Sunday, October 12, 2014

Heart and proper nutrition researchers examined the cardiovascular risk increases overweight, obesi

Should be excluded in society's distributed myth that heart disease and stroke icar c usually occurs only in older men and wealthy people. Women's risk of developing cardiovascular disease is underestimated. icar c Lithuania in 2011. of all male deaths - 48% died of cardiovascular icar c disease, and women from cardiovascular disease by 65% died. Cardiovascular disease has become a major cause of death among women.
Cardiovascular disease risk factors and prevention around the world, it describes the current icar c problem - the growing women's cardiovascular diseases. However, only a third of women know that heart disease icar c - the biggest health problem. What are the reasons icar c for these changes could lead to? Lifestyle icar c changes. Smoking, alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse, psychosocial stress can result in the deterioration of a woman's health. As well as cardiovascular disease risk increases contraceptives. Dietary changes. One of the important risk factors - increased hip and waist circumference, diet. Today's world is full of processed foods, do not adequately provide the nutrients a woman's body. Most women are taking these products ignores products such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Have a negative impact on health and compliance with the various diets. icar c Body Mass Index - an important indicator for a range of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. If the body mass index is not high, and reduces the risk of developing these diseases. Sedentary lifestyle. Some women nemėgta proactive. Lack of physical activity - a major risk factor. Complications during pregnancy. 20 percent of pregnant women suffer from cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy. If a woman's risk of heart disease, especially when the family has who has had the disease, you should immediately seek medical attention.
It must know every heart and vascular disease - a large group of different diseases. The most common - ischemic icar c (coronary) heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. Heart muscle infarction and stroke - the most common manifestations of the disease, characterized by an acute basis. Warning signs of heart attack: Chest discomfort (discomfort): pressure or pain in the chest behind the breastbone or in the middle of the breast; discomfort and / or pain that spreads to other areas of the upper body, one or both arms, the back, neck, lower jaw, the stomach area; shortness of breath icar c along with the unpleasant sensation in the chest; These signs may be accompanied by weakness, loss of strength, cold sweats, icar c anxiety, fear of death, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness. Warning signs of a stroke: Sudden hands, feet, weakness of one side of the face; sudden comprehension, icar c language disorder; Sudden vision problems in one or both eyes; Sudden coordination, balance, gait disturbance; Sudden severe headache for no apparent reason. In the event of a heart attack or stroke listed attributes important to expedite medical care.
The heart of physical activity and regular exercise has decreased total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, the bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood levels of high-density lipoprotein, the good cholesterol, reduces insulin resistance and improves glucose tolerance and prevents the metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, a positive effect coagulation system. The movement icar c helps regulate blood pressure, strengthen the heart and trains the muscles, increases coronary artery lumen. In addition, it is necessary for obesity treatment program. Physical activity for coronary heart disease, reduce the risk of a direct action on the heart and blood vessels and reducing the risk of a variety of other factors influence. The better a person's capacity, the easier for the heart to displace the required amount of blood. Regularly evident in dense pulse frequency during exercise is not as frequent sudden - that the heart is working much more economical, slower rise in blood pressure, breathing rate. Upon completion of training for all indicators quickly returns to normal condition.
Heart and proper nutrition researchers examined the cardiovascular risk increases overweight, obesity, abuse of high-fat and sweet food, alcohol, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle. For people with high cholesterol, higher risk of heart disease. Foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol, icar c frequent use increases low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease.
Foods rich in fiber studies have shown that products rich in fiber helps reduce cholesterol in the blood. A lot of fiber in whole cereals, oats, bran, barley,

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