Monday, April 21, 2014

Styrofoam or polystyrene become the most popular materials used for packaging foodstuffs, fruits, v

Styrofoam or polystyrene become the most popular materials used for packaging foodstuffs, fruits, vegetables, meats and ready meals. Almost all agricultural products sold in supermarkets are packed with styrofoam. In addition to its sleek and lightweight, Styrofoam foamfest is also able to retain heat / cold, maintaining foamfest freshness and durability and integrity of packaged goods at low cost. Also the shape is fixed, will not change as cardboard or cardboard which tend to be not too long when used neat. Styrofoam is able to retain its shape and not easily bent etc..
But lately styrofoam into materials that are considered hazardous because it is said residue containing carcinogenic (causes cancer) and cause a disease foamfest called foamfest Endocrine Disrupter foamfest (EDC), which is a disease of the endocrine system disorders
Styrene, the active ingredient contained in a styrofoam processed using benzene (benzene), benzene is an organic compound foamfest yangmemiliki chemical formula C 6 H 6, a cyclic hydrocarbon, colorless and highly flammable. Used as a gasoline additive and basic industrial chemicals including drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber and dyes
Mmiliki benzene adverse health effects when it enters into the living body. Among them will interfere with thyroid gland function, disrupt the nervous system that have an impact on fatigue, speeding up the heart rate, resulting in sleeplessness, trembling body even in some cases it can cause loss of consciousness.
Benzene into the living body (human) blood flow will carry sticks the bone marrow, resulting in the formation foamfest of red blood cells is inhibited and lead to anemia. Another effect of benzene is its effect on the immune system (immune), interfere with the pregnancy and cause cancer
WHO and EPA (Environment Protection Agency) has categorized styrofoam like material as a carcinogen. Chemical substances in the styrofoam terkandun will get into the food / beverage. Factors fat content, alcohol content, acid and heat will speed up the transfer of the substance. Not surprisingly, since a few years ago Mc. Donald has discontinued the use of Styrofoam.
Given the high level of effectiveness and efficiency in the use of styrofoam, styrofoam development of environmentally foamfest friendly products called Oxodegradable Styrofoam. Styrofoam takes over 1000 years to degrade, but with the addition Oxium in polystyrene, the material can be degraded within a period of just 4 years. Oxodegradable Styrofoam has been certified "Green lable" and has met the regulatory national foamfest authorities.
Oxium are additives that are added to polystyrene which is able to accelerate the degradation process. The addition of polystyrene is made Oxium oxodegradable, degenerate through foamfest a mechanism that is triggered by the presence of UV oxidation, heat, light, oxygen and mechanical stress. The concept has been applied in the manufacture foamfest of plastic bag / shopping bag capable foamfest degraded during the 2 years.
Degradation causes a decrease in tensile strength so that polystyrene becomes brittle (fragile), cracking (cracking) fragmented into small parts (powder / powder). The final phase of the process of degeneration will produce CO 2, water and biomass will be returned to nature. Basically polystyrene is a hydrocarbon chain that is both organic as well as carbohydrates, but it has a very long chain making it difficult for microbes to decompose. Ranta Oxium will shorten and speed up decomposition by microbes.
Replay Value End of Semester 1 Th. 2012/2013 here: Value UAS Biology
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