Monday, October 6, 2014

Aries can be incorporated into a conflict between personal life and professional fill air responsib

Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease in which the walls of the arteries accumulate in fat and calcium formed randėjančios fill air and opėjančios plate narrows the lumen of the blood vessels and cause circulatory failure.
The first symptoms usually occurs when atherosclerotic plaque fill air clogs the 70-80 per cent. vessel lumen, while developing and ischemia - lack any organ blood supply and thus oxygen. Atherosclerosis is a disease of the whole body, so the appearance of a single organ ischemia detected in other parts of the body.
The various manifestations of atherosclerosis, otherwise known as ischemic diseases. The most common cardiac ischemia injures - vulnerable arteries that supply the body's main blood enters the engine, and thus develops angina, heart failure fill air or arrhythmia, or heart attack.
Often atherosclerosis affects the brain and the blood vessels that supply blood - brain develops coronary disease. Also, adequate blood levels may no longer be in the gastro-intestinal tract (ie ischemic bowel disease) fill air and the kidney fill air (ischemic kidney disease). The largest artery bifurcation lesions occur in areas or on the slopes.
During the first 20-25 years not felt the symptoms of atherosclerosis, fill air although vascular beginning to the person only 25-30 years - were already on the inner walls of the arteries begin to accumulate cholesterol to form fat stains.
In the vascular fill air lumen narrowing fill air of the atherosclerotic plaques, and the resulting situation is compounded by blood clots. They "grow" on the plates and cause a heart attack, stroke or other complications of atherosclerosis. In order to prevent thrombosis used blood-thinning drugs.
However, to start the fight against atherosclerosis need a chance to prove they are the first signs, and even better - so did not vascular, which means that at so young. For this purpose, fill air it is necessary to control the disease risk factors. And it is - in particular smoking, excess body weight, lack of physical activity, often stressful. fill air
Over the years there and other adverse factors - high cholesterol, especially "bad" low-density levels in the blood, high blood pressure, diabetes. Need to try and prevent them - it will not only protect against heart attack and stroke, and many other diseases caused fill air by atherosclerosis.
It is important to monitor the level of cholesterol in the body. One-third of this material comes to food, and the other two-thirds of the liver produces. In order to limit the amount of cholesterol it is advisable to consume less animal fat. Twice a week should be eaten cold marine fish, the best low-fat and not less than 500 grams of vegetables, fruits and herbs on a daily basis. It is useful for a drink and a glass of dry wine.
In order to inhibit cholesterol synthesis fill air in the liver is recommended to take the medication. Usually physicians prescribe statins: rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin. These products are effective in excessive total and low-density cholesterol. In addition, they are running and stabilizing blood vessel walls.
It has been on atherosclerotic complications are treated with surgery - removes plaque, expands the blood vessels, they stentuojamos. But these measures can only help restore local blood flow and does not remove the need to continue taking medication.
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