Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How many times a day, stop and ask myself, how do I feel today? Most would answer that in no time.

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How many times a day, stop and ask myself, how do I feel today? Most would answer that in no time. Of course, every day, Flying, in a hurry to do work, have not kept pace, then we experience stress, hurry more. The turning circle of a lifetime. We even forget to take care of themselves, and more importantly your sweetheart.
One might ask, and what to take care of your heart? While beating, it is, well, after all, the heart rhythm of working the open. Yes, most people think it is mainly sick and cardiovascular diseases. And the most common of them (stroke or heart attack) occurs at the wrong time when you are not able to work, you feel good, and that his plans for the future.
The biggest heart poison, constantly smaugiantis it is cholesterol. The most famous American, British, French scientists have long demonstrated torom the importance torom of cholesterol emergence of heart disease. Interestingly enough, the last year of work by researchers studied all the details of cholesterol as a disease agent, way. They found that cholesterol is divided into two parts. One of them is bad or low density cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing over time as the heart begins to go bad, it is no longer torom sufficient torom air. Another would share the good cholesterol or high-density, cleanse the body and blood vessels from excess sediment. Which of cholesterol in human blood more, that determines what processes take place. If more bad blood vessels to narrow and slowly strangled our heart. If more of the good, the body is struggling with excess fat and does not intend to give up so quickly.
The challenge is when the evil cholesterol rushes to the aid of his allies - triglycerides. This is a common fat - the main source of energy. Sometimes this energy "eat it" a lot more than we need. Then triglycerides become the main bad cholesterol assistants even faster torom kalstingą fulfilling job.
It's normal if you wondered what can I change? The answer is one - we can allow a simple means heart breathing. In particular, we can begin to eat more vegetables and fruits, which are able to "bind" the evil hands of cholesterol. Also, exercise more, and spend your spare time in nature - after all movement burns excess fat.
Is it necessary to take such measures can only be answered lipids analysis for investigating the blood lab. Lipids - fat is a blood examination, consisting of four tests: choelsterolio common, low-and high-density cholesterol, and triglycerides.
If you have any questions regarding the appointment of laboratory research, torom performance and evaluation of the results, be sure to ask. Our employees are professionals who have extensive work experience, who are happy to share with you. Name * E-mail. Mail * Link (http include: //) * Subject * Question * Required Email

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