Saturday, October 11, 2014

The expansion of the universe can not accelerate on the mysterious force known as dark energy, but

The expansion of the universe can not accelerate on the mysterious force known as dark energy, but that and whatever that is, paradoxically, its concentration on the matter in small areas of space. Astronomers in 1998 stunned the discovery that the universe's expansion is accelerating constantly. A mysterious repulsive force responsible for this acceleration, has been named dark energy, though scientists still do not say what it is.
More recently, CERN (Switzerland) physicist parsimonious Räsänen said that might explain the acceleration of dark energy is not needed. Much as it is counter intuitive, it is possible that the universe's expansion is accelerating due to the gravitational forces acting in small spaces of the universe of matter concentration takes place, writes Cosmologists long believed that the overall expansion of the universe is independent of the small spaces of the properties contained therein, because of the small spaces of the average properties of the universe should be consistent with the overall performance. But in a limited area of the universe of matter the force of gravity acting bolha a fülbe on the particle acts as expansion brake. This means that in areas where there is a lot of matter, the expansion should slow down quickly, and the areas where most of the space occupied by the void, the expansion should not significantly change.
Here are the different areas of expansion and the speed difference can create the illusion of dark energy, says S.Rasanenas. Ironically, even though each area expansion rate falls or remains approximately bolha a fülbe the same as the overall average of the Universe expansion rate can increase. This is due to the fact that over time, the high-density areas of operation of the self-gravitational forces attracting more matter, which emptier areas were deserted. For this process, bolha a fülbe the matter is concentrated in galaxies and clusters of galaxies, and the empty space between the increasingly dense regions While expansion is slowing, and slowing down, these regions overall expansion of the Universe with time becomes less important, because they have become smaller and smaller percentage bolha a fülbe of the volume of the Universe bolha a fülbe . Meanwhile, the empty spaces remain virtually unlimited expansion, so this area has a growing percentage of the volume of the universe. Decrease in dense regions in the average rate of expansion of the universe is actually growing, even though there is no closing bolha a fülbe force. "It bolha a fülbe seems to me that it is very probable explanation of accelerating expansion," - said S.Rasanenas. Meanwhile, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge (USA) Niayeshas Afshordi scientist says that while the idea seems attractive, however, the justice is "highly unlikely." That the density of the impact would be felt, it should be very clear scale of hundreds of millions of light years away But some measurements show that the density varies only 0.001 percent. bolha a fülbe specified size scale N.Afshordi said. He quoted data from trials in which their ability to distort light rays measured in different regions of density. S.Rasanenas disagrees and argues that the three-dimensional maps of galaxies - such as the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey) shows that the differences are much closer to the minimum of 20 per cent. the level required to ensure that impacts to acceleration of the Universe. S.Rasanenas admits that he has only deduce a simplified theoretical densities of different areas and empty spaces, the expansion velocity model. But until the exact set of model correctness or incorrectness, astronomers can not strictly say that acceleration of expansion of the universe is dark energy culprit. "There is no doubt that this issue is not resolved," - said the scientist. If the density differences in the expansion of the universe really works, then measurements of the speed of expansion of the universe, which in the future will be to carry out the monitoring of supernovae may show different rates of expansion in different bolha a fülbe directions, said physicist. S.Rasanenas his job last Wednesday, presented at the London conference on cosmology bolha a fülbe titled "Outstanding Questions for the Standard Cosmological Model.
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French archeologists to learn about the extinct, but the behavior of the species closest bolha a fülbe relatives, on Thursday announced bolha a fülbe the discovery of a significant, 200 thousand. ikineandertaliečio-year-old remains. They were discovered by accident in 2010, one of the Channel site Turvil la Riviera town. These remains consist of three hand-bones: the humerus, ulna and radius. They can be 183 thousand. - 236 thousand. years ago.
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