'feel hot' or 'cold' body felt we were not dependent on the temperature of the object that we feel, but it depends on the flow of heat from our bodies from / towards the object. Therefore, because of its easy to absorb iron heat (heat from our bodies), the iron feels colder. Conversely, the Styrofoam is a good heat insulator material so that almost no heat flow from the body to the styrofoam. Therefore, it is better to use a thermometer when the child is hot, do not just hold his forehead alone we've concluded fever or not, because if we hold it after holding ice water, will feel more heat. Continuously, we dispose of the wrapper styrofoam TV, washing icar machine, etc ... if there are a large styrofoam, our mending holes the size of the glass, then when you make coffee, cup of coffee just enter it into the hole in the styrofoam that contrived, secured more heat durable. Not bad, than not have a thermos ... That's one of the reasons why the instant noodles are brewed, icar which wrapped fastfood / takehome packed in styrofoam cups (although there are now issues for the use of Styrofoam food can cause cancer, so be careful, better eating food which wrapped in banana leaves icar as selling traditional hehehe ...)
heat / heat naturally moves from places of high temperature to a lower temperature icar place until there is equilibrium (equal icar temperature). different from the air conditioning, we had to move heat from a low temperature to a higher temperature icar place (eg, air-conditioned room with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius to the outside air (temperature of 31 degrees Celsius), to transfer the heat, it takes extra energy, in the form of work / movements icar performed by the compressor. icar nah, Freon, as a 'medium' heat transfer is quite clear ... mudah2an. sy can be contacted at e-mail, I check it every day. thanks, riza Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:28:00 PM
Om Riza, I really want to learn C language for AVR UC applications, there kira2 reference books to learn?? Usually I can understand icar if there is a case. Thank you .. Best regards andr153 Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:57:00 PM
mas andr153, language C for 8 bit microcontroller is fairly easy to learn, because of its structural language (such as turbo pascal 7.0 earlier times), instead of object oriented programming. So quite understand some of the common commands such as functions, loops (while (), for ()) and branching (if-then-else). Just try to learn the C language writing in general in advance, the rest of his access to the hardware avr (Port, RS232, SPI, etc..) Examples can be seen in the case of one of my posts how to turn on the LED. Mudah2an help, riza Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:22:00 AM
owh story about heat insulator, does not in eating steyeofoamnya mas .., so remember where water niece, steyeofoamnya dah in the exhaust. "Klo children bathed with hot iron plate alminium ato get rid ga?)" Friday, March 13, 2009 12:11:00 PM
2008 (40) August (28) September (8) November (4) 2009 (3) February (2) Hot and cold Blackberry March (1)

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