Thursday, September 11, 2014

So you can extract honey from combs capacity must put down covers. This is done with a special knif

Work for beekeeper in pictures | Honey Gold
Picture was made in a day when I managed to get honey, because the wind blew strong, standing at the hive and the bees were nervous that I can go to pick, and how they open a hive, have also jumped on the guys. Then they were left in peace and let the honey that picking another time, when the weather turn. But time went a week or two (it was windy ba, ba more rain ...) enough to come their thoughts rotate it. And when they got guys next time, half of hives roiseră. Smoker - to calm the bees when the hive walk in and they begin to fret, you have to smoke - that calms, numbs them. Smoker is a kind of cylinder cover, toilet paper roll test which is attached to a variety of small bellows. The cylinder is put corn stalks, namely a kind of mushroom that makes smoke, and diesel and then burns. Stalks smoldering embers until they do. As the smoke dissipated, put the cover over the cylinder and pull the bellows. As frames are removed one by one, with great care not to pull the hand / fingers a bee (or I sting).
So show frames in the hive - this was just a frame removed, all the others were still in the hive. Submit Bees Honey comb, but he plugged away, some days we vent to decrease the water content of honey. Honey is that which glitters in the combs in the sun. In addition to honey bees and pollen deposit toilet paper roll test is processed - bee bread and queens and eggs deposited in the honeycomb, which, under the care of bees, brood develops (ie future bees). Brood combs looks brown caps than honey combs capacity that looks yellowish.
So you can extract honey from combs capacity must put down covers. This is done with a special knife or a special brush. What remained nedescăpăcit's brood. As shown in the same frame you can have honey and brood. In that case, you should not spinning too much spin, not Scotland and juveniles.
The centrifuge (body is formed of a metal barrel) to make 2, 3, 4, tert frames (depending on the capacity of the centrifuge) and the cranking movement that is spinning frames. Honey salt on the inner walls of the centrifuge and run towards her ass. Once you gather enough, the cork bark is (has a hole in the bottom, which is normally closed by a plug) and there honey flowing vessels transporting honey to home (drums, cans).
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