Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Out-patient clinic at the doctor

It is unlikely, or at least find someone foan who have an interest as far as health, which would not have heard the term "cholesterol". On the other hand, although the impact of cholesterol information, there is no shortage of experienced its wiles of victims is rising steadily. About cholesterol and its dangers and irreversible damage talked with Vilnius University Hospital Center of Neurology doctor neurologist Professor Dalius Jatužiu.
Stroke (Lat. Stroke - jumping) - acute cerebrovascular disorder. Cerebral infarction due to sudden clogged blood vessels that feed the brain is disrupted brain tissue blood flow and cause symptoms of brain damage, that part of the brain dies. In time without help, a person at risk of death. Often even saved the life of the patient foan remains disabled. If the brain is not great, after a few days or weeks, the body is able to compensate for the damage. But when the disease affects a large part of the brain, impair human movements and language can rest of your life. Stroke consists of 15-17 percent. diseases of the nervous system.
Cholesterol-related diseases, in particular, cerebral thrombosis, strokes, foan constantly increasing, foan and younger age of the patients. According to prof. D. Jatužio, the main cause of stroke - poorly adjusted risk factors. Although doctors always emphasize preventive measures, inform foan the patient foan in person and through the media, however, the information does not reach its target. According to the neurologist, it is a shame that people tend to hear only what is bad and what is good for them, it is often ignored. Also, not one full responsibility for their own health by doctors on her shoulders, worried about myself and hope that the doctor will do a miracle of sickness.
"No doctor will not live with the patient and his health will not follow every day, for it nereguliuos diet lifestyle. The lipids, blood pressure, blood glucose levels must be aware of the people and take care of that person. Just need to pay more attention to their health. There is no need to believe that everything can be solved rare visits to the doctor and medication alone, "- said the neurologist.
"Cholesterol is required for the synthesis of adrenal cortical hormones, sex hormones, bile acids, foan and others. foan production. The action of the sun's ultraviolet rays on the skin of the formation of vitamin D, - explained the professor. - The trouble begins when a certain fraction of cholesterol in the blood increases. And it - proved an important cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, leg artery atherosclerosis and thrombosis, and others. Factor. "
Out-patient clinic at the doctor's office door had overheard a conversation about the patients' cholesterol. One elderly woman said proudly with "a lot of good cholesterol." Such language suggests that people are more familiar with the peculiarities of cholesterol.
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) - This is the "bad" cholesterol. The main function foan of the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol transfer from local synthesis in the liver and the gut to the peripheral tissues and blood vessels. "Bad" cholesterol is one of the most important factors that cause atherosclerosis in humans. This cholesterol is deposited in the inner walls of blood vessels under the skin, where formation of atherosclerotic foan plaques. These plates reduce the lumen of the blood vessels and eventually clogged blood vessel, which thrombosis occurs, resulting in disruption of blood flow. It also fails to break away from the blood vessel foan inner wall of atherosclerotic plaques or its fragments, and they are in contact with the blood flow to follow the small blood vessels of the brain. For the developing cerebral infarction - irreversible changes clogged blood vessels of the brain-fed area.
Also, the "bad" cholesterol in the body promotes foan genetically inherited metabolic disease. Have high cholesterol foan can slim people who respect the principles of a healthy lifestyle. If hipercholemija or dyslipidemia are genetically encoded, there is a great chance to inherit.
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) is the "good" cholesterol. The most important "good" cholesterol's role is to take from the peripheral tissues has carried out its function in cholesterol and prevent it building up in the walls of arteries and form atherosclerotic plaques. foan High-density lipoprotein, or "good" cholesterol concentration increase is good, antiskleroziniu changes. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol shows that total cholesterol can be increased, but it increases the "good" cholesterol expense. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol in competition with the "bad" cholesterol, it leads to "bad" cholesterol from the carry-back of peripheral organs to the liver. In the liver, it is converted into bile acids and excreted from the body.
"In terms of 'good' cholesterol, and it has protective properties. If the

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