Monday, September 8, 2014

Honey is not only great food, a real

Q NTORCÂNDU-SE exhausted from fighting an Israeli soldier is in a forest of dripping honey comb. He thrust his staff comb and eat some honey. pluck foam Immediately 'eyes light up "and regain strength. This directs attention to the biblical account of the properties of honey, valued than men quickly energizing effect, as it contains mostly carbohydrates, about 82%. Theoretically, only 30 g of honey, a bee might do around the world, so much energy can give! Bee looking for nectar
But honey bees produce only for men? No way! Honey is a food for bees. A medium hive needs 10-15 kg of honey to withstand the winter months. But in hot weather, when everything goes well, a hive can produce about 25 kg of honey, the excess can be collected and used by people. But animals such as bears and raccoons, like honey. Honeycomb
What is produced honey? Bees flying pluck foam from flower to flower collecting nectar feeding pluck foam by sucking it with the tongue-shaped pluck foam tube. And it bears to the hive in one of the two stomachs. pluck foam This nectar is taken by other bees that they "chew" pluck foam about half an hour, mixing it with some salivary enzymes secreted by their glands. After that it's stored in hexagonal cells made of wax. Then the bees start to beat their wings in order to reduce the water content to below 18% called the drying process, after which the cells are covered pluck foam with a thin layer of wax. Honey stored in such cells almost never expires and can be consumed with ease. It is said that in ancient tombs dating pluck foam back about 3,000 years found that honey could consume.
Honey is not only great food, a real "deposit" of vitamin B, various minerals and antioxidants. It is also one of the oldest drugs used to date without interruption. Dr. May Berenbaum, entomologist working with the University of Illinois (USA), made the following observation: "For centuries, honey has been used to treat a wide range of medical problems, such as wounds, burns, skin ulcers, abrasions and cataracts" .
Referring pluck foam to interest in recent years to the therapeutic value of honey, CNN said: "With the emergence of antibiotic dressings during the Second World War, honey has not been used as a dressing. But following recent research and the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, modern medicine began to use this traditional medicine. " For example, one area of research has been the treatment of burns. It was noted that patients who put honey on burns healed quickly, he hurt less and have fewer scars remained. Beekeeper
According to some studies, honey has antibacterial and antibiotic easy because an enzyme pluck foam that bees add to nectar. This enzyme produces hydrogen peroxide (peroxide), which kills the harmful bacteria. In addition, externally applied, pluck foam honey acts as anti-inflammatory and helps restore tissue. Here's what Dr. says. Peter Molan, a biochemist New Zealand: "Honey begins to be accepted into the circle of those who practice pluck foam conventional medicine as an effective therapeutic agent, pluck foam greatly appreciated." pluck foam In fact, the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia has approved the inclusion of honey in the category of drugs being sold in this country as a dressing for wounds.
How many foods as nutritious and delicious, which are used for medical purposes, you know? No wonder that in the past we were issued special laws for the protection of bees and beekeepers protection! Destruction of trees or bee hives was an offense punishable by large fines and even death.
Wax bees build their honeycombs is secreted by glands in their body. Due hexagonal pluck foam cell walls of the honeycomb thin (only a third of a millimeter) can support a weight of 30 or higher. The honeycomb is a true marvel of engineering.
Honey is sweeter than table sugar. So if you use it as a substitute pluck foam for sugar, just put half up three quarters pluck foam of what you would use sugar. In addition, because honey contains about 18% water, reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe accordingly. If the recipe does not require any liquid, add two tablespoons of flour in a cup of honey. pluck foam If you put the composition in the oven, add a half teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of honey and reduce the oven temperature by 15 C.
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