Saturday, April 19, 2014

2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (5) December (2) Impact of Using Styrofoam life cycle and breedin

Who would ever eat chicken soup at Mc Donalds?? Must have dooong. Then once khan also buy food that is packaged in a Styrofoam container? In acara2 selametan celebration or even, regular food take-away is usually packaged in a Styrofoam container ....
Styrofoam is made from styrene granules, which are processed using benzana. Then What is it that makes Styrofoam so the danger for health? Yes it was, "benzana" which are chemicals harmful to health when entering into the human body.
Fast food restaurants and food artisans in the street, using styrofoam to wrap the new cook food. In fact, there are fast food outlets which heats again food that has been wrapped styrofoam in the microwave. Khan imagine how many chemicals that move into our food and finally get into our bodies.
Soup, teriyaki, capcay, meatballs, are some examples honey comb bong of foods that contain high levels of fat, and is usually served in hot conditions so that the fat contained no clot and good to eat. O ooww .......!!!! The faster benzana unraveling of the Styrofoam, already hot, fatty too!!!
Ummm .. it is bad when the afternoon rains, we drink lemon tea or hot lemon water, our body feels so warm. Or after eating a steak or barbeque (slang ya fathers usually), drank a little whiskey on the rock (cold whiskey). But know khan result??? Lemon tea or hot lemon water (which honey comb bong of course contains acid) accelerating benzana soluble and are ingested into our bodies. Not to mention after eating fatty foods (in Styrofoam packaging), we drink alcoholic beverages - such as whiskey (albeit cold) - it will speed up the process benzana circulation in our body.
- When it goes into the blood cells will eventually damage the spinal cord, resulting in reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises.
- In women, these substances adversely impact the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatened. and the most dangerous, these substances can cause breast cancer honey comb bong and prostate cancer.
Styrofoam will just accumulate and pollute the environment. Styrofoam is carried to the sea, will be able to damage the ecosystem and marine life. Some companies did recycle styrofoam. But in fact, done just destroy the old styrofoam, shaping it into new Styrofoam and reuse into food and beverage containers.
Data EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1986 mentions, hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing process is very much styrofoam. That caused the EPA to categorize the process honey comb bong of making styrofoam as hazardous waste generators to-5 world. In addition, the process of making styrofoam cause bad smell-that interferes with breathing-and releasing 57 harmful substances into the air.
A few years ago, McDonalds announced it would replace the styrofoam container with paper. Environmentalists said the decision was a'' victory'' environment because Styrofoam is very dangerous to health and the environment.
Some agencies such as World Health honey comb bong Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has been categorized as a styrofoam carcinogens (cancer causing substances)
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2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (5) December (2) Impact of Using Styrofoam life cycle and breeding of carp November (1) October (2)

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