Wednesday, April 30, 2014


You may wonder what a TV have to do with chemistry? The production of various materials making up the television plastic folie depends on knowledge plastic folie of chemistry. And this also happens with many other products present in our daily lives, that science whose composition is present. In this blog you will find some curiosities explained by chemistry and more.
Francis Dagortt Paulo Roberto Forlin Class: 206 The Dead Sea salt water is slightly salty heavier than fresh water, as it contains dissolved minerals. Therefore it is easier to float in salt water than in fresh water. The Dead Sea, located in the middle east, is huge lake formed by water with a higher salt content of the planet. At the Dead Sea the density of salt water is very large and the person floats without any physical effort. You uncompensated seen someone floating in a pool, have probably also seen that some objects sink and some do not. For example, who joked to seek coins, or other things plastic folie in the bottom of a pool? All this occurs due to density. The density plastic folie is a quantity that represents the ratio (division) between the mass and volume of the material under study pure water has 1g/cm density. It is the material most massive sinking but the denser material. This is an important observation then object with density greater than water sink into it with lower density float. For example, we have 10kg foam and it does not sink into the pool, because the foam density is 0.1 g / cm (10 times lower than that of water), as few grams of lead quickly sink density lead is 11.3 g / cm . The relative density of a body depends on its composition. The relative density of lean mass, bone and fat mass, body density is slightly lower than that of water 0.974 on average. The human being has the ability to change their density. So regardless of whether we are fat or thin, young or women or elderly men can both float and sink just as varying the amount of air in pulmõ lungs filled with air and increased our volume air being less dense than water our body tends to rise and then boiamos. If you would like you can do this test, we are in a pool release all the air from the lungs realize that you will fast in ground pool Regarding water is why some substances have higher or lower density the density of water if a substance, then a object has greater density of water it will sink you can use this argument to any other liquid eg coffee plastic folie for something floating in coffee lower density however is required if something quizer sink in coffee will need a higher density The density (d) of a body expresses the relationship between the mass (m) and volume (V) occupied by that body. In d = mv group: The density of an element with the atomic number increases, which occurs from the top down. In period: The density grows end to the center Bibliography: plastic folie plastic folie Chemistry in everyday approach volume 1 Modern Publisher
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