Sunday, September 14, 2014

I wrote this article so that more and more people are interested in these little gas and the help t

I wrote this article so that more and more people are interested in these little gas and the help that we can give them in maintaining human health and diets as clean. So start by knowing them better. A bee is made up of tens of thousands papphülsen of bees, a few hundred drones and a queen. Thus, in winter there are about 5000 to 10,000 bees in a hive, while in summer there are around 50,000 to 70,000 bees. A worker bee lives about five - six weeks in summer and fall and winter about five - six months. In the first three weeks of life, not worker bees gather nectar, but do various things in the hive and combs building, cleaning or feeding larvae honeycomb cells. Male bees, called drones and not actively participate in the work in the hive, their main role as queen fertilization keeping an optimal temperature and combs. Queen or queen is the only lay eggs and thus ensure propagation and perpetuation of the family of bees. In every family there is one queen, who shortly after birth comes with drones mating flight and then stays in the hive until the end of life to lay eggs. Queen lives between papphülsen two and four years normally longest being more than a normal bee.
Honey is the main product which man can achieve with bees. Honey is made from nectar papphülsen liquid that bees collect from flowers him. It contains a large amount of water when picked and so close to harvest the honeycomb is not recommended. Bees living in nectar evaporates water venting, so to give a consistency similar to honey. papphülsen Only when the water was removed in a ratio is considered mature enough honey bees honeycomb cell closed with a small cap of wax and propolis. This is how the bees are preparing their "canned" and "stewed" for the winter. Being cautious, they generally gather more than they needed to cross the winter, and for this reason one can harvest the surplus and use it to their own needs.
It's still good to not let greed harm us, because there are some cases in which so-called beekeepers harvest all the honey gathered by bees toil and replace them with sugar syrup reserves. Not applicable to difference and commented how a bee who spent the winter feeding on sugar instead of honey, will be able to survive and grow in the coming year. Another aspect worth mentioning is that honey swept withstand years, papphülsen even if the time zahariseste. Gradually she will lose the qualities, and the same happens when heating honey above a temperature of 40 degrees. The most dangerous is when honey is heated above 70 degrees it becomes toxic and as the temperature is higher, the hydroxymethyl furfural emit more (HMF). Therefore it is recommended adding honey to tea too hot, its use in cakes made oven or use in other dishes at a high temperature
Wax is the material from which the bees build honeycombs cells. papphülsen It is a naturally occurring substance secreted by bees when they eat honey. It melts at about 64 degrees and can be obtained from the combs left naked after extraction of honey. When harvest combs, they can chew the wax until it reaches the consistency of chewing gum and releases from her many beneficial substances accumulated over time in Honeycomb. Wax caps are the best option in this regard. When honey is squeezed or drained from the comb is necessary to remove those caps wax and propolis the bees make "canned" honey for the winter. Because compounds that compose them, caps are one of the best bee products. Through this combination of honey, propolis, wax and various other compounds (enzymes, antibiotics, etc.), he covers intervene papphülsen in regulating the body's metabolism as well as improve and cure many diseases.
Another main product that we harvest papphülsen honey from flowers is pollen. Dust pollen is that we stick to the nose when you smell a flower close. Bees collect this dust and forms of it like little grains that bring the hive for feeding the brood. In the vast majority of it is consumed fresh and winter it is deposited in cells as combs, honey and bee bread turns after maturation. Bee pollen is considered one of the healthiest nutrients that nature can provide them. It is used for a long time as a nutritional supplement, drug, revigoran

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