Friday, September 12, 2014

In addition to the many diseases porstendorf which is employed when the honey is consumed as food l

Honey sweet substance was first used by man, being valued especially by priests in rituals. There is sufficient evidence that ancient civilizations honey was used, among other things, the preparation of alcohol plus honeycomb pollen and yeast, but the oldest documents on honey are two pieces written in Sumerian. Since the Egyptians left evidence regarding the collection porstendorf and use of honey. Babylonians and various ancient porstendorf civilizations of India and China, using honey as a medicine as well as rituals and ceremonies. In the Old Testament we find written "honey" over 60 times. In ancient Greece has been written about the production of honey. Hippocrates recommended honey for curing some diseases (gastrointestinal, renal, respiratory) and the treatment of wounds. Dioscorides, author of a book in five volumes, "De Materia Medica" using honey in treating wounds porstendorf fistulising local applications. Pliny indicate honey in combination with fish oil to treat infected wounds. Muslims used honey as a good cure for any disease. The use of honey in the diet (such as food, drink, preservative), medicine, religious rituals was growing until the discovery of sugar cane and beet. In 1871 it was discovered invertase (an enzyme that speeds up the conversion of sugar into glucose and fructose).
Honey bees from the nectar of flowers porstendorf may be monofloral: acacia, lime, sunflower, rapeseed, etc. and polyfloral (of many bee plants) above, pond, meadow, etc. Honey is considered uniflora the frequency of plant pollen is over 45%.
The honey is a natural food nutrient value of which is expressed in kilocalories energy value and not less than 328 kcal / 100 g. This value is almost double compared to that of the egg (170 kcal / 100 grams), which is considered the standard in terms of nutritional food, all other foods with lower nutritional value. Wealth of simple sugars in honey are easily digestible food that does not need a special treatment by digestion of the body.
It is believed that the sweetening power of honey is 28% higher than a sucrose solution of the same concentration. Therefore, it requires less consumption for the same sweet feeling. That can metabolize fructose and the presence of insulin, porstendorf make honey a food that can be found in the diet of people prone to diabetes.
By composition, honey is not a favorable environment for the development and multiplication of microorganisms. The presence in honey of chemicals and enzymes (pinocembrina, lysozyme, phenolic acids, other volatile substances), the acidic pH, high sugar content are unfavorable for the growth of microorganisms. Being thermolabile substances, enzymes in honey are important indicators of freshness.
The antibacterial activity of honey has its origins in various floral sources with different antibacterial varies very high. These substances are considered to be natural porstendorf antibiotics with potent bacteriostatic and in addition, honey also contains different biologically active principles (hormonal substances, inhibitory substances, essential oils, dyes, etc.).
Minerals in honey value to its diet. Minerals are the honey potassium (potassium salts of mineral substances represent almost half) chlorine, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and iron. Lowest content of mineral elements are found in honey locust and the mint, and the increased content of nitrogenous substances occurs in honey rape and phacelia.
Honey term life, trying to suggest, porstendorf in a way to say metaphorically that natural honey, raw is an energy source for the body and that it undergoes various transformations over time because of its valuable content.
In addition to the many diseases porstendorf which is employed when the honey is consumed as food lately is often used in cosmetic moisturizing face masks and body massage.
The original color of honey is provided by nectar and plant pigments, especially in pollen. So honey color can be: colorless, yellow, gold, red, green, brown etc. Changing the color of honey is often due to age combs or combs long time storage or improper conditions.
Aroma each type of honey is given specific essential oils of plants from which bees nectar. Study of volatile oils of honey debuted at the

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