Tuesday, October 7, 2014

- One of the most common problems for men - high total cholesterol levels, as well as the poor rela

Important information about eating "healthy Sulieknėk" media food allergy Carbohydrate Protein Cholesterol and Diabetes Diet and Nutrition Emotions Mother and Child Nutrition I want to lose weight. Diet. What you need to know? Fats Healthy Diet Healthy eating eating honeycomb and sport Healthy Cooking eating honeycomb Vitamins and Minerals
It seems that the demand for dumplings with bacon Lithuanian passed down from generation to generation. We, our parents and grandparents - all love a nourishing meal. The difference is that our ancestors had to work hard in the fields, and now most of the work 'seated' work in offices and travel everywhere by car. Body nebesuspėja absorb eating honeycomb all incoming materials, so dealing with ansvoriu and often elevated cholesterol.
Talking with a healthy eating specialist, healthy Sulieknėk Guide, Vaida Kurpienės. It simply explains what cholesterol is and what health problems it causes. As well as sharing experiences as a simple means, free medication to lower cholesterol levels.
- It's greasy, wax-like substance produced by the liver and is found in every living cell in our body. Usually, you hear the word cholesterol, we believe that it is very bad and the lower the level of cholesterol - the better. To a certain extent this is true. Cholesterol eating honeycomb is necessary for our vital functions of the brain cells, the production of vitamin D, bile acid, and the like to produce. In addition, it is of two types: eating honeycomb the "good" and "bad" have different functions in the body.
- "Bad" cholesterol - is a low-density lipoproteins (LDL). LDL rates range from 0 to 3:34 mmol / l. Its function is the production site of the liver and the intestinal mucosa to transport cholesterol to peripheral tissues and blood vessels.
"Good" cholesterol - is a high-density eating honeycomb lipoproteins (HDL). HDL rate from 0.9 to 5 mmol / l. His task is to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol artery walls. It is very important eating honeycomb not only for the overall level (up to 5.2), but the ratio between LDL and HDL cholesterol. Damage is done and the "good" cholesterol decreased, and the "bad" increased, and generally too high total cholesterol levels.
- In the past it was thought that most of the cholesterol we get from food. In fact, most of the cholesterol in the body is able to produce the same and only get part of the food. If you consume large amounts of animal fat, healthy young people may to some degree reduce eating honeycomb the production of cholesterol, but the older people in the self-regulatory function and accumulation of excess cholesterol.
Recently, the approach has changed, eating honeycomb and for food: if you have only paid attention to the animal, ie, reduction eating honeycomb in saturated fat, is currently in talks about the importance of nutrition in unsaturated fats, such as oily, heat the raw fish, linseed and flax seeds tion. Also the fast assimilated carbohydrates (eg., Polished eating honeycomb rice, white flour, sugar) reduction. Accordingly, the diet should increase in fresh vegetables, fruits and other food fiber content.
- The excess eating honeycomb builds up on the walls of blood vessels, blood flow, and aggravated this situation increases the risk of heart disease. One of them - atherosclerosis, and it is associated with coronary heart disease death, myocardial infarction generate the form. During high cholesterol - the problem is more common in men. Due to the inadequacy of dietary eating honeycomb habits.
- One of the most common problems for men - high total cholesterol levels, as well as the poor relationship between the "good" (HDL) and "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and related diseases. The prevailing myth that the cholesterol can be reduced by simply removing fat from their diet. This is not true, because the body fat to be sure, but it is necessary to know what and how much. It is also not enough to know which foods to eat and the importance of treatment and time of day to eat.
- The most important thing to understand that running a complex dietary change and should not be expected to eat only one without food or other product will change the situation. It should reduce the amount of saturated fat: fatty meat and milk products from the diet. Avoid meat products because the product eating honeycomb may contain up to 80% fat. In our daily diet should eating honeycomb be unsaturated fats, especially omega 3 rich fatty acids. They can be obtained from oily fish: herring, mackerel and salmon. It is important that it is not heat treated eating honeycomb because of the high temperature destroys the omega 3, which is required for the body. Vegetable eating honeycomb Omega 3 is situated and linseed seeds and flax seed oil. You also need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, ie foods with dietary fiber.
- Quickly assimilated carbohydrates: sugar, high-quality flour products, polished rice alcohol. However, cereals and whole grain flour products parts fit perfectly. For example, for breakfast and lunch, eat cereal eating honeycomb porridge. Avoid margarine, refined oils, crackling, a product which

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