Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Product reticulated foam Name: CURAFLUKE 5% of an oral suspension of the active substance: 1 ml con

Product reticulated foam Name: CURAFLUKE 5% of an oral suspension of the active substance: 1 ml contains: fenbendazole - 50 mg rafoxanide - 50 mg. Registry reference number: EN / 2/11/2083 / EN 001/2/11/2083 / EN 002/2/11/2083 reticulated foam / EN 003/2/11/2083 / EN 004/2/11/2083/005 EN / 2/11/2083/006 ATC vet code: QP52AC30 Registration date: 2011. October 1, Product Type: drug product form of an oral suspension dosage group: Prescription Use: Cattle and sheep infected with trematodes reticulated foam and benzimidazole sensitive lungs and digestive tract mature and immature nematodes and cestodes treat. Withdrawal period: Meat - 60 days (Not authorized for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.) Sheep - 54 days (Not authorized for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.). Packaging: E / 2/11/2083/001 High-density polyethylene transparent containers: 1 liter, covered in high density polyethylene screw caps with wood fiber polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) inlays. E / 2/11/2083/002 High-density polyethylene transparent up to 2.5 l, covered with high density polyethylene screw caps with wood fiber polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) inlays. reticulated foam E / 2/11/2083/003 High-density polyethylene transparent 5 liters, covered in high density polyethylene screw caps with wood fiber polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) inlays. E / 2/11/2083/004 reticulated foam white high-density polyethylene containers: 1 liter, covered in high density polyethylene screw caps with wood fiber polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) inlays. E / 2/11/2083/005 High-density reticulated foam polyethylene white dishes of 2.5 l, covered with high density polyethylene screw caps with wood fiber polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) inlays. E / 2/11/2083/006 High-density polyethylene white 5 liters, covered in high density polyethylene screw caps with wood fiber polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) inlays. Shelf life: See. User manual. Date of expiration of registration: 2016. October 1. Marketing authorization holder and manufacturer: UNIVET reticulated foam Ltd. (Ireland) reticulated foam Accessories: User Manual

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