Saturday, April 12, 2014

In order to function properly, packaging materials for food products should meet the following crit

Almost honeycome every food we buy tita always be packed. The food that we buy from fast food restaurants or warungpun be packed when we want to take it outside the restaurant or shop. Food needs to be packaged to protect them from dirt and microbes contaminated. Another function is rnelindungi food packaging food products honeycome from outside environment. Water vapor and oxygen from the external environment in contact with food products can cause damage to the product, especially a product dry and oily products that are sensitive to oxidation reactions. Packaging can also protect the product from light to accelerate the oxidation reaction.
In order to function properly, packaging materials for food products should meet the following criteria: (1) non-toxic, (2) serves as a barrier against water (water-resistant-ed), (3) barrier honeycome to oxygen (air-tight-red), (4 ) barrier against microbes, (5) prevent leakage of the product, (6) easily opened or closed, (7) easily disposed of, (8) does not damage the environment, (9) meet the needs of size, shape, honeycome and weight, and (10) match with packaged food products.
Styrofoam Styrofoam as packaging including plastic bracket that is widely used to package food or food product. Styrofoam is made from polystyrene polymers are "foamed" (foamed). The packaging material honeycome is lightweight and as a good heat insulator. Thus suitable styrofoam used to package food or beverages hot or cold. Styrofoam packing can be encountered in the form of closed containers, plates, bowls or cups. Styrofoam packaging has been used as food by fast food restaurants, a glass of hot or cold beverages, packaging of instant noodles, and other food packaging products. The use of styrofoam packaging or container is quite widespread, especially for fast food because it has a practical nature, comfortable, the price is relatively cheap and is considered clean. honeycome Styrofoam containers are meant to be disposable and discarded. Thus the impact of discarded Styrofoam on the environment need to be considered.
Security Styrofoam packaging materials in direct contact with food can be a source of contamination. Contamination of food from packaging material honeycome can cause food to be unsafe for consumption. Some components of the packaging materials are known to be toxic. If components of these toxins move from the packaging to the food that is packed, it will cause the food unsafe for consumption. Had long been the use of styrofoam as packaging food security debate. Some of the results of studies that have been conducted show that the use of Styrofoam for packing food or beverage causes the migration of styrene monomer component of styrofoam to packaged honeycome foods. animal study concluded that styrene is carcinogenic (cause cancer). However there is no data to suggest that styrene can also cause cancer in humans. honeycome However, several other studies honeycome have shown styrene can rnenyebabkan health problems in humans eg neurotoxic (fatigue, nervousness, and sleeplessness), low hemoglobin, and menstrual disorders (irregular menstrual cycles). Styrene which forms the basis of styrofoam are fat soluble. The nature of the fat-soluble lead Styrofoam containers are not suitable for food or drinks that contain fat. Styrene easily move from container to foods that contain honeycome fat, such as meat or fish dishes, vegetable dishes, fried foods, yogurt, milk, DAQ forth. If the food packed in hot conditions, the amount of styrene migrating from food containers to be much more. Many products are packaged instant noodles honeycome in a glass container or bowl made of styrofoam. honeycome Before consumption, noodles poured into the container with hot water. It is risky migration of styrene into the foods. Please note that the instant noodles contain oil that is high enough so that the possibility of increasing the amount of styrene that may migrate into the food.
Other facts can be found on the use of styrofoam honeycome cups to containers meatball sauce or soup. We know the meatball sauce or soup containing oil and put the container in hot conditions. This certainly increases the risk of migration of styrene into the meatball sauce or soup and then consumed by the consumer. The use of containers for other food syrofoam mainly of fast-food restaurants are also more and more. Generally foods that are packaged in a styrofoam container is in hot conditions. Even so, there are other studies in Japan which showed that styrene monomer molecule of styrofoam packaging dissolved in hot water, non-toxic, honeycome non-carcinogenic and do not accumulate in the body and is not shown to affect the central nervous system. Also reported that polystyrene is not shown to interfere with the reproductive system honeycome and endbkrinologi. Jug

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