Saturday, September 6, 2014

Comments David propolis tincture cure many diseases! Honey Săbăduş in what we need to know about be

What you need to know about honey? | Honey Sabadus
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Comments David propolis tincture cure many diseases! Honey Săbăduş in what we need to know about bee propolis? Honey Săbăduş in what we need to know about honey? Mihaela on What to know about honey? Julia Biro in what we need to know about bee propolis?
At the beginning of the year I wanted to remind you what value they have bee products if Naturales genuine. In the lines below you will notice how bee products have beneficial effects on human health, future foam for improving health but also in curing diseases. Honey - is the food of life, and 100g of honey has 315 calories and has the same nutritional value as 5 eggs, or 700g carrots, or 1.4 kg potatoes, or 600 ml milk or 2 bananas, or 3 oranges. Honey is easily digested and contains a mixture of fructose, glucose and minerals that go directly into the bloodstream. Thracians called honey, "living food". Honey has the potential sources over 2,000 flowers; As a result, its characteristics are highly variable. Therefore, the therapist must be able, with his senses, to determine the overall quality of honey and / or its quality terapeutice.În everyone honey is best known as a food rather than as a medicine. For this reason, perhaps, the price is too low honey that beekeepers have satisfactory benefits from its collection. Nowadays honey is reconsidered importance for human and animal health. Many specialists from countries like New Zealand, France, India etc. have shown that honey is also a drug if it is produced and used in certain circumstances. future foam Honey can be used successfully to prevent and treat peptic ulcers (gastric dressing being considered) future foam for the treatment of burns and for wound healing, with a strong anti-infective. The main therapeutic and curative properties of honey Honey has an effect:
Antibacterial - honey contains future foam small amounts of water, fat and protein, has a relatively future foam low pH, a high osmolarity means "harsh conditions of life" for bacteria - bioflavonoids found in honey have antibacterial directly - many of the enzymes in the honey acts all final antibacterial. Antibiotic - spectrum future foam anti-microbial properties of honey is quite broad anti-oxidant in food - honey has anti-oxidative capacity; low oxidation in food means better nutrition; Better nutrition means better health. Anti-caries - the honey is generally non-specific antibacterial substances; - Honey nourishes the gums, helping to better feeding teeth. future foam Anti-inflammatory - honey is a good antioxidant - contains bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory bio-stimulator - honey is a "living food" with great bio-energy; - Provide future foam the best energy for living cells Clarification agent for juices, future foam ciders, wines, etc.. - Due to its organic acid wash - honey can cure many diseases, even if it is considered especially an "adjuvant"! Depurative - helps detoxification mechanisms of the body; honey contains more fructose (especially honey locust) future foam which helps direct energy mechanisms of the liver; A healthy liver means better biochemical detoxification. Emollient - due to anti-inflammatory properties and its capacity to attract water. Energy - carbohydrates in honey burn easily and often (when sufficient oxygen is present) to water and CO2, so no residue remains that reduce power quality - fructose in honey increase the energy contained in our main "battery" (see liver). Emulsify fats - thanks acids contained immunostimulatory future foam - firstly provides more power "light" white blood cells - bioflavonoids act directly as immune stimulant laxative - honey is hygroscopic (attracts water) - regulates bowel flora - helps the pancreas and liver to function more well; These organs will then produce more digestive juices nutrition - carbohydrates in honey helps build connective tissue
Regenerative connective tissue - honey helps produce mucopolysaccharides which are important components of connective tissue stimulates future foam anabolism - Honey is primarily a factor "yin" according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medicine in

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