Monday, June 23, 2014

But there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding this mythical toilet paper. Today we have c

If you had been born in the late 70's, sure you've suffered in silence and in the bathroom of your home. Yes, experience wiping with toilet paper Elephant is one that does not forget foam sleeping pad and one of those things that have evolved greatly appreciate. Does anyone miss it?
But there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding this mythical toilet paper. Today we have compiled ten great mysteries to see if we are able to find them among all explanation. Why we called it?
Indeed, although all we referred to as Elephant foam sleeping pad paper written this name did not appear anywhere so I start to question whether this really was his name. We could have called 'leaves', '400' or even 'Patented' that's all I could read on the package. But we all liked the name Elephant. Why an elephant?
What of the 400 leaves also disturbs me a bit, I could understand if it was as current carrying coils marked a series of striped trim, but these were a roll of paper completely smooth. Will it cover 400 uses? If so I seem too much for a single roll, right? Why was brown?
One side was gloss and matte and the other one never knew which of the two was correct. Like when you were going to develop the pictures and you asked? Gloss or matte? and never know what to respond. There had to be chosen brightness.
Today it is very difficult to imagine going to a store and buy just one roll of toilet paper, while the norm is to buy a pack of 12, 24 or 36 units and still fall short. foam sleeping pad I think that was unpleasant experience has much to do in a single roll lasted so long. This and I guess when it came out would be a luxury item. Why not wrap cellophane whole?
That yellow cellophane covering him imagine that served to protect him, but left the top and bottom of the roll completely uncovered. Sure that you've found a package of rolls in the supermarket with an open esquinita has already been enough reason not to buy it. Very little about this toilet paper.
If you thought the width was standard toilet paper you're wrong, this paper is presented in two formats: normal and one wider, extra special for big hands or fat ass. Was it necessary? Why are there still rolls?
If the elephant paper disappeared from the market about 30 years ago I do not get to understand how you can still get units for sale. Who gets you to save a roll of toilet paper for posterity?
Ten Unanswered Questions EGB lies that seemed credible when we were kids (and now not so much) We go to a pharmacy that time: viejunos medications Things could not stand the older great urban legends Ten 80
I am convinced that was used as hugiénico paper submission due to roll. Nowhere does it puts toilet paper, and brown paper texture ... For me it was to wrap screws at hardware stores, there they go colgadito foam sleeping pad and pulling him back and wrapping ...
Anonymous says:
Traveling Pics says:
Sure, that should be! nowhere does it say "toilet paper". I can imagine the conversation at the factory: employee1 - boss, people are using our role to reinforce the packaging / filling packing / make origami punishment / wrap tools / wallpapering table corners workshop / sanding tables workshop to wipe your ass! Chief -. And sold to great does not? then let them continue using it as toilet paper, total anywhere which was put toilet paper, so we're covered legamente Employee 1: - I can take a couple of rolls for my home? And while I do a little advertising
Oops, this is one of my worst memories from school, foam sleeping pad jajajjaj In my house and we used the softest white (my parents had a drugstore), but in my convent school used the Elephant and the sharp bend was torture, jajjjaa
Charo says:
Poor back then ... but there were also people who cleaned it with sheets of newspaper so not much surprises me even more in times of need (to know if it's the same now in many homes with the crisis) ...
I already have 45 (and yes, I made the EGB ...) and I remember the Elephant acabárseme paper and my mother yelling "Mamáaaaaa, which is over the role of culooo" foam sleeping pad and take a few pieces of the ABC, and say " rub much to smooth "lol
I also think it was a surplus of paper devoted to a different use we know, but all we've had out there, hahaha. I Souvenirs, foam sleeping pad seeing I

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