Monday, September 29, 2014

[1] Honoré bobov dol de Balzac,

"Balzakiana" Jacek Dehnel inspired me to read the works of the author "La Comédie humaine". For this purpose, rączo sped like an arrow of Robin Hood to the housing estate library. Shelf with the works of the French writer bowed under the weight of numerous volumes, bobov dol which brought home to me that rather not have to deal with the novels rozchwytywanymi by readers. bobov dol With this bitter reflection and "Eugenie Grandet" in the bag, I went home.
The novel read quickly. Accompanied me mixed feelings. The theme of "Eugenie Grandet" is the devastating impact of money on the human psyche and its relationships with loved ones. Diagnosis of Balzac is pessimistic - a common bobov dol phenomenon, the author says even about "Freemasonry passions" [1]. Material goods have been put on a pedestal, and the feelings and values of the simplest (friendship, love, empathy) does not play the slightest role: "Say:" You lost your father, "it was nothing - fathers die before their children. But to say: "Do not have a penny!" - All the ills of the earth were located in those words. "[2] For lovers of nineteenth-century classics" Eugenia Grandet "make a lot of satisfaction. Blade satire glitters coldly. Author distances himself against the world described with sarcasm -" irony is the basis of the nature of Providence "[3]. Heroes are pełnokrwiści bobov dol like steaks. Balzac meticulously and vividly depicts the then daily life and customs in a provincial town. I admired the stylistic virtuosity of the French writer (and Polish translator!) - Already the first sentence sways rhythmically and ignites the reader's curiosity: "There are some provincial towns homes, the sight of which gives rise melancholy similar to that resonate najposępniejsze monasteries, most monotonous bobov dol steppe or the saddest ruins" [ 4]. Honesty requires to add that there are also fragments of slightly losing mothballs and full of exaltation: "Eugenia was still on that edge of life where children bloom illusions where leaps of delight later Stokroc unknown." [5] It is, however, some "buts". me in all this lack of depth of the double bottom, something elusive, what distinguishes the book an average of masterpieces. Balzac my opinion, is more efficient than an inspired artist craftsman. plot struck me as a fairly predictable - at the time when the foppish cousin Charles comes to Grandet country living does not have to be a Sibyl, to guess the consequences of this event. Forgive the lack of cover in this review, but I do not think you astonish empty canvas rectangle in dark blue, had more sense. And that is exactly what edition you borrowed. book was released in 1954, which gives it its specific charm. Polish Sealed with her afterword by the editor, with a quote from "The Communist Manifesto." In the afterword to "Eugenie Grandet" refers to the class struggle and the destructive role of the bourgeoisie. Do not refuse myself the pleasure of quoting bobov dol fiery passage: "And only a hundred years later, almost, in a faraway country bobov dol of which he probably Grandet do not exactly know, break that rule a revolution that, wherever bobov dol you then will never have there now does not allow reborn Eugenia drama ". [6] This optimistic supposed to end, but I will add that after reading" Eugenie Grandet "I came to the conclusion that Dehnel pastiche in" Balzakianach "is excellent and I appreciated it more. ____________________
[1] Honoré bobov dol de Balzac, "Eugenia Grandet" crowd. T. Żeleński (Boy), Cooperative Publishing "reader", 1954, p. 13th [2] Ibid, p. 90-91. [3] Ibid, p.31. [4] Ibid, p. 5 [5] Ibid, p. 70s [6] Ibid, s.235. My rating: 4
That's great, if contemporary literature bobov dol inspires you to explore the nineteenth-century literature. Recently it for me Balzac. Interesting observations, especially this: "In my opinion, Balzac is more efficient than an inspired artist craftsman." Sometimes it is craft, not inspiration (being ephemeral, ethereal and often elusive phenomenon) determines the "arcydzielności" although - of course bobov dol - each reader has their own individual "canon". Regarding afterwords: ot symptom of the times in which they lived Poles; ) Best wishes! Reply Delete
as well, as you were inspired to pzreczytania Balzac! I always said my child, with his ill teach in Swedish school, because I do not read Balzac bobov dol and Balzac's father bobov dol and master of the novel. me there these "daisies" and other such boízmy twirling - but grew up partly on some dusty pzredwojennych releases I was there I thing that balzac j better than Proust ... Reply Delete
Also, for accurate think your observation that Balzac is an artisan. That's how I feel. "Eugenia" I read in high school as a reading and would rather not mention cherish warm related

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