Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rice fields in Bangladesh, wikiemedia, Balaram Mahalder, GNU Country many times painfully foam cool

Rice fields in Bangladesh, wikiemedia, Balaram Mahalder, GNU Country many times painfully foam cooler experienced by a turbulent history and the raging elements, a country considered by many to be the center of Asian poverty, while occupying seventh in the world in terms of population, the country finally trying to find their place in the world in the era of globalization, despite the crisis, in spite of predictions kasandrycznym stubbornly striving to provide its residents a better existence. If we asked the average Poles what they associate of Bangladesh probably have heard about plaguing this country cyclones, floods, widespread poverty, economic impairment. This and that mention of exploitation, child labor, illiteracy. It is certainly true idea, but not reflecting the whole truth about this country. Under closer scrutiny, foam cooler it turns out that Bangladesh is not only a big slum harassed foam cooler elements. This low-lying country located in the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra is because its special charm and color, which in an interesting way, not without humor, his time moved one step closer to Polish readers explorers such as Olgierd Budrewicz and Jerzy Chociłowski. It's the color and beauty of the landscape sang a century ago Bengali writer, Nobel Prize winner foam cooler in literature, and at the same eminent thinker and educator - Rabindranath Tagore foam cooler - the words of the song: "My golden foam cooler Bengal, I love you ...". In the words of the hymn contained later in the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
"The village foam cooler - there beats the heart of the Bengali nation. Agriculture is the foundation of the economy and at the same time is still a major source of export earnings. Cultivated areas occupy approximately. 73% of the area. country, which is one of the highest rates in the world, foam cooler "But where did Bangladesh on the world map? Although he is heir to an ancient Bengali culture - one of the richest in the Indian foam cooler peninsula, in the present form it is a legacy of British colonialism era of ruthless exploitation, accompanied by assurances of "civilizing mission" of Europeans. The fact is that the British fought the Hindu custom of burning widows - sati, settled foam cooler accounts with dakoitami (caste of robbers), built railways (although primarily aimed at improving the operation of the country and shifting troops). At the same time, however, as a result of two centuries of intensive exploitation and repression of former colonial forms of ownership by legal and proprietary solutions suitable for colonizers (usury and rugami inclusive), Bengal foam cooler - once the granary of the subcontinent - has become a kind of reservoir of poverty, hunger, and cheap labor, which eagerly foam cooler used the British and native capital. Illustration of this state of affairs was a terrible famine in 1943., Which consumed in Bengal foam cooler four million lives. Additional problems nastręczyła old principle known since Roman times: "divide and conquer". It gathered its fruits in the form of rising Hindu-Muslim conflict. foam cooler At the time of withdrawal of the British from this part of the world in 1947. Transformed into a mass slaughters, which killed no less than a million people. As a result, religious hatred throughout the subcontinent was divided on the inhabited mostly by Hindus India and Muslim Pakistan. This division also not spared and Bengal, which rozkrojono into two parts: 1) the Indian state of West Bengal, with its capital in Calcutta, and 2) East Pakistan - Pakistani province; the capital of this solution was prawnoadministracyjnego Dhaka - Bangladesh capital today. Incidentally, India accounted for part of a more industrialized, and founded in the seventeenth century. Calcutta by the British for their governments have become foam cooler a key regional center of industry and commerce. In turn, Pakistan fell into their vast agricultural areas, including plantations of tea, jute and other plants foam cooler of the importance of export. In this way were broken natural ties between foam cooler the Bengali industry and its hinterland raw material, which further complicate the economic situation in both parts of the divided Bengal. In 1970. Then East Pakistan Bhola cyclone hit, causing the deaths of at least 200,000 people. In view of the sluggish action of the Pakistani central government in Islamabad worsened the already tense relations between the authorities and discriminated against Bengalis. The spark that led to the outbreak of discontent was the failure to take over as Prime Minister of Pakistan by the Bengali leader Mudżibura Rahman, even though his party, the Awami League, definitely won the national elections. President of Pakistan, General. Yahya Khan, in a quiet agreement with the nationalist leader Zulfikar Ali People's Party Bhutto, thwarted the convening of parliament and arrested Sheik Rahman Mudżibura while announcing a state of emergency in East Pakistan. The attack on democracy turned into a wave of extremely brutal repression that under international law are classified as genocide: within antybengalskiej pacify the Pakistani army massacred in

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