Sunday, April 20, 2014

NuPlastika Nu: new Plastika: Change plastics old plastic into new forms and earn new benefits of pl

Packaging materials made from Styrofoam (polystyrene) has become one of the most popular choices reticulated foam in the food business. This type of food packaging is well known and widely used in almost all food industry. Starting at roadside food vendors, supermarkets to restaurants - not classy little restaurant that is packed in a styrofoam container products. Surely you've also eaten right out of a styrofoam container? You know the dangers of using Styrofoam as a food packaging material for our health? Check this out! Why Styrofoam?
Styrofoam is made from the copolymer is mostly white Styren clean. The reason for choosing styrofoam by traders for food wrap one of them is being able to prevent leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, this material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. Lightweight styrofoam shape makes it easy to carry. Food was stored there also remain reticulated foam fresh and intact. Not only that, styrofoam packing material chosen as a first food because of the cheap cost of packaging. reticulated foam Why Styrofoam Harmful to Health? Along with the development of food industry technology, the security aspects of this material began to be questioned. Recent research proves reticulated foam that the material is found to contain food wrappers dioctyl phthalate (DOP) which stores substances benzene, a chemical solution is difficult crushed by the digestive system. Benzene can not be removed through reticulated foam the stool (feces) or urine (urine) so that these substances are progressively accumulate and swathed in fat. This is what can lead to the emergence of cancer. Styrofoam is actually still quite plastic family. Plastic on styrofoam material composed of polymers, the long chain of units called reticulated foam monomers smaller (plastic forming reticulated foam materials). When food is wrapped reticulated foam in plastic, these monomers can migrate into food and then passed to people who eat them. The higher the temperature the food is put into the plastic, the faster the transfer occurs. When hot food is put into the plastic, we can see the plastic becomes weak and thin. This is a sign of breaking the bonds of the monomer. Monomer displacement also occurs when food or drinks in plastic containers are directly exposed to the hot sun. Whereas in fast food restaurants and food artisans in the street, styrofoam is used for wrapping food a new cook. There is even a fast-food outlets that heats again the food was wrapped styrofoam in the microwave. Imagine how many chemicals that move into our food and finally reticulated foam get into our bodies. In addition, lipid (fat) and alcohol content or higher in an acidic food or beverage can also speed up the rate of chemical displacement of styrofoam. In addition to the negative effect on health, Styrofoam is also not environmentally friendly. Because of its nature can not be described, the amount of styrofoam will increasingly accumulate so can contaminate both water and land. Styrofoam recycling process that has been done so far is really just to destroy the old styrofoam then shaping it into new Styrofoam reticulated foam and reuse into food and beverage containers.
The process of making Styrofoam can also pollute the environment. Data EPA (Environmental reticulated foam Protection Agency) reticulated foam in 1986 mentions, hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing process is very much styrofoam. That caused the EPA to categorize the process of making styrofoam reticulated foam as hazardous waste generators to-5 world. In addition, the process of making styrofoam reticulated foam cause bad smell-that interferes with breathing-and releasing 57 harmful substances into the air.
Well, it already knows how to danger when used as a Styrofoam container of food and beverage packaging. So should avoid the use of Styrofoam. Buy food and drinks are served in glasses of glass plates or wrote, or use all leaf wrap. Way - the traditional reticulated foam way proved to be safer hehehe ... source:
NuPlastika Nu: new Plastika: Change plastics old plastic into new forms and earn new benefits of plastic View my complete profile
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