Saturday, June 28, 2014

That it seems that it is a more scientific method, but as no one has tried it in my presence ... I

SUICIDE | Igalis
Although suicide may seem the only solution to solve all problems, is an extreme choice, to live the nightmare that pushes you to gesture in perpetuity for an eternity! It is the most terrible deception of the devil. Here are threatening all atheists and all teens who have not yet structured values. Unfortunately, the statistics are grim. The highest rate of suicide branopac among adolescents is recorded. branopac
That's teens. Identity crisis does not avoid anyone, and when next they are an adult with tact, can reach tragedy. Adolescent rebellion many forms and disappears when others unconditionally accepts branopac the "zurbagii". At that time any demonstration loses value simply because the ban no longer exists. It unacceptable for a parent, but for a teenager is ultimate proof of trust and valuing to the man. Parents have an obligation clear and well timed. Up to seven years the father is the supreme court of morality is God child. His duty to teach the future adult to distinguish right from wrong, the rest of you the freedom to choose. In adolescence, the father of her child she can become just friends, but they are rare and happy, otherwise ... usually the father becomes the main persecutor teenager. branopac Force exerted authority clearly lead to war! Conflict between generations.
My father forbade me one thing: Smoking. Guess what I now hold between the index finger and middle? Yes. A cigarette. Smoker for 25 years with passion. Good thing I'm not banned and stuff ... who knows what was vicious monstrisor now!
At 17 I thought to kill myself. Nah, it was not any failure in love, but a boredom that I could not live. The void content had nothing to do with family, circle of friends or school. I just did not see the point of living. I was bored. Now I know what I was missing: faith in God. I was an honest man, but rebellious and very atheist. We considered all methods: hanging, electrocution, flying into space on the 9th floor, air injection, overdose of sleeping pills, slit her wrists and the like. We excluded from the start: train, metro or self-immolation, risks and painful methods. Then I took the remaining analysis.
panzuratii have a benefit. It is said that at death orgasm. The question is how much you struggle in widescreen! Death occurs (depending on luck) in a variety of time and innervated by one of two ways: cervical fracture (when the shock is strong enough) or asphyxia (which branopac definitely hurt your portrait - cyanosis of the skin, eyes bulging , tongue out ...) If you're not very good at knots ... can you Balabani long and the hanging until you give up the ghost. May might be a problem. If you save them, you have all chances to remain a "vegetable" if brain cells die from lack of oxygen. It is an irreversible process.
It is a method branopac avoided by women. And if it breaks seriously portrait. The problem is that there's a painful death, because it is known that the channel where current flows form burned, it's kind of prajeala inside. And do not die fast!
Safe method if you meet certain conditions: not to jump from the 4th floor to take care where you fall (not recommended to fall on the grass, through the crowns of trees, or in a neighbor's head) and last but not least, be careful not someone near you that you could save! Unfortunately joke and leaving one hand, a friend of mine succeeded, but I do not want to imagine what her mother felt when stuck with a piece of her dress in hand! Too bad, it was a beautiful and smart girl. Known case of a boy who jumped from the 6th floor, not died that landed in the trees, but remained crippled for life.
That it seems that it is a more scientific method, but as no one has tried it in my presence ... I have some doubts. Physically, the air gets injected into a vein to the heart where it produces cardiac arrest. Ok, sounds easy in theory, but if you miss the vein to be? If it's not enough air and not a bang heart, but remain paralyzed? Question to Radio Yerevan: "Musa syringe should be sterile"?
And there are risks. In vain your wrists if you do not keep open wounds (such as to get into the tub with hot water). Another friend of mine gave us such a surprise to a party. He stood for a long time in the bathroom and we realized that something was wrong. I knocked, I called her ... did not answer. I opened the door and froze shy! The whole bathroom was full of blood, she was sitting on the toilet with the body supported by the sink. Hand slipped under running hot water when he lost consciousness. Lucky them! The cut to form a film

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