Monday, June 30, 2014

Sometimes the movie is interrupted here, i was afraid if he closed his eyes as gray and mind refusi

May day, after one of my novels published online, a friend told me that I could Conditioning SMS reading and get some money from every reader. It's embarrassing, but on my blog, recipe cabbage soup has more readers than literary pieces slipped here and there. So even if I could use the money, those willing to pay to read the words of an unknown would be very few. On the other hand, I have written a line of thought to get rich or to be famous. I wrote because I like doing it and I like to give what they do. As you proceed and childhood Beyond that, chronologically, minecraft foam is the first book I wrote the first who saw the light of day, but not in Romania but in Italy.
Do not hide the fact that I had in mind that over my texts could give a film director, as crazy as me, and could serve as scenarios, for, without any modesty, my novels have quite cinematic potential. So I also wrote, I saw first and then I put it down. However, filmmakers minecraft foam thing is just a dream. Romanian directors have other guidelines more earthly, mundane world, political underworld and fauna.
There comes a time when we no longer want to rush anything and we bury our sins, sorrows, joys, love and death in the garden behind the house and than walk afflicted and afflict the kings, and expect the world to cleanse us from traces that I went and to prepare us for eternity.
Nothing minecraft foam wrong - these preparations we need to make ourselves smiling and serene, convinced that we do not leave anything behind that I may need and that our roads are always with return tickets: we leave, we will find what I found I left.
Therefore, with a smile after I planted some trees, brought up children, minecraft foam we might as well write a book about what I did or wanted to do, to feel better ourselves more old, to regain self-respect in a world that seldom do what we want. So I did, I wrote a book; others do not know or will not, can even read it. A consolation would have certainly read that book and worse.
When thinking of him, that, if sometimes happen to ask someone about his childhood or simply hearing the word child, Thomas came to mind his image, or, rather, fragments of images, all grayscale, although in everyday life, his dreams were in color, and memories, most of them were made of colored images suite. I do not understand why his early childhood invariably appear as a black and white film, most often silent.
And now, as always, first come to mind his house, but inside it but some places out, invariably the same. See the house from the street, as would be seen across the street, a house quite robust with two windows to the street, plastered with great trimmings in a color combination always the same over the years, dark gray, gray white light and very little white, and left as a private front fence, a fence of brick, plastered and he painted in the same colors. And number, see number 59 written in black on a square sheet iron or painted white and nailed the four corners. And so, after this sequence after another with always wearing a heavy plate, all gray, gray gate always closed. Then his silent film, it was that if passed the gate without opening it, go through it and learn from each other in the yard, near pump or well, they used to call her grandmother. There was one of his favorite places to play, a place which saw him in the house and where to play by yourself or îngânând muttering words like a chant, repeating them until one no longer meant anything were just a string of sounds that resembled a strange song. Sometimes there was not even sure if those sounds he had uttered or thought he heard only. In this sequence see him and do not know how but if see from above, as if he were two people, one above an eye on the second, a man mogâldeaţă playing with wonder Why, because, if he had had to invent toys.
Sometimes the movie is interrupted here, i was afraid if he closed his eyes as gray and mind refusing to see continue. Sometimes, let the film take place, hoping to see something new, something to enjoy, to fill his eyes with tears of regret for past times. But nothing happens again. He also occur, and so he is seeing himself somewhere at half-height, but this time in another place, somewhere near the entrance stairs, the stairs ba, ba on the cement next to them, and even under

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