Friday, October 3, 2014

Recommended dose - 2.6 to 3.4 mmol / L, moderately increased - from 3.4 to 4.1 mmol / L, significan

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Among the risk factors that cause cardiovascular disease, one of the most important - high cholesterol. It is true that cholesterol is essential for our body. He enters into the composition of tissues and cells, regulates cell membrane penetration of nutrients how do you roll and their degradation products in tissues how do you roll retain moisture and ensure the internal pressure in the cell. Lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood is in the form, and are classified as "good" and "bad '.
"Good" cholesterol - high-density lipoproteins (HDL). He picks up cholesterol from peripheral tissues, remove it to the liver and does not accumulate in the walls of arteries and prevents the formation of atherosclerosis.
HDL cholesterol how do you roll increased physical activity, proper diet (olive how do you roll oil), moderate alcohol consumption. His decline in diabetes, obesity, hipodinamijai (stiffness), uremia, renal failure, how do you roll smoking. Women rate - from 0.9 to 2.0 mmol / l for men - 0.9 to 1.7 mmol / l.
Recommended dose - 2.6 to 3.4 mmol / L, moderately increased - from 3.4 to 4.1 mmol / L, significantly increased - more than 4.1 mmol / l. LDL cholesterol increases in liver, kidney, pancreas pathologies, diabetes, obesity.
World Health how do you roll Organization guidelines stipulate daily intake of cholesterol is 300 mg, and people who suffer from heart and blood vessel disease or blood cholesterol is high - no more than 200 mg.
May 2014. 8 days. 11:17
Lithuanians are passionately how do you roll interested in the sport, but they do not tend to live actively. In 2013. an Eurobarometer survey showed that physical activity is only less than half of the country's population, in addition, only 15 per cent. Lithuanian sports regularly - 2-3 times a week.
The World Health Organization (WHO) published the first comprehensive overview of the world of micro-organisms growing antimicrobial resistance. The review focuses on every day becomes how do you roll more relevant problem of bacterial resistance how do you roll to antibiotics. WHO to collect, analyze and summarize how do you roll data from 114 countries around the world has led to a rather sad conclusion: how do you roll the increasing prevalence of resistance to antimicrobial agents is threatening serious health how do you roll problems or even death. For any of us, anywhere how do you roll in the world.
Premature ejaculation is determined how do you roll by 20-30 percent. men applying to medical professionals about sexual problems. As the number of men who have sex trouble, never seek medical attention, more accurate extent of this health disorder remains unclear.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is the most beautiful in the world? If merely looking at it is obvious that this does not claim to the title of the greyed out, tired, adorned the skin wrinkles, panic is not worth! Time to get acquainted with home-made skin care, which will help to preserve youth and beauty.
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