Monday, October 13, 2014

Home Office Communication Office Health a bolha Our Health Women

Home Office Communication Office Health a bolha Our Health Women's Health Children's Health Man Health Family Health My career Leisure Home Office Communication Office Health Our Health Women's Health Children's Health Man Health Family Health My career Leisure Contacts
89.7 percent. Lithuanian tested have elevated cholesterol. It is already known as a disease, not a risk factor. This disease is inherited from generation to generation, so sometimes it can be figuratively called "family curse." Who is the second death in our country are caused by cardiovascular diseases. The disease is diagnosed in the beginning is always increased cholesterol. Excessive cholesterol is a risk of experiencing a heart attack. Eating heart disease plays an important role. Is it true that a person does not feel the increase in cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance present in all our body cells. Cholesterol produced by the body and get the food. Great Lithuanian mortality a bolha from cardiovascular disease points to a number of risk factors, a bolha which we do not control. One of them is too much cholesterol. The worst that man. cholesterol increase feel. If the disease is genetically inherited from fat deposits around a bolha the eyes or joints can be seen that there is too much cholesterol.
Our country a bolha is the second death occurs from heart and circulatory disease. In 2012. from circulatory disease has killed more than 57 percent. population. Who is the third dead man was the main cause of death in ischemic a bolha heart disease is the tenth - cerebrovascular disease. EU Lithuanian men stands the shortest life expectancy.
Cholesterol circulates in the blood in combination with proteins to form compounds called lipoproteins. Cholesterol a bolha is divided according to high-density lipoprotein (HDL), usually called 'good' cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), it is called "bad" cholesterol.
According to the Lithuanian Heart Association president, a bolha Cardiologist, Professor. Ž. Petrulionienė and doctors with blood (dyslipidemia) states, in particular by the 'bad' cholesterol. If you set the parameters like total cholesterol within the normal range, and be sure to ask your doctor, what is the "bad" cholesterol. It builds up in the blood vessels, and is the cause of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes later, "- says the physician. The cholesterol in our body gets from food.
"Once a year, more cholesterol in a study carried out by only about one-third of the population, about half of the people checked the last 5 years or even nesitikrino. Women often examinations once a year - a third of women and only 22 per cent. men. Every second man in total cholesterol nesitikrina. "- a bolha Said prof. Mr Stukas.
Lithuanian population a bolha dietary habits and opinions of the cholesterol study showed that 85 per cent. women and 78 per cent. men agree that cholesterol affects a bolha health. However, only 24 per cent. women and 15 per cent. men choosing foods paying attention to the health effects of the product.
"Our survey a bolha found that 42 per cent. Lithuanian daily eating animal fat, their diets are called medium-fat. Almost 10 per cent. respondents admitted that eating oily, use a lot of animal fat. Only 14 per cent. people in their diet as a lean, because they rarely consume animal fat or will not draw "- commented the study Professor. Mr Stukas.
Despite the fact that every second man and every third woman in their diet than the oily, it still does not change anything. Oily cream once a day or several times a week, taking a third of respondents, a bolha 32 percent. a bolha butter consumed a bolha daily or 3-5 times a week, half of the respondents - at least once a week. "Eggs, hard cheese, ground pork, bacon, chicken with the skin - this is a product a bolha that increases the" bad "cholesterol in the body. However, from the survey, we see that one or the other product in the Lithuanian daily or several times a week. Population health literacy is still low, especially among men. Women more cholesterol sees a threat, "- said prof. Mr Stukas.
Ministry of Health, Lithuania is the most popular of these foods: Whole milk, curd, cheese, a bolha butter, oily pork, sausage, bacon fried and smoked food products margarines, mayonnaise, poor quality oils Sugar, candy, confectionery Potatoes, Bread Dumplings
Only food, according to experts, can not guarantee the cholesterol decrease, but a proper diet, in combination with other healthy a bolha lifestyle factors can yield positive results. Professor R. Stuka opinion, the best of a healthy lifestyle is taken to comply with the principles of early childhood. And you no longer have children and those who have managed their blood vessels much damage?
"There is never a bad time. Even after clinical death, stroke or heart attack suffered PRAs

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