Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Schaedler says Boeing and GM are already using the material in new projects, but still can not reve

A new type of lightweight material, with one hundredth the density of Styrofoam, combines the strength of metal with the elasticity of rubber. The product, created in research couch cushion foam funded by Boeing and GM promises applications ranging couch cushion foam from cushioning shock to sophisticated electric couch cushion foam batteries.
Composed of microscopic tubular rods of nickel, the material couch cushion foam was able to regain 98% of its original shape after being compressed to 50% of its size. Scientists from HRL Laboratories (research center that the two companies couch cushion foam have in California) report that metallic micro-frame couch cushion foam under study in the journal "Science". "The periodic table has a limited number of elements, and and science is already exhausting the possibilities of what is possible with new blends and new metal alloys", told Folha Tobias Schaedler, scientist author of the invention.
The new microarmação nickel, which has microscopic and nanoscopic details (scale of millionths of a millimeter) is made from a special material, a thiol, liquid polymer that becomes solid when irradiated with ultraviolet light. couch cushion foam
Designing a frame with light rays within a tank, the dump thiol scientists in the container, and the substance solidifies where the light beams run, forming micro-rods. Then scientists nickel and the overlying couch cushion foam polymer into withdraw, leaving only the frame hollow metal microtubes.
Schaedler says Boeing and GM are already using the material in new projects, but still can not reveal what they are. "You can imagine that such a lightweight material would be extremely helpful in anything that flies," says the scientist.
The nickel microarmação previous attempts to overcome materials couch cushion foam with the same properties. Metal foams and a solid silica gel, for example, were able to obtain even lower densities, but were crushed when subjected to the same pressure.
Schaedler says he still does not know exactly how much pressure the new material withstands because initial tests focused couch cushion foam on the study of elasticity. "Of course, our microarmação nickel is not as tough as massive blocks of the same metal, but it loses very little resistance when compared to metal foams, which have random structure." He says the inspiration for microarmações came partly couch cushion foam , architecture. "Great buildings like the Eiffel Tower, are very strong and very light thanks to the quality couch cushion foam of its architectural design couch cushion foam of structures." "We are now trying to use this concept when designing materials at the micrometer and nanometer scale," said the researcher.
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