Monday, September 22, 2014

Older brother Ed - Henry - grew faster and anxiously began to look at what his mother was doing. He

Lonely 195-acre farm on the outskirts of Plainfield. 32-year-old policeman Arthur Schley estate searches in connection with the robbery and theft made at a nearby honeycomb structure store. Property is very neglected. Everywhere rot up trash. It's hard to move between them. Rotting garbage, which has a peculiar odor, cause nausea. But the air is another, more intense odor. Increases year upon searching the house kitchen. Schley notices that something is dripping on his jacket. Raises his head and looks indescribable anguish at the ceiling. Not for a second honeycomb structure under the illusion that the great carcass hanging from the top is just a deer hunted by the owner. For the moment, however, would reach him that here looks at the headless, gutted and already in a state of decay the body of 50-year-old owner robbed the store. This is not only frightening discovery that day. Worn with face masks murdered skin, noses, lips, genital organs, honeycomb structure skulls and bowls made from them, human skin-covered chair, lampshade, baskets for documents, suit ... Nightmarish crazy craft works reveal the grim truth about the mysterious the owner neglected property.
Cursed be he who grieves his mother, "Edward Theodore Gein born on August 27, 1906, in La Crosse, Wisconsin (USA), the son of George Philip and Augusta Wilhemina (Lehrke ) Gein. Edward's childhood was not idyllic. My father honeycomb structure was an alcoholic, completely subject to the will of his wife - the fanatical luteranki. This and the fact was in power in the family Geinów prohibiting their adolescent sons (Ed had a brother, Henry George, senior a 7 years old) any contact with the environment, especially with women. She thought it very sinful beings and immoral, and her sons had to avoid all occasions of sin. Every woman according to her opinion honeycomb structure was a prostitute honeycomb structure (in addition to the same of course) and a tool in the hands of Satan. honeycomb structure Sons so they could not fraternize with anyone foreign, especially with members of the opposite sex. Instead - like other young men their age - have fun with their peers and enjoy the charms of childhood - they performed daily tasks, and in his spare time reading the verses of the Old Testament, showing the cruel visions as menacing vengeful God punishes unbelievers.
Augusta Gein ran a small grocery store from birth thanks to Eddie and laboriously odkładanym funds managed it in 1914 to buy the farm. So when Ed was 8 years old, the family honeycomb structure moved to a secluded mansion, located honeycomb structure in Plainfield. This was done in a manner isolated from the rest of the neighborhood. Augustus wanted in this way somehow separated from his sons sinful outside world and this has been due to the new location. Ed and his older brother, however, had to go to school. Ed's mother so very skeptical honeycomb structure about his desperate desire to win new friends when he felt intimidated by their new surroundings. honeycomb structure Augustus felt that if nothing changes in the education of their children, they will become in the future a true copy of his father-loser, so she did everything to bring them to the "right" path. And although she hated her life and the person whose blamed for this state of affairs, strict upbringing in the faith forbade her to apply for a divorce. His frustration and discontent overflowed so for boys, educating them according to their hard rules. In 1940, George Gein died of a heart attack, leaving the family with a serious financial problem. Farm had to be some way of maintain and require considerable funding. honeycomb structure Therefore, Ed and his brother were forced to ensure that hard work financially support the farm and his own mother. They worked hard and had a good opinion of their employers.
Shy Eddie Edward was a shy and sensitive child. Many years of tyranny mother caused that developed the image of the bearer as the sole legitimate authority. Eddie thought his mother as the epitome of good, because strictly comply with all its orders. This strange relationship honeycomb structure was the beginning of an emotional disability. Ed at every turn trying to happy his mother, and was never fully satisfied with his son. Punish him for the slightest infractions. Emotional immaturity made the Ed easier to reach out to younger children than adults. Therefore, honeycomb structure for a certain period in his life he worked as a tutor children. He was effeminate and often ridiculed. However, despite poor social development did well in school, especially in reading. honeycomb structure Delving into a variety of reading adventure novels was his escape honeycomb structure from the sad prose of life.
Older brother Ed - Henry - grew faster and anxiously began to look at what his mother was doing. He had it as bad, that it is so big and negative honeycomb structure impact on the young Edward. Henry Independence meant that he rejected her antisocial

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