Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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American company has developed a protective blanket to help children survive a shooting or natural disasters such as tornadoes foam blocks for sale time. Bulletproof mat "ProTecht is designed to protect minors from potential threats at school.
Dr Steve Walker, from Oklahoma, this idea was devastated last year after a strong tornado that killed 24 people's lives, including seven in primary school, at the time that have had no chance to protect themselves from the ruined school building. Also, recent foam blocks for sale developments in the country's schools, which currently suffers from bullets more and more students and their teachers.
Team member J. Hanan is mechanical and aerospace foam blocks for sale engineering foam blocks for sale professor. He chose the project material - high density plastic Dyneema used in ballistic armor creation. Its lightness, this surpasses even Kevlar material, but also excellent protection from nails, shards of metal and other sharp objects.
Although the invention works out quite expensive - $ 1,000 per unit, but the company claims that even after buying a blanket for each student, the total amount is less than the construction of tornado shelters alone.
"ProTecht" tested their defenses developed at the shooting range. They were carried foam blocks for sale out in the National Institute of Justice foam blocks for sale tests aimed - check police departments bullet-proof suits. The new invention met 3A class, which means that it can withstand the strength of different shots, including 9 mm and .22-caliber foam blocks for sale bullets.
Commenting Rules and responsibilities
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanovas said that the country's foam blocks for sale military expenditure plans should be realistic, but they are making should take into account economic growth and budget revenue forecasts published by
Several deputies of the European Parliament's foam blocks for sale Green group on Wednesday reported that the former head of the Government of Slovenia foam blocks for sale Alenka Bratušek withdrew foam blocks for sale from the union energy commissioner appointment process.
Daily News Business News Auto Sport Entertainment Life Citizen

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