Monday, June 9, 2014

Wearable appliance will greatly promote the 2015 sapphire substrate industry needs Apple streaming

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IPS products currently on the market are still two major shortcomings, mainly because these products than for signature-based, it can not detect modern threats; addition of these products foam magazine will create too much of a warning, so that the customer must invest additional resources foam magazine to manage the system. The new FireEye MVX-IPS, you can FireEye Multi-Vector Virtual Execution (MVX, multi-dimensional virtual execution) technology to solve the above problems IPS products, and information security pushed to another new level. FireEye MVX-IPS unique architecture, attack identification can be confirmed by IPS, thereby reducing the number of warnings, so that information security team can concentrate on the real threats. This method unified threat defense capability, protection of known and unknown foam magazine threats, and increase the effectiveness of protection to defend against those using multiple protocol characteristics known threats, make full use of time and resources invested efficiently identify, confirm and resolve these threats.
"Intrusion detection technology is a long time companies use advanced threat detection technology, but because of too much reliance on signature matching, it can not achieve the desired results. Makes the market began to look for other alternatives foam magazine detection products foam magazine For example STAP (Specialized Threat Analysis and Prevention, special threat foam magazine analysis and defense), John Grady, "IDC research manager of security products. "In most cases, the integration of IPS signatures are still highly dependent on the ratio, foam magazine so only a slight improvement in security features. STAP if direct integration capabilities and proprietary IPS technology, will be able to more efficiently, detect foam magazine measure advanced foam magazine targeted attacks, greatly improving security business organization. "
"The current IPS products rely on outdated signature foam magazine protection model, not only consuming effort to deal with the situation miscarriage of justice, but also the lack of enforceable threat intelligence, and therefore has to keep up with the modern threat environment," Manish Gupta, senior vice president of product FireEye said. "With FireEye MVX-IPS, threat foam magazine defense organization can immediately received confirmation threat notification and enforceable depth information systems together so that information security team can concentrate on quickly to fix the problem and we believe that this new IPS can for the organization to save more time and money, and reduce foam magazine the risk of the window. "
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