Wednesday, April 16, 2014

However, along with the development of food industry technology, food safety aspects epp foam of th

Styrofoam or polystyrene packaging materials has become one of the most popular choices in the food business. However, recent research epp foam proves that Styrofoam questionable safety. Styrofoam is made from a copolymer of styrene into food business choice because it can prevent epp foam leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold, maintain the freshness and integrity of the material is packaged, low cost, more secure, and lightweight. Stryfoam is extremely hazardous to health and the environment. However, no means of Styrofoam to be reduced and disappeared. By contrast, in Indonesia, the use of styrofoam as food containers mushroomed. Ranging from quick service restaurants to the food vendors on the street, use this material to wrap their food.
Styrofoam generally epp foam has a white color and looks clean. The form is also simple and lightweight. Styrofoam is made from a copolymer of styrene into food business choice epp foam because it can prevent leaks and retains its shape when held. In addition, the material is also capable of maintaining hot and cold but still comfortable to hold. In the industry, Styrofoam is often used as an insulating material. This material is able to withstand the temperature, so the objects epp foam inside stay cool or warm. Form styrofoam to make lightweight portability. Food was stored there also remain fresh and intact. Not only that, as a reason for choosing styrofoam packing material particularly as the cost of food packaging are cheap. With all the advantages that styrofoam is always an option for traders to wrap food. Practical, comfortable, lightweight and economical is the reason why people are interested in using styrofoam.
However, along with the development of food industry technology, food safety aspects epp foam of this material began to be questioned. Several research reports and research food scientist shows that Styrofoam has excellent potential hazard to human health, because it can lead to tumors and cancer cells. According to research experts, the material epp foam forming styrofoam cork is also called, is toxic and can contaminate food and drinks. Especially the food was still hot and greasy when put in the white container epp foam was soon going to melt. Styrofoam is actually still quite plastic family. Plastic on styrofoam material composed of polymers, the long chain of units called monomers smaller. When food is wrapped in plastic, these monomers can migrate into food and then passed to people who eat them. Chemicals that have entered the body is insoluble in water and therefore can not be disposed off, either through urine and droppings. The buildup of harmful chemicals from the plastic in the body can trigger cancer.
Styrofoam so dangerous because it is made from styrene granules, which are formulated with benzana. Though benzana including substances that can cause many diseases. Benzana could cause problems in the thyroid gland, epp foam disrupting the nervous system, causing fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, insomnia, trembling body into, and become easily agitated.
In some cases, benzana can even lead to loss of consciousness and death. epp foam benzana when ingested, he will go into the blood cells and will eventually damage the spinal cord. Consequently reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises. Other effects, the immune system will be reduced so that we can easily become infected. In women, these substances adversely impact the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatened. And the most dangerous, these substances can cause breast cancer and prostate cancer.
2012 (26) December (7) <! - [If gte mso 9]> epp foam Normal 0 false fa ... <! - [If gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false fa ... stryfoam article article stryfoam stryfoam epp foam article article article stryfoam stryfoam October (2) October (3) January (1) July (7) January (6) 2011 (3) October (3)

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