Sunday, September 7, 2014

Trantor in General Information Trantor bee family is responsible for fertilizing the queen. It can

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Trantor in General Information Trantor bee family is responsible for fertilizing the queen. It can fly up to 10-12 km from the hive, to reach the place where the queen must mate. Trantor is drawn to this place by a pheromone produced by the queen. The purpose of this pheromone is to attract as many drones on the roll as possible, including those living in nearby hives. Around eight to ten drones are needed to properly fertilize the queen. Fertilization is done during nuptial flights that can take place during the same day or on different days. Immediately after mating, Trantor dies because it loses genitals. Mating with queens seek competition and natural selection, as only the fastest and the strongest of drone succeeds on the roll in mating with queens. Trantor not produce honey. Rather, it is a major consumer of honey. However, it helps the family bee keeping brood warm.
Trantor has a big belly and big eyes. So when summer is over and the honey is becoming less and less in the hive, worker bees and drones cease to feed them in the corners isolates hive or banish them out of the hive. Hives without a queen she receives the drop, but after mating on the roll with the queen, they are doomed to die. If the colony has a queen old worker bees take to hibernate with drones. Male bee is larger and more developed than worker bees or queens only. As already on the roll said, their eyes are very large, but their language is relatively short compared to that of a worker bee. It only uses his tongue on the roll to get food from worker on the roll bees or to extract honey from the honeycomb cells.
This trantorelui is important inside the hive. Bees and drones maintain the overall balance of the colony. on the roll Thus, it is all the same if a bee has 300 or 3,000 drones. It was observed that the total absence on the roll of drones make worker bees to be more restless and less productive. When worker on the roll bees destroy honeycomb cells to create cells for drone comb That means that colony faced a major imbalance that affects development, productivity, vitality and immunity. There is a direct link between productivity and the number of colonies of bees or drones. The life of a drone
Trantor out of unfertilized eggs; this kind of perpetuation is called parthenogenesis. It takes 24 days to hatch as a drone. Newly hatched drones are in a state of total relaxation within the hive at temperatures reaching 350 C. This is the period in which their sperm matures. Therefore the worker bees feed them and care for them. On the eighth day of their lives, drones leaving the hive to make various research flights. Now they feed directly from the honeycomb cells. They do not gather nectar or do not produce honey. Usually a drone lives between on the roll fifteen and twenty days, depending on the time of mating. In families well developed, drones can be found only between April and August. Their number varies between 1,000 and 2,100 individuals. In late July and August, drones are thrown out in hives. Also, the drones hatch from unfertilized eggs of a virgin queens or underdeveloped on the roll or eggs made by worker bees. Drones hatch from these eggs are much smaller, but they can produce live sperm. Tips for proper on the roll growth trantorelui
To achieve the above objective, the beekeeper must take a series of measures on the roll such as queens have selected for dads Family (giving drones bee colonies selected) and plan to increase Trantor according to the period of development of queen and the period of the year. Drones should be ready for mating of the time, to be ready while leaving the hive queens nuptial flights. The beekeeper must start raising activities trantorelui two or three weeks before start business growth bees. This time period coincides with flowering trees f

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